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Daily News Roundup – 10 August 2020


Labour Party
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Labour launch an extremely centrist campaign
Audrey Young (Herald) Labour launch is a deliberately understated affair from Jacinda Ardern (paywalled)
Audrey Young (Herald): Jacinda Ardern’s decision to ditch Labour manifesto carries risk (paywalled)
Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Labour planning to revisit coalition Government policy casualties
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Ardern rolls out ‘greatest hits’ and jobs boost at campaign launch (paywalled)
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Labour’s first campaign policy is revamped National policy
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Labour launch campaign with targeted hiring subsidy aimed at getting 40,000 into work
Anna Whyte (1News): Labour kicks off campaign launch with $311m targeted job subsidy promise
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Labour unveils $311m expansion to Flexi-wage scheme to get 40,000 Kiwis in work
Michael Neilson (Herald): Jacinda Ardern launches Labour campaign, $300 million jobs fund
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Labour would expand existing subsidy for those at risk of long-term unemployment
Melanie Carroll (Stuff): Labour’s plan to get 40,000 into work welcomed by BusinessNZ, union
Dan Satherley and Perry Wilton (Newshub): Business leaders back Labour’s plan to expand Flexi-wage scheme
RNZ: Labour launches re-election campaign with $300m plan to create thousands of new jobs
1News: Jacinda Ardern says ‘there’s still more to do’ as Labour launch election campaign
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern fires at John Key, Bill English’s records at Labour campaign launch
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern’s full speech at election campaign launch
Herald: Clarke Gayford’s tribute to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at campaign launch
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Leader interviews: Jacinda Ardern says vision not ‘defined’ by Covid-19
Claire Trevett (Herald): Labour leader Jacinda Ardern on the Covid 19 campaign and Judith Collins (paywalled)
Dan Satherley (Newshub Nation): Labour campaign manager Megan Woods says voters should expect fewer policy announcements than usual
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern kicks off campaign season with a visit to the market and few political predictions
1News: ‘Very fresh produce here’ – Jacinda Ardern jokes after swiping away wasp at farmers market
Stuff: Prime Minister talks about vision for the future at lecture evening in Auckland
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Why Labour MP Louisa Wall refuses to ‘know her place’

National Party
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Leader interviews: Judith Collins – ‘I’m always very confident, particularly when I know I’m right
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): National plots big debt reduction with fees-free and super fund set for the axe
Derek Cheng (Herald): More voters think National’s prospects improve with Judith Collins as leader (paywalled)
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Gerry Brownlee claims National is on ‘about 40’ percent
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Judith Collins forced to rule out working with New Zealand First again after Simon Bridges puts it back on the table
Zane Small (Newshub): Judith Collins claims people feel ‘very segregated’ because of calls for more diversity
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Giving workers more sick leave ‘bit of a stretch’ – National’s Gerry Brownlee
1News: National needs to shift policy focus away from ‘no-zing’ infrastructure to excite voters – commentator
Aaron Leaman (Waikato Times): Judith Collins, economists give views on Waikato’s bounceback
Zane Small (Newshub): Judith Collins hails farmers as ‘climate change warriors’, promises Zero Carbon Act changes
Kiri Gillespie (Bay of Plenty Times): ‘I had panic attacks’: Muller opens up about mental health journey (paywalled)
1News: Todd Muller returns to political arena, gives ‘heartfelt thanks’ for supportive messages
Rachael Comer and Samesh Mohanlal (Stuff): Megan Hands National’s new Rangitata candidate
1News: Megan Hands named as National’s new candidate in Rangitata
1News: National’s election list sends message to some MPs they ‘need to win electorates’, political commentator says
Amelia Wade (Herald): Who’s up, who’s down in National’s new list rankings
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): The National Party MPs most at risk (paywalled)
Herald: Which National MPs need to rely on the party list to stay in Parliament?
Newstalk ZB: National confident low-ranked candidates can win electorates
Thomas Manch (Stuff): National Party announces list of MPs and candidates for upcoming election
Katie Scotcher (RNZ): National unveils party list for 2020 election
Jamie Ensor and Jenna Lynch (Newshub): National releases party list, big jump for Maureen Pugh, fall for Alfred Ngaro
Cherie Howie (Herald): MP Maureen Pugh – once called ‘useless’ by Simon Bridges – shoots up National Party ranks
Anna Whyte (1News): National releases list ahead of election

