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Daily News Roundup – 14 April 2020


Government, parliament
Andrea Vance (Stuff): How Jacinda Ardern is using soft propaganda to beat Covid-19
Graeme Edgeler (Democracy Project): On being sure of your legal footing
Sam Hurley (Herald): Law Society calls for greater Govt clarity on curbs to our freedoms and commerce (paywalled)
Eugene Bingham and Adam Dudding (Stuff): Coronavirus podcast:  Inside Jacinda Ardern’s coronavirus bubble: What’s on the PM’s mind during Covid-19 crisis
Audrey Young (Herald): A spot of trouble in Jacinda Ardern’s virtual bubble (paywalled)
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Clark’s actions could cost Dunedin dear
Colin James (Democracy Project): An Easter message on democracy
Peter Wilson (RNZ): Week in Politics: The exit plan and life after level 4
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): CNN praises Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand COVID-19 response
Stuff: More international praise for New Zealand’s response to Covid-19
Herald Editorial: Trump and Ardern – A tale of two leaders (paywalled)
Newstalk ZB: David Seymour criticises Govt for continuing legislation during lockdown
Vita Molyneux (Newshub): Simon Bridges ‘open’ to taking a paycut amid COVID-19 pandemic
1News: David Seymour forges ahead with proposal to cut MPs pay in solidarity with Kiwis losing work during pandemic
1News: Jacinda Ardern gets behind the NZ Egg Hunt at Wellington home
1News: Jacinda Ardern shares daughter Neve’s contribution to #NZEggHunt campaign

Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Labour Party is polling well but are they untouchable? (paywalled)
Matthew Hooton (Herald): Why National and NZ First want a delay and what’s best for Labour (paywalled)
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Winston Peters might want it but the election can’t be delayed
Jack Tame (Newstalk ZB): Should we delay the election?
Henry Cooke (Stuff): What is Fortress New Zealand going to look like?
Jason Walls (Herald): PM Jacinda Ardern sticks with planned election date despite Peters’ lobbying
Jo Moir (RNZ): Opposition doubts public will be ready for September election
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Winston Peters says the election should be delayed due to Covid-1
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Green Party initial election list puts newcomer Teanau Tuiono ahead of several sitting MP

Public health strategy
Kate Newton (RNZ): Lockdown could eliminate Covid-19 – new NZ research
Jamie Morton (Herald): New data reveals bullet NZ dodged by locking down when we did
Ian Powell (Democracy Project): Eliminate or Mitigate; why not Exterminate?
Dan Satherley and Lydia Lewis (Newshub): NZ could be ‘its own bubble’ by wiping out COVID-19 – researcher
Roger Morris (Stuff): Time to look for loopholes in our national strategy
TVNZ: Q+A: Lockdown ending ‘won’t be a return to life as we remember it’ – disease specialist
Elisabeth Easter (Herald): Professor Michael Baker – ‘I wept when PM announced that NZ was going into lockdown’ (paywalled)
Dave Armstrong (Dominion Post): Let’s hear it for the scientists who’ve saved us from ignorance
Michelle Cooke (RNZ): Why is NZ’s mortality rate so low?
Jason Walls (Herald): Ashley Bloomfield takes questions via Facebook live on Covid-19 response
1News: Dr Ashley Bloomfield responds humbly to news of petition for him to be New Zealander of the Year

Debates over ending the lockdown
RNZ: Most New Zealanders willing to extend Covid-19 lockdown ‘pain’ – survey
Keith Woodford (Interest): There are big risks if we move to LEVEL 3 too quickly without greatly improved contact-tracing. There is no way back if we get this wrong
Matthew Hooton (Herald): A second national lockdown would be catastrophic (paywalled)
Liam Hehir (Democracy Project): The Amity Island solution
Coin Peacock (RNZ): ‘Your money or your life’
Coin Peacock (RNZ): Media beat the drum to roll back lockdown – and sound the alarm
Nicholas Agar (Newsroom): Let’s not end lockdown early
Newstalk ZB: Winston Peters: Health an imperative ‘but not at all costs… we’ll be broke’
David Seymour (Herald): ‘Stay home, save lives’ a blunt, costly strategy (paywalled)
Virginia Fallon (Stuff): Lockdown rules should be relaxed, health experts say
Lizzie Marvelly (Herald): Fear, death and protecting the vulnerable (paywalled)
Ani O’Brien (Democracy Project): Class in the age of COVID-19

