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Daily News Roundup – 20 July 2020


National Party
Matt McCarten (E-Tangata): Red meat is back on the table
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Better the devil you know: the inside story of how Judith Collins became National’s leader
Audrey Young (Herald): Judith Collins v Jacinda Ardern means election 2020 rethink (paywalled)
1News: Q+A: This generation’s nuclear-free moment ‘actually the economy’, Judith Collins says
Claire Trevett (Herald): The Judith Collins interview: The National Party’s nuclear option (paywalled)
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Why National took so long to pick Judith Collins
Luke Malpass (Stuff): What Judith Collins means for NZ First and ACT
Brent Edwards (NBR): Fact or Fiction: National’s drama marks an extraordinary week in politics (paywalled)
Liam Hehir (RNZ): Four reasons Judith Collins is exceeding expectations
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Judith Collins grabs the reins and starts riding hard (paywalled)
Peter Wilson (RNZ): Week in politics: Collins moves fast to fix National Party
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Judith Collins brings colour to election run-in (paywalled)
Jack Tame (Newstalk ZB): Government should be nervous about Judith Collins
Patrick Thomsen (E-Tangata): Hoping for a dose of humanity and decency
Mike Yardley (Newstalk ZB): National’s ‘urban liberals’ have a lot to answer for
Newshub: The Hui: Judith Collins fires back at critics over ‘white’ comments
Newshub: The Hui: Maori commentators weigh in on Judith Collins’ leadership
Bevan Hurley, Dominic Harris, Alice Geary and Sharnae Hope (Stuff): National’s base sound familiar note on jobs and economic recovery
Alister Browne (Stuff): The Judith Collins question: Is she a keeper for Nats leader?
Steve Braunias (Herald): The secret diary of … the Collins Gang (paywalled)
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): Crusher offers her MPs chance to confess their sins and blasphemies
John Roughan (Herald): New National Party leader Judith Collins has the right instinct (paywalled)
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Judith Collins has ‘no intention of losing’ election as National MP calls her ‘placeholder leader’
Dan Satherley and Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Unhappy MPs should quit now, not after the election – Judith Collins
1News: Collins ’empowered’ as she erects election hoardings – ‘It’s been a long time coming’
Dan Satherley (Newshub): ‘Has-been’ Simon Bridges glad to have ‘no responsibility’ anymore
Duncan Garner (Newshub): Willie Jackson’s desperate attacks on Judith Collins shows the threat she poses
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Willie Jackson goes for Judith Collins’ jugular over ‘racially divisive’ remarks
Dan Satherley (Newshub): ‘Third-choice’ Judith Collins can’t beat Jacinda Ardern – David Parker
Sasha Borissenko (Herald): Judith Collins’ path to leader of National Party and Opposition (paywalled)
Newshub: The Hui: Judith Collins ‘absolutely’ keen for electorate deal with Maori Party
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): National’s Jo Hayes: Time for a ‘voice’ in Maori seats
Nicholas Jones (Herald): National leader Judith Collins rules out working with NZ First, says Winston Peters is on way out
1News: Collins says National working with Peters ‘not likely’ given NZ First may be out post-election
Stuff: Judith Collins says post-election deal with NZ First ‘not likely’
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Judith Collins keeps door shut on Winston Peters post-election
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Tova O’Brien (Newshub): National MPs ‘still have an affection for Winston Peters’, says Winston Peters
Richard Harman (Politik): A little bit the Muldoon way
Kevin Harrison and Rukuwai Tipene-Allen (Maori TV): ‘I’m just thinking about burning it in the rubbish bin” – Judith Collins on the RMA
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Judith Collins promises to repair National’s house building ‘mistake’
Newstalk ZB: National promises to freeze payments to the New Zealand Super Fund
Jamie Ensor and Mariam Harris (Newshub): National wants to suspend new Super Fund contributions
Rachael Kelly (Stuff): The race to replace MP Hamish Walker begins
Jehan Casinader (BusinessDesk): Being ‘resilient’ doesn’t mean you have to tough it out
Newstalk ZB: Kevin Milne: Muller deserves respect for realising the job wasn’t for him
David Cohen (RNZ): Muller not looming large in Bolger’s mind
Thomas Manch (Stuff): What next for Nikki Kaye? Growing vegetables on Great Barrier Island
Jessica Tyson (Maori TV): ‘This is the end of my chapter’ – Nikki Kaye
Jane Bowron (Stuff): I’m a National MP, get me out of here!
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Bill English to Amy Adams – National MPs who’ve quit since last election