Northland, Q+A Colmar Brunton poll
1News: Q+A poll sees NZ First’s Shane Jones in third place for crucial Northland seat
Mike Tweed (Whanganui Chronicle): Winston Peters hits back on poor Northland poll result for NZ First
Imran Ali (Northern Advocate): Northland poll not gospel, says Shane Jones
Herald: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Northland poll and a deal with NZ First
RNZ: Shane Jones running distant third in critical seat, poll finds
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Shane Jones a distant third in Northland poll, meaning NZ First could leave Parliament
Derek Cheng (Herald): Q+A Northland poll: NZ First’s Shane Jones in trouble; National’s Matt King leads, Labour’s Willow-Jean Prime second
Dan Satherley (Newshub): NZ First’s Shane Jones a distant third in race for Northland – poll
1News: Going without: How the Covid-19 lockdown has affected poverty-stricken Northland
1News: Toll of Covid-19 hits Northland hard as region grapples with eight per cent unemployment rate
Denise Piper (Stuff): Northland economy sunny, with jobs up despite Covid-19, drought and floods

NZ First
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Leader interviews: Winston Peters – ‘One of these days I’ll have a lovely retirement – but not yet’
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Your country needs you – Winston Peters’ pitch to baby boomers and older Kiwis
RNZ: Winston Peters boards New Zealand First campaign bus for electioneering
Jo LInes-MacKenzie (Stuff): Winston Peters campaign roadshow hits Hamilton
Newshub: Winston Peters reveals how he relaxes after a long day in Parliament

Henry Cooke (Stuff): Greens promise to clear public housing waitlist in five years and more firmly police rental sector
Anna Whyte (1News): Green Party pledges to ensure ‘everyone has a warm, dry, affordable home’
David Hargreaves (Interest): Greens will allow K?inga Ora to borrow $5 billion more to build 5000 homes a year and clear the social housing list within five years
Herald: Green Party’s Marama Davidson releases housing policy
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Green Party plans to clear record-high social housing list in five years
Lana Andelane (Newshub): NZ election 2020: Green Party reveals ‘Homes for All’ plan
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): NZ Election 2020: Greens’ housing policy ‘wishful thinking’ – National’s Jacqui Dean
Paul Mitchell (Manawatu Standard): Greens say high-speed rail plans will bring jobs and opportunities to Manawat?
Herald: Greens make light of attack ad: Co-leader Marama Davidson takes centre stage on unicorn
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Greens recreate NZ First advert meant to ridicule them
Paul Mitchell (Manawatu Standard): Palmerston North Green Party candidate Teanau Tuiono ramps up election campaign

Amelia Wade (Herald): Party of 6? Meet the Act team who could soon become MPs (paywalled)

Auckland Central
Sarah Robson (RNZ): Auckland Central: Labour making no deal with the Greens
Bernard Orsman (Herald): National Party candidate hires QC to fight suggestions she was a stripper
David Farrar: Auckland Central selection on Monday
Sasha Borissenko (Herald): Labour’s Auckland Central candidate Helen White (paywalled)

Chris Trotter (Interest): On lack of policy on offer from the two main political parties as the September 19 election rapidly approaches
Luke Malpass (Stuff): National and NZ First face same basic dilemma
Brent Edwards (NBR): Fact or Fiction: Covid-19 has changed this campaign (paywalled)
Richard Harman (Politik): Labour heads for landslide
Newstalk ZB: Peter Dunne’s election preview: ‘National run the risk of getting swamped’
Matthew Tso (Stuff): Debate to showcase parties’ plans for the capital ahead of election
Stuff Editorial: Leaders offer contrasts in uncertain times
John Hartvelt (Stuff): Introducing ‘The Whole Truth’: Stuff’s fact-checking project for Election 2020
Maori TV: Maori MPs getting ready for election (video)
Dan Satherley (Newshub): ‘You’re probably not going to need him’: Simon Bridges says Labour won’t need Peters’ help if it wins election
Dan Satherley (Newshub): What the Government got right, according to Simon Bridges
1News: Tight race expected in Wellington’s Ohariu
James H. Liu and Sarah Y. Choi (Stuff): Identity Politics and Hyphenated Identities: What do New Zealanders really want for our political future?
Rosie Gordon (Newshub): Youth enrolment to vote far lower than other age groups

Minor parties
Matthew Littlewood (Timaru Herald): TOP leader warns of rivals’ ‘spending spree’
Tina Ngata (E-Tangata): The rise of Maori MAGA?
Bob Jones: The minor parties