Border measures, quarantine
AAP: Trans-Tasman travel not on the agenda after fifth Covid-19 death, Jacinda Ardern warns
BusinessDesk: Start planning transtasman ‘bubble’ now, says Auckland airport chief
Collette Devlin (Stuff): Mandatory border quarantine for all returning Kiwis announced
1News: Compulsory two-week quarantine for overseas Kiwis returning to NZ to be enforced
RNZ: Quarantine or ‘managed isolation’ compulsory for all arrivals into NZ, PM says
Newstalk ZB: Jacinda Ardern defends delay in quarantining all international arrivals
RNZ: Military may help escort returned citizens to holding centres – Winston Peters

Oliver Lewis and Felippe Rodrigues (Stuff): Where Covid-19 testing is highest – and lowest – in New Zealand
RNZ: Whanganui DHB to expand testing after low numbers
Rachel Moore (Stuff): Regions struggle to get Covid-19 samples tested without Air New Zealand flights
Leilani Momoisea (RNZ): ‘I was angry about the process’
Meriana Johnsen (RNZ): Test based on loss of smell, researcher says
Phillipa Yalden (Stuff): Coronavirus health academics call for localised reporting of Covid-19 test results

Tracking, use of location data
Chris Keall (Herald): As NZ considers TraceTogether, a Kiwi in Singapore gives his verdict on the tracking app (paywalled)
1News: Government warns Covid-19 tracing app not a ‘silver bullet’
1News: Privacy Commissioner ‘understands’ why apps are being explored for tracking Kiwis during lockdown
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Govt looking into tracking phones to curb spread of COVID-19
Katie Kenny (Stuff): What telco data tells us about the economic impact of lockdown
Katie Kenny (Stuff): Government pulls telco location data for Covid-19 pandemic planning

Hospitals, health system
1News: Dr Ashley Bloomfield says relaxing rules around dying family members being ‘actively’ looked at
RNZ: Health Ministry looking at rules around people visiting dying family members – Director-General
Natalie Akoorie (Herald): No compassion for sick, dying elderly during lockdown, say family
Kristin Hall (1News): Doctors desperate to get message across that Kiwis needing medical help can still be treated
1News: People needing emergency medical treatment urged to get it, even during lockdown
RNZ: Patient numbers at emergency departments in Auckland, Northland fall
Lois Williams (RNZ): District Health Board regulates flu vaccine supply on West Coast
1News: Nationwide lockdown causes number of ACC claims to drop
Katarina Williams (Stuff): Sir John Kirwan app to receive Government mental health funding
1News: Government launches online tools to help improve Kiwis’ mental health during Covid-19

Masks and protective gear
Kristin Hall (1News): We’re not getting masks, gloves because of PPE confusion, say disability support workers
Andrea Chumko (Stuff): New national PPE distribution system introduced after faults and shortages
Michael Morrah (Newshub): Union claims Waikato Hospital nurses who caught COVID-19 were told to remove PPE
Michael Morrah (Newshub): Waikato Hospital doctor urging Government to make face masks mandatory
Aaron Leaman (Waikato Times): Waikato Hospital doctor says compulsory masks vital to stopping Covid-19
RNZ: DHBs accused of ‘rationing’ PPE say they’re working to distribute it
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): New Zealanders ‘caught short after masks sent to China’

Rest homes, care for our elderly, disabled
Conan Young (RNZ):‘Requests fallen on deaf ears’: Rest homes consider buying Covid-19 tests
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Health authorities reinforce message to rest homes after death
1News: ‘I just want my mum safe’ – Concerns grow for residents at two Christchurch rest homes that are Covid-19 clusters
1News: Daughter of Rosewood Rest Home resident praises staff dealing with Covid-19 outbreak
RNZ: Elderly concerned access to vital information mostly online