NZ First
Richard Harman (Politik): NZ First’s problem; it is part of the Government
Jo Moir (RNZ): NZ First’s campaign promises old and rehashed policies
1News: Q+A: Full interview: Winston Peters denies Ihum?tao deal in fiery exchange on Q+A
Andy Fyers (BusinessDesk): Can NZ First make it back? (paywalled)
Andy Fyers (BusinessDesk): Beware underestimating Shane Jones (paywalled)
Audrey Young (Herald): New Zealand First Coalition agreement – progress report
Josh Van Veen (Democracy Project): Winston’s Road to Somewhere
Jason Walls (Herald): NZ First leader Winston Peters attacks Labour, Greens inexperience
Henry Cooke and Melanie Earley (Stuff): Winston Peters takes aim at Labour and Greens in campaign launch speech
1News: Winston Peters outlines NZ First achievements opposing ‘woke pixie dust’ in Government, announces election promises
Jo Moir (RNZ): NZ First leader Winston Peters highlights police, immigration in campaign launch
Jason Walls (Herald): NZ First unveils first policy, universal family benefit to return
Jo Moir (RNZ): Universal Family Benefit part of NZ First plan
Brent Melville (BusinessDesk): NZ First makes immigration cuts coalition ‘bottom line’
Jo Moir (RNZ): NZ First convention: Peters, caucus joined by 150 party members
Herald: NZ First leader Winston Peters lambasts state of NZ politics ahead of major speech
Jason Walls (Herald): A handbrake for silly ideas:’ Peters to discuss coalition disagreements in conference speech
Lloyd Burr (Newshub): ‘Bad Boys of Brexit’ confirm contract with NZ First, promise ‘Winston on steroids’
1News: Winston Peters reveals ‘raw meat’ reason why he needed unexpected surgery

Matt Burrows (Newshub): Bookmakers reveals odds on Judith Collins v Jacinda Ardern at NZ election 2020
Herald: Jacinda Ardern v Judith Collins – Australia’s Sportsbet lays odds
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Chlöe Swarbrick could save the Green Party in Auckland, but Labour would have to get out of the way
1News: Three Maori women to headline battle for East Coast seat in upcoming election
1News: Uncertainty for youth vote, as fewer young people enrolled to vote so far this election
Jim Tucker (Taranaki Daily News): Election will be smile versus crush
Blair Jackson (Stuff): Labour Party determined to take Invercargill seat
Donna-Lee Biddle (Stuff): No party is safe as Labour, National, and New Conservative see hoardings vandalised
Lincoln Tan (Herald): National MP Chris Bishop’s hoardings destroyed within a day of going up
Lana Andelane and Lydia Lewis (Stuff): National MP Chris Bishop’s hoardings vandalised within a day of going up
Dan Sathelrey (Newshub): New Conservatives accuse Labour of lying about removing signs
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Police complaint laid after New Conservative signs taken down
Georgina Campbell (Herald): New Conservative signs removed by Labour, police complaint laid
Rachael Kelly (Southland Times): New Conservative Party brings its message south
Thomas Day (Herald): Jacinda Ardern v Noel Edmonds at Mt Albert Great Debate
Stuff: Maori Party announce climate policy, with $1b for Maori-owned community energy projects
Maori TV: Maori Party reveal climate change plan
Bronson Perich (Maori TV): Former ‘tight-five’ MP Tuariki Delamere stands for Auckland Central
Heather McCarron and Dan Satherley (Newshub): Former Immigration Minister Tuariki Delamere standing for TOP in Auckland Central
Isaac Davison (Herad): Leaders Unplugged: Sustainable NZ’s Vernon Tava and his biking obsession (paywalled)fwoke
RNZ: Sunday Morning: New Zealanders in favour of euthanasia legislation
Hannah Martin (Stuff): Euthanasia referendum: What is assisted dying? The End of Life vote explained

Parliament, NZ politics
Mark Boyd (Stuff): The Aussification of politics in NZ
John Hawkes (Herald): Break the mould to make NZ better (paywalled)
Brittney Deguara (Stuff): Why are some politicians known by their first name, others by their surname?
1News: Ashley Bloomfield set to face Michael Woodhouse in Parliamentary rugby clash

Henry Cooke (Stuff): Government considering charging returning Kiwis $3000 for quarantine stay, same fee as National proposed
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Australian deportees would be charged $3000 for Covid-19 hotel stay under National’s plan
Alice Wilkins (Newshub): National would charge Australian deportees $3000 for managed isolation
Mike Houlahan (ODT): National, Labour reveal support for isolation charges
Herald: Labour agrees to charge returnees, announcement soon over quarantine costs
1News: Megan Woods says it’s ‘encouraging’ National supports charging travellers for quarantine stay
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Labour agrees with National to charge returnees to New Zealand
Henry Cooke (Stuff): National keen to charge returning Kiwis $3000 for their quarantine
1News: National releases details of proposed $3000 charge for travellers’ Covid-19 isolation
RNZ: National to charge for quarantine
Dan Satherley and Lana Andelane (Newshub): National unveils plan to charge homecoming Kiwis to stay in quarantine and isolation
Zane Small (Newshub): Megan Woods insists ruling out Queenstown isolation facility had nothing to do with local resistance
RNZ: Managed isolation facilities: Queenstown and Invercargill locations ruled out
Isaac Davison (Herald): NZ’s managed isolation/quarantine hotels: From 5-star luxury to basic accommodation (paywalled)
1News: Megan Woods to look into claims of used bottles left in quarantine hotels when new guests arrive
Kristin Hall (1News): Guest says family put at risk from lax cleaning which saw used PPE, bottles on ground at managed isolation facility