Hannah Kronast (Newshub): The number of properties owned by New Zealand MPs revealed
Peter Wilson (RNZ): Softly softly from Labour; full steam ahead for the Nats
1News: Inside Parliament: Parting shots across the chamber as Parliament breaks for election (paywalled)
1News: Parliament’s out for MPs as election campaign officially begins
Zane Small (Newshub): From a pie analogy to a Botox joke: What the minor political parties had to say in final speeches
Glen McConnell (Stuff): Fresh out of Parliament, Paula Bennett is hosting a talkback radio show
Monika Barton (Newshub): ‘Hi sweeties!’: Paula Bennett to host Magic Talk mornings for a week
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): Calling time on a parliamentary career
Herald: Jacinda Ardern spills the beans on what John Key left behind in Prime Minister’s office
Newshub: Many MPs support four-year terms in Parliament – so why hasn’t it happened?

Cannabis and euthanasia referendums
Newshub: Four experts weigh up the pros and cons of legalising marijuana
Newshub Nation: Chloe Swarbrick and Nick Smith get fired up over cannabis
Daisy Hudson (ODT): Debate on legality polarising
Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): Justice Minister Andrew Little rebuffs offer of toke on the street
Patrick Gower (Newshub): Mother continues daughter’s call for legalisation after she suffered painful death
Peter Griffin (Stuff): Science and the NZ cannabis and euthanasia referendums

Economy, job losses, welfare
Pattrick Smellie (BusiessDesk): Government Debt and the Magic Pudding (paywalled)
Brian Fallow (Interest): Just how freaked out or sanguine we should be about burgeoning public debt?
Liam Dann (Herald): Asset bubbles and market mania – the last thing we need (paywalled)
Todd Niall (Stuff): Aucklanders must ‘Be Kind’ as economic fallout brings tough times
Liam Dann (Herald): How strong is the economic recovery? Reserve Bank to deliver its verdict (paywalled)
Brian Easton (Pundit): Commonsense Economics From Two Very Good Economists
Rob Stock (Stuff): Some New Zealanders better off because of lockdown
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Slower rise in benefit numbers shows lull before third wave of job losses, economists say
Hannah Martin (Stuff): Auckland City Mission faces 175% rise in demand for food parcels
Melanie Carroll (Stuff): Women bearing brunt of Covid-19 job losses

Herald: New Zealanders’ trust in Government’s pandemic management falls
Michael Baker, Amanda Kvalsvig and Nick Wilson (The Conversation): 100 days without COVID-19: how New Zealand got rid of a virus that keeps spreading across the world
Hannah Martin (Stuff): NZ marks 100 days since last community transmission Covid-19 case
Derek Cheng (Herald): 100 days of no community transmission – Ashley Bloomfield, Jacinda Ardern react
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Zero new COVID-19 cases reported in isolation, as NZ marks 100 days without community transmission
1News: ‘Significant milestone’ – New Zealand hits 100 days without community transmission
Jessica Roden (1News): Opinion: We need to sort out mixed messages on Covid-19 testing
RNZ: CovidCard will be better used than tracing app, academic says
Kim Moodie (Herald): ‘It doesn’t add up’: Gerry Brownlee says Government warning of second wave ‘very puzzling’
1News: Dr Ashley Bloomfield says telling public to buy masks isn’t ‘scaremongering’
Charlotte Cook (RNZ): Mask orders boom after New Zealanders told to be ready, but Brownlee queries timing
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Siouxsie Wiles begs National MPs questioning mask advice to get in touch
Madison Reidy (Newshub): Some chemists run out of face masks as Kiwis rush to stock up
Maori TV: Covid second wave a matter of ‘when not if’ – Professor Rawiri Taonui
Hannah Martin (Stuff): New research reveals how Covid-19 came to New Zealand
1News: ‘I still haven’t left the house’ – New Zealander describes 20 week battle with Covid-19
Dan Lake (Newshub): United States government issues travel warning for New Zealand due to ’23 active cases’
1News: US warns of ‘increased caution’ travelling to NZ, citing 23 active Covid-19 cases

Border restrictions, managed isolation
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): In the Covid fight, NZ has to go harder (paywalled)
Tom Connor (Stuff): Sir John Key’s call to relax border controls would be unforgivably reckless
Luke Malpass and Andrea Vance (Stuff): Tick. Tick podcast: Jacinda Ardern says border may open for essential skilled migrants
RNZ: Covid-19 border exemptions for workers ‘as scarce as winning lottery tickets’
Lana Andelane and Perry Wilton (Newshub): Proposal to auction border exemptions to highest bidder condemned
Tom Hunt (Stuff): James Cameron: I want to make all my films in New Zealand
Rebecca Stevenson (BusinessDesk): ‘Everyone wants to come here’: managing NZ’s isolation (paywalled)
Lloyd Burr (Newshub): New Zealand expats forced to seek mental health support after quarantine fees introduced
Eric Crampton (Stuff): Govt must stop trying to use old Soviet model to run managed isolation