Health workers
Glen Scanlon (RNZ): Are government agencies ignoring official advice?
Glen Scanlon (RNZ): Casual healthcare worker’s Easter wish is ‘our normal life’
Glen Scanlon (RNZ): Health workers left struggling to pay the rent
Kate Nicol Williams (1News): Immunocompromised support workers staying home to protect themselves from Covid-19 left with reduced pay
Donna-Lee Biddle (Stuff): Retired community nurse works for free amid Covid-19 pandemic

Enforcing the lockdown, lockdown breaches
Imogen Wells (1News): Heightened police presence around the country as police roll out new Covid-19 response units
1News: Police release new figures around level four lockdown breaches
RNZ: 64 prosecutions for breaches over Easter
Anna Whyte (1News): More than 800 breaches of Covid-19 lockdown rules with 109 prosecutions
Amelia Wade (Herald):Aviation Security Service officers join lockdown enforcement effort

Impact of Covid-19 on Maori and Pacific communities, iwi checkpoints
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Data systems need to focus on equity – M?ori health specialist
Carmen Parahi (Stuff): Maori health experts question government testing
Geoffrey Rice (Stuff): Maori have every reason to be concerned about the pandemic
Carmen Parahi (Stuff): The demand for equality in the battle against Covid-19
Dean Nathan (Maori TV): Closing gateway to Far North to protect against virus great for community
Donna-Lee Biddle (Stuff): Iwi establish more checkpoints to protect communities from Covid-19
1News: Maori and Pasifika communities being supported by iwi in Hawke’s Bay during lockdown
Wiremu Manaia (E-Tangata): Maori millennials are showing the way

Lockdown lessons and NZ post-lockdown
Chris Trotter: The ‘What’ And The ‘How’
Cherie Howie (Herald): How Kiwis’ lives will change during pandemic (paywalled)
Rod Drury (Newsroom): What we do now will shape New Zealand’s future
Bob Jones: The coming economic crisis and its political consequences
Grant Shimmin (Stuff): The pandemic should put our focus back on people

Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Big government is back (paywalled)
Hamish Rutherford (Herald): Sir Bill English warns that if markets shake off Covid-19, the public will respond (paywalled)
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Why I am optimistic we can get through Covid-19 without becoming paupers
Liam Dann (Herald): Ghost of Sir Robert Muldoon – state support can’t mean a return to the 1970s (paywalled)
Peter Vial (Herald): Time for a tax rethink as part of balance sheet repair job (paywalled)
Geoff Simmons (NBR): Universal basic income: An economic vaccine to fight Covid-19? (paywalled)
Norman Gemmell (Stuff): The shape of New Zealand’s post-Covid-19 economy
Alan Bollard (NBR): How to?pay for Covid-19?: Lessons from previous wars (paywalled)
Bruce Munro (ODT): Much ado about nothing?
Peter Lyons (Herald): We don’t need to make Covid 19 coronavirus impact any worse (paywalled)
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Economist calls for ‘Ashley Bloomfield of economics’ to explain how we’re going to recover from COVID-19
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): New Zealand has advantage in world trade slump, economist says

Richard Harman (Politik): After the lockdown, here comes the biggest construction boom – ever.
Eleanor West (Stuff): Why some ‘shovel-ready’ projects are bad options for Covid spending

Business, unemployment
Hamish Rutherford (Herald): Grant Robertson warns that even in the double digits, unemployment will be masked by the wage subsidy
Sharon Brettkelly (RNZ): Pilots ‘helping to stock supermarket shelves’ with unemployment figures set to be released
Matt Burrows (Newshub): Government must ‘think outside the square’ to get Kiwis back into jobs, says Winston Peters
Vita Molyneux (Newshub): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says more support for businesses is on the way
Hamish Rutherford (Herald): Finance Minister Grant Robertson says lessons of hasty move up alert levels will be used in slide downwards (paywalled)
Tom Hunt and Kate Green (Stuff): 60,000 hospo jobs could soon fall to Covid-19
Kurt Bayer (Herald): Mitre 10 confirms job losses at its Albany support centre
RNZ: Mitre 10 lays off some support centre staff
John Anthony (Stuff): 160 jobs at stake as Green Cabs ceases trading
Brian Gaynor (BusinessDesk): Politicians are poor choices as company directors (paywalled)

