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Daily News Roundup – 19 May 2021


Budget 2021
Kate C. Prickett (The Conversation): NZ’s second ‘Well-being Budget’ must deliver for the families that sacrificed most during the pandemic
Praveen Menon (Reuters): New Zealand’s recovery budget seen focusing on targeted spending
Jason Walls (Herald): Maori housing and child poverty initiatives likely to be biggest Budget winners
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Budget 2021 to include ‘significant’ Maori housing boost and Newshub-Reid Research poll shows Kiwis support it
Derek Cheng (Herald): Last year was Covid-Budget. How will Covid-19 shape Budget 2021?
RNZ: Pharmac, dental funding crucial in Budget – National Party
Michael Andrew (Spinoff): Five online trends that tell us about the appetite for Budget 2021
Meriana Johnsen (RNZ): More investment in rangatahi employment needed, iwi and business leaders say

Immigration reset
Aaron Martin (BusinessDesk): Immigration NZ’s reform is disingenuous at best, damaging at worst
Stuff: Editorial – All political play and no workers make New Zealand a dull country
Amelia Wade (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern defends immigration reset, refuses to say whether Government will cap numbers
Katie Todd (RNZ): Government faces backlash over immigration plan as it defends ‘reset’
1News: Wealthy foreign investors need to be ‘really closely scrutinised’ over contributions to NZ – commentator
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): There is danger in Government’s immigration reset
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern defends immigration speech amid criticism from Judith Collins, migrant advocates, economists
Jason Walls (Herald): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern: Govt won’t be turning off migration tap in immigration ‘rebalance’
Lana Andelane (Newshub): Concerns for migrant workers, temporary visa holders as Govt’s immigration overhaul slammed as ‘racist’
Newstalk ZB: Economist: Govt’s immigration policy doesn’t understand value of migrant labour

Racism, He Puapua, and Maori self-determination
Jagadish Thaker (The Conversation): A year after New Zealand’s first Covid-19 lockdown, discrimination and racism are on the rise
Brooke van Velden (Herald): I want better outcomes for all children regardless of race (paywalled)
Michael Cullen (Herald): Maori, Pakeha and politics – are we ready for a partnership society? (paywalled)
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Judith Collins lashes out against education initiative raising importance of ‘recognising white privilege’
Katie Scotcher (RNZ): National MPs express diverging views on targeted funding for Maori
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern says National’s smoking gun document didn’t come from Government
Derek Cheng (Herald): Judith Collins stands by Ng?i Tahu co-ownership claim, says Govt has backed down
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Judith Collins says she hasn’t talked to Ng?i Tahu since alleging Government were going to give it ownership of water
George Heagney (Stuff): Teachers lead new campaign to combat racism

Henry Cooke (Stuff): Electoral Commission urges Parliament to lower 5 per cent party vote threshold and abolish coat-tailing – again
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Property investors dominate Parliament
Jason Walls (Herald): Elton John tickets, investment homes and company owned – MPs’ financial interests revealed
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Gifts to MPs revealed: Second-hand car, skincare packs, golfing paraphernalia

National Party
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Hear me out: National’s in better shape than you think
Ireland Hendry-Tennent (Newshub): Judith Collins has no plans to step down as National leader despite dismal poll results
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): Does anyone even care about politics at the moment?

Economy and work
Richard Prebble (Herald): Fair Pay Agreements – compulsory unionism by stealth (paywalled)
Jane Kelsey (The Conversation): New Zealand is overdue for an open and honest debate about 21st-century trade relations
Richard Meade (Herald): We need to prepare our economy for Covid 2.0 (paywalled)
Jacqueline Rowarth (Stuff): Farming sector is vital to repay New Zealand’s growing national debt
Sam Stubbs (Stuff): Could KiwiSavers own their own water pipes?

Local government
Lana Andelane (Newshub): Aucklanders face 5 percent rates hike next year as Goff releases Recovery Budget proposal
Sinead Gill (Stuff): Maori participation in council ‘shunned’, say church leaders
Craig Ashworth (RNZ): Stratford council rejects Maori ward hurry-up despite racism accusation
Aaron Leaman (Stuff): Public sentiment supports Maori wards in Hamilton
Jane Matthews (Stuff): Maori ward decision sees Taranaki council slammed by two of its iwi
Nick Jones (Herald): New deal on Wellington’s Shelly Bay includes home ownership plan for iwi
Damian George (Stuff): New deal gives iwi greater stake in Shelly Bay development
Skara Bohny (Stuff): Nelson council contemplating greater rates increase than planned

International relations
Elliott Zaagman (The Interpreter): A rare test of China diplomacy
Zane Small (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern on Gaza conflict: Israel’s ‘encroachment, settlements and evictions’ avert two-state solution
Asia Pacific Report: Ghahraman condemns ‘disappointing’ NZ response over attacks on Gaza

Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Government to introduce new law for vaccine after legal challenge
Herald: Staff member at NZ High Commission in India dies of Covid
Herald: Vaccine rollout needs ‘significant’ work to succeed: Auditor-General
Bridie Witton (Stuff): Refusal to waive MIQ fees for Kiwis in financial hardship could breach Bill of Rights Act – Ombudsman

David Law (Herald): Unintended consequences of New Zealand’s housing policy (paywalled)
Lana Andelane (Newshub): House prices continue record-breaking streak despite market activity cooling off
Tony Wall (Stuff): The state paid $1300 a week for a room in emergency housing where a boy was murdered, but what did it do to keep him safe?

Dan Satherley, Emma Stanford, and Emma Turton (Newshub): Waikato DHB cyber attack a matter of when, not if – experts
Nikki Preston (Herald): Cyber attack on Waikato DHB’s IT system won’t be fixed until the weekend
Cate Broughton (Stuff): ‘Non-urgent’ brain surgery cancelled due to Christchurch Hospital bed shortage

Climate change
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Coal keeping the lights on

Jamie Ensor (Newshub): More than 8000 people on National Gang List, but Government pushes back on its accuracy
Katy Jones (Stuff): Decile 9 schools also face extra student needs but lose out on funding, principals say
Anusha Bradley (RNZ): Only 5% of sexual abuse claims make it through ACC system
George Block (Stuff): Defence Force launches new Southern Ocean patrol vessel project, price tag $300m+
Jessie Chiang (RNZ): Has the Christchurch Call made any progress?

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