Nita Blake-Persen (RNZ): Public housing waitlist up 50 percent on same time last year
Zane Small (Newshub): KiwiBuild tweaked to allow up to a quarter of unsold homes into the open market
Maria Slade (NBR): Government to underwrite house building
John Weekes (Stuff): Auckland real estate agent jailed for $13m mortgage scam wins licence back

Migrant exploitation
Steve Kilgallon (Stuff):  Bottle store migrant exploitation: Inquiry calls grow louder
Steve Kilgallon (Stuff): Bottle-O baron accused of exploitation obtained 107 visas for migrant workers

1News: Students cautioned to be realistic about pursuing dream job amid pandemic turmoil
RNZ: Call to make women more confident to seek male-dominated jobs

Environment and conservation
Cushla Norman (1News): Lake Horowhenua, one of NZ’s most polluted lakes, given exemption from new freshwater standards
Mike Watson and Matt Rilkoff (Stuff): How New Zealand’s 63 M?ui dolphins hold the key to a $263m export market
Olivia Wannan (Stuff): Lockdown will make little difference to climate warming – but a green recovery could
RNZ: Auckland reservoirs reach 60 percent capacity
Torika Tokalau (Stuff): Kauri dieback: More Auckland regional park tracks to open by end of year
RNZ: $5m boost for predator control on Banks Peninsula
Charlie Gates (Stuff): Threatened gulls face eviction from city centre breeding colony

Child welfare
The Hui (Newshub): Oranga Tamariki ‘out of control’ – Willie Jackson
Hamish Cardwell (RNZ): Oranga Tamariki accused of ‘appalling’ treatment of parents with intellectual disabilities
1News: Chief Ombudsman slams ‘routine’ baby uplifts by Oranga Tamariki as ‘absolute use of coercive power’
RNZ: Oranga Tamariki report: ‘Something is rotten in that organisation’
Sophie Cornish (Stuff):‘Considerable ongoing effort required to shift our own practice’ – Oranga Tamariki lead social worker
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Oranga Tamariki fronts up to Waitangi Tribunal hearing
Jessica Tyson, Te Ao (Maori TV): Maori Women’s Welfare first Maori organisation to partner with Oranga Tamariki

Local government
Christina Persico (Taranaki Daily News): Deputy PM weighs into New Plymouth Maori ward debate
Jim Tucker (Taranaki Daily News): I’m saying yes to giving Maori a fair go
Felix Desmarais (RNZ): Rotorua Lakes Council says $750,0000 InfraCore cash injection is an ‘investment’
Tom Kitchin (RNZ): Failed Ruataniwha dam still causing contention as council agrees to relieve financial stress of backers
Harry Lock (RNZ): Wellington considers ban on new pokie machines
Heather Du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): More madness from Wellington City Council
RNZ: Drunken city brawls ‘unacceptable’ – Wellington councillor
No Right Turn: Want a reason to support STV?
Nina Hindmarsh (Nelson Mail): Council’s costs for local board ‘potentially misleading’, working group says
Meriana Johnsen (RNZ): Ng?puhi hap? preparing to occupy Bay of Islands public reserve
Alice Geary (Timaru Herald): Mackenzie District Council to consider retiring nuclear weapon policy
Stuff: Christchurch mayor’s husband Rob Davidson dies from cancer

Colin Peacock (RNZ): Mediawatch: MPs on the way out strike back at media
Colin Peacock (RNZ): ‘Hit and Run’ runs its course
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Controversial campaign for costly new drug (audio)
Tracy Neal (RNZ): Mosque shooter sentencing: Foreign media told to obey rules

RNZ: Cancer services ramp up after detection falls during lockdown
RNZ: National promises HPV self-tests, more funding
Gill Bonnett (RNZ): Vaping law ‘a tepid win’ in halting youth increase
Bridie Witton (Stuff): Wellington Hospital’s back-up energy supply 40 minutes away from running dry after generator failure
1News: Kiwis missing out of key cataract surgeries as funding varies region-by-region
Jessica Tyson, Te Ao (Maori TV): Fears Maori with breast cancer are missing out on reconstructive surgery
Holly Walker (Stuff): Feeling lonely? You’re not alone. Here’s how good public policy can help
RNZ: MP credits man who led charge to save Nikau House
RNZ: Nelson Marlborough DHB to retain Nikau House mental health facility
Jo McKenzie-McLean (Stuff): Fenz orders firefighters to remove charity-inspired dance video
RNZ: The Detail: Kids have cut the binge drinking – and we don’t really know why