ODT Editorial: Right to be ready for lockdown
RNZ: False negatives the big risk for Covid-19 – expert
Georgia Forrester (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern among world leaders wanting equal access to Covid-19 vaccine
Herald: Countries with female leaders have far fewer deaths from Covid, research shows
1News: Ministry of Health puts $200k towards groups helping people with mental health and addiction issues post-lockdown

Tracing app
Newstalk ZB: Expert backs Covid Card over current contact tracing app
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ): Trade Me founder keen for bluetooth ‘CovidCard’ alternative to tracing app

Trans-Tasman bubble
Michael Daly (Stuff): Peters says Victoria Covid-19 surge a disaster; cautious on New Zealand’s economic recovery
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Australia’s COVID-19 ‘looseness’ is standing in way of travel bubble with New Zealand – Winston Peters
1News: ‘Australia’s got some work to do’ – tourism expert says more progress needed before trans-Tasman bubble can open
AAP: Victoria likely to be excluded from trans-Tasman bubble, says Scott Morrison
1News: Proposed airbridge allowing travel between New Zealand and Cook Islands loses steam

Todd Niall (Stuff): National’s transport plan: It’s big, but will it ‘smash’ Auckland’s jams
Jo Moir (RNZ): National leader Judith Collins announces infrastructure plan, RMA repeal
RNZ: National’s $31b transport plan ‘pricey but worth it’ – Bishop
Brittany Keogh (Stuff): National announces ‘biggest infrastructure package’ in history
Anna Whyte (1News): Judith Collins says ‘it’s time for boldness’ as she pledges $31b infrastructure spend, including second Auckland harbour crossing
Zane Small and Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): National’s transport plan: Road tolls proposed, congestion charging on the cards
Emma Cropper (Newshub): The National Party’s transport plan: Northlanders desperate for four-lane expressway
Dan Satherley and Tova O’Brien (Newshub): ‘Dopey’: Judith Collins defends lack of precise costings for tunnel projects
Jason Walls (Herald): Ghost train v ghost roads: National and Labour trade blows over Collins’ $31b transport policy
Zac Fleming (Newshub): Grant Robertson makes dig at National’s transport plan ‘shambles’
1News: National’s transport plans an ‘uncosted, unfunded shambles’ – Finance Minister
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Labour say National would have to cut a lot of projects for its $31b infrastructure plan
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): National pledges to enable NZTA to put more debt on its books
Jason Walls (Herald): Ferries, motorways and buses: Government unveils $180m Auckland transport spend
Caroline Williams (Stuff): Te Whau coastal pathway: $35 million pledged to extend Auckland project
RNZ: Auckland transport infrastructure plan includes new $37m shared path
Alice Wilkins (Newshub): Revealed: Over 40,000 drivers remain on restricted and learner licences for a decade
Todd Niall (Stuff): Aucklanders – where the bloody hell are ya
Liu Chen (RNZ): Air NZ offers solution after customers slam ‘unfair’ credit system

Human Rights Commission anti-racism campaign
Irra Lee (1News): Human Rights Commission launches new campaign after Asian discrimination reports during Covid-19 pandemic
Isaac Davison (Herald): New anti-racism campaign featuring Taika Waititi launched by Human Rights Commission
Brittany Keogh (Stuff): Taika Waititi is the ‘voice of racism’ in new Human Rights Commission campaign

Eloise Gibson (Stuff): New Zealand’s Paris target too weak for 1.5C – official advice to Govt
Caroline Williams (Stuff): Hundreds march in Auckland CBD for h?koi protesting Dome Valley dump proposal
1News: Hundreds march through Auckland city in protest against proposed Dome Valley landfill
RNZ: Hundreds protest landfill in Dome Valley

Local government
Max Rashbrooke (Stuff): Don’t let private sector gets its hands on library building
Bruce Munro (ODT): A top job
RNZ: Chch mayor Lianne Dalziel taking leave of absence due to husband’s health
Luke Appleby (1News): Napier mayor says accepting Government water funding won’t force it into permanent chlorination
Amber-Leigh Woolf (Stuff): Wellington electric vehicle chargers are only being used 1-3 per cent of the time
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Rates should not be going up amid Covid-19
Mark Price (ODT): Judge again slates Queenstown Lakes District Council’s process