Wage subsidy, employment
Rob Stock (Stuff): Watershed moment as businesses become Covid-19 beneficiaries
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Taxpayers’ Union gives up ‘ideological purity’, accepts $60,000 in taxpayer wage subsidies
Newstalk ZB: Taxpayers Union defends taking wage subsidy
RNZ: Complaints probed: Employers pocketing wage subsidy face fraud charges
Jacob McSweeny (ODT): Pay unfair, Scott workers claim
Amelia Wade (Herald): The Kiwi businesses taking up Govt’s wage subsidy scheme
RNZ: Farmers, The Warehouse, apply for wage subsidies
Georgia Forrester (Stuff): How much NZ’s most popular restaurants have been paid in welfare amid Covid-19 crisis
Glen Scanlon (RNZ): Some workers missing out despite wage subsidy
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Can you be forced to take leave without pay during the Covid-19 lockdown?
Rod Oram (Newsroom): CEO interview – Richard Wagstaff, CTU

Thomas Manch, Thomas Coughlan, and Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): More than 20,000 benefit applications during first week of Covid-19 lockdown
Anna Whyte and Brodyn Knuckey (Stuff): Benefit numbers jump due to Covid-19 crisis
Janet McAllister (Stuff): Thousands face welfare struggle if they lose their jobs
Newshub: An A-Z of all the Government help you could get if your job’s been affected by COVID-19

Inequality, poverty
Stephen Forbes (Stuff): Salvation Army report highlights social impact of Covid-19 lockdown
RNZ: UNICEF teams with The Salvation Army to support NZ children in need
RNZ: Increased electricity usage means bigger bills coming in
1News: Food banks around the country struggle to cope with demand created by coronavirus lockdown
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Low-interest loan providers braced for surge in demand

Supermarkets and essential workers
1News: New World worker tests positive for Covid-19 in Hawke’s Bay
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Foodstuffs pledges at least $1m in donations, recognises ‘privilege’ of trading
Herald: Foodstuffs pledges million-dollar helping hand for Kiwis struggling due to pandemic
1News: Paywave limit increased to $200 at Countdown stores in effort to stop Covid-19 spread
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Call for in-home health workers to get supermarket priority
Steve Braunias (Herald): The Covid-19 Secret Diary of the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy (paywalled)

Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Covid 19 and the rich – time for the wealthy to step up and help NZ (paywalled)
Rob Stock (Stuff): How Tindall, Morgan and Fyfe worked to ready country for Covid-19 fight
Rob Stock (Stuff): Economic turmoil massively reduces wealth of the super-rich

Amanda Cropp (Stuff): Hospitality horror – how fast will the industry recover?
1News: Tourism industry will need to rely on Kiwis to keep afloat following lockdown, says business owner
Cas Carter (Stuff): Time to reassess what tourism looks like after Covid-19

Primary and extractive industries
Steve Elers (Stuff): Primary interest: Time to cut the cord and let agriculture thrive
1News: Government dodges massive payout over 2010 kiwifruit disease outbreak
Eric Frykberg (RNZ): Kiwifruit growers’ PSA case: Government cleared of liability
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Kiwis grab horticulture jobs as Covid-19 reshapes labour market
RNZ: Crayfish exports pick up but far from normal
Robin Martin (RNZ): Offshore oil and gas rigs working skeleton crews during lockdown
Hamish Rutherford (Herald): Oil and gas group OMV declares ‘positive result’ in the final well of its campaign (paywalled)

Lydia Lewis (Newshub): KiwiBuy campaign chair’s plea to Government to resume housing projects during lockdown