Oliver Lewis (Stuff): Christchurch secures $87.3m in ‘shovel-ready’ funding for cycleways
RNZ: Sunday Morning: Do bicycles slow cars down on low speed, low traffic roads?
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Problems found in design of two Auckland-Northland bridges

Primary industries
Samesh Mohanlall (Timaru Herald): Agriculture Minister encourages South Canterbury farmers to plant more trees
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Here’s why critics say tick scheme ‘fundamentally flawed’
Cortnee Butler (Stuff): The vegan who worked in a slaughterhouse
Brad Flahive (Stuff): Vegan protesters swoop on Auckland’s Fried Chicken Festival
Louisa Steyl (Stuff): Southland cleared of M.bovis cattle disease

Jehan Casinader (BusinessDesk): Kiwis are clueless about export education (paywalled)
Peter Reynolds (Stuff): Five reasons why nationalisation isn’t the answer for early learning
Brad Flahive (Stuff): Westlake Boys High School reviews rules after students told to cover up t? moko

Foreign affairs
Lincoln Tan (Herald): Diplomat sex-accused ordered back to Seoul, negotiations ongoing for his return to NZ
Jack Tame (1News): Top Kiwi scholar speaks out for her imprisoned brother
Richard Harman (Politik): The South China Sea — why doesn’t China abide by the UN Law of the Sea

Treaty settlements, negotiations
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Eastern Bay of Plenty iwi ‘fully divided’ on Treaty settlement negotiations
Maori TV: Waikato-Tainui and Ng?i Tahu receive treaty relativity adjustment payments

Jim Bolger book
1News: Q+A: ‘We’ve got to think bigger’ – Bolger draws similarities of upcoming election and 1987’s
Herald: A Nats-Green coalition, rating John Key and Winston Peters’ ‘disloyalty’
Newstalk ZB: Jim Bolger wants retirement age raised, more done to tackle climate change

Peter Parussini’s MIke Moore book
Herald: Mike Moore on Ardern and the emergence of ‘super political leaders’
Stuff: The journey back from parliamentary oblivion – Extract from Believer: Conversations with Mike Moore by Peter Parussini

Paul Spoonley book
1News: Q+A: Wealth gap between baby boomers, millenials to widen due to Covid-19 fallout – demographer
Paul Spoonley (Stuff): New population policy required to combat effects of declining birth rate, ageing population
Herald: Paul Spoonley book: How New Zealand families have changed

RNZ: Spate of firearms incidents alarms Police Association
Paul Mitchell (Stuff): Palmerston North man wants police body cams, after stalled brutality complaint
Rob Stock (Stuff): Police on track for poorer retirement as super scheme underperforms KiwiSaver

Guyon Espiner (RNZ): How a Christchurch city race track bagged Provincial Growth Fund money
Nikki Macdonald (Stuff): Why are grieving families waiting years for answers in the Coroner’s Court?
Tom Dillane (Herald): ‘It’s treacherous ground right now’: Chefs and culture experts on respectful restaurant names (paywalled)
The Hui (Newshub): Powerless: Is the Government doing enough to end energy hardship?
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Internet and power firms fret about cutting off customers when Covid downturn deepens
Kethaki Masilamani (Newshub): Asylum seekers say New Zealand’s immigration process leaves them scarred
Meriana Johnsen (RNZ): Government allocates $1.5m funding for 19 marae across Wairoa
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): New ‘final decision’ on aluminium smelter in four to six weeks, says Forsyth Barr
Maori TV: NZ should learn from Maori resilience – Meng Foon
Debrin Foxcroft (Stuff): Why NZ-made clothes are never cheap
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Grant Robertson takes a swipe at insurance industry in Wellington
RNZ: Call for new government to show vision for tourism industry’s rebuild
Florence Kerr (Stuff): Warning a Matariki holiday could be a ‘double-edged sword’ for Maori mental wellbeing
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Is this NZ’s most expensive leaky building? Owners face $41m bill for apartments
Mandy Te (Stuff): Sketch by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern sells for more than $18,000
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Drawing by Jacinda Ardern sells for $18,050 on Trade Me
Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): ‘One chance’ at recovering human remains in Pike River drift, says Minister
Kereama Wright (Maori TV): Maori Party founding president dies