Lee Kenny (Stuff): International students must return in 2021 or universities will struggle, warns sector boss
RNZ: Universities want detail on student quarantine requirements
Brittany Keogh (Stuff): Face-to-face university classes return, but online learning to stay
Lana Hart (Stuff): Ban religious instruction and teach world religions in our schools
Simon Collins (Herald): Religion in schools survey slammed as ‘biased’ by religious and secular groups

Brian Easton (Pundit): Designing A Health System For Health Care Delivery
Meriana Johnsen (RNZ): Why Maori healthcare providers want mobile clinics to become a regular fixture
Nicholas Jones (Herald): Grey Power wants subsidised health insurance, NZ First propose $500 annual rebate (paywalled)
1News: After 20 year fight, vote to be held on putting warnings for pregnant women on alcoholic products
Stuff: Mandatory pregnancy warning labels now required on alcohol
RNZ: Pregnancy warning labels to be mandatory on all alcohol products
RNZ: Maternity services get extra $180 million, midwives in line for pay rises
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ): Cyclists’ gruelling mission to deliver Nikau House petition against proposed closure
RNZ: Shortage of popular pain relief medication due to Covid-19 demand
1News: Govt-funded Paracetamol tablet brand ‘likely to run out’ at pharmacies by end of month
Emma Russell (Herald): Suffering in silence: Tens of thousands of Kiwi women fight for better post birth care

Primary and extractive industries
Rachael Kelly (Stuff): Shane Jones: Some landowners have ‘allergic reaction’ to carbon farming
Jamie Gray (Herald): Farmers back Government moves to tighten up on forest planting
Andrea Fox (Herald): Fonterra’s new carbon offset milk a Band-aid on climate change goal (paywalled)
Tracy Neal (RNZ): Post-Covid horticulture strategy aims to tackle harvesters’ challenges
RNZ: Conservationists sceptical about new Waihi open pit mine plan
Kelly Tantau (Stuff): OceanaGold proposes to expand Waih? mine, extending operations beyond 2036
1News: Proposal to expand, extend Waihi gold mine operations draws mixed reactions
RNZ: South Taranaki seabed mining appeal heads to Supreme Court

Inequality, poverty
Josephine Franks (Stuff): Kids starting term 3 without food or uniforms as Covid-19 bites
1News: KidsCan begins massive food distribution drive, but CEO says it’s ‘not something to celebrate’
Josephine Franks (Stuff): Demand for food banks double pre-Covid levels, and still growing
RNZ: Digital transformation in pandemic excluding those with access needs – advocate

Foreign affairs
Martin van Beynen (Stuff): How does a small, weak country like NZ handle a monolith like China?
1News: Leaders to discuss NZ-China trade relationship in Covid-19 age at Auckland summit
John McCrone (Stuff): Dancing with elephants: Why regionalism is the new globalism for NZ
1News: New Zealand increasing presence in Tonga with new resident defence adviser role

Nikki Macdonald (Stuff): Essential but broke – how do we put a value on work?
Michael Andrew (Stuff): Are NZ Uber drivers employees? The court is about to decide once and for all
Michael Pulman (RNZ): Disabled jobseeker told she would only get job ‘if someone feels bad’

Damien Grant (Stuff): Wage subsidy has exposed the grubby cowardice of business
Robyn Walker and Blake Hawes (Stuff): Preparing for a Covid-19 wage subsidy audit: Would your business be ready?
Andy Fyers (BusinessDesk): Second wave of unemployment looms as wage subsidies roll off
Melanie Carroll (Stuff): The Warehouse to hold staff meetings on Monday about restructuring
Bernard Orsman (Herald): Job losses at The Warehouse? Stores to close tomorrow morning for big announcement
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): New Zealand manufacturing in crisis: ‘What do we do now?’
RNZ: Manufacturing sector bouncing back

Dan Satherley (Newshub): Economic activity now only ‘slightly below 2019 levels’ – Treasury
Tony Alexander (Stuff): Here’s why the economic hit of Covid-19 might not be as bad as everyone thought
David Hargreaves (Stuff): Banks showing more caution than courage
John Cuthbertson (Stuff): How New Zealand’s economic response to Covid-19 compares to the rest of the world’s

RNZ: Campaign launches to sustain interest in New Zealand amid pandemic
Grant Bradley (Herald): Selling NZ to world: Govt agencies’ campaign to keep country prominent with borders closed (paywalled)
Amanda Cropp (Stuff): End of wage subsidy guarantees more tourism job losses
Nicholas Pointon (RNZ): Tourism school enrolments rise despite Covid-19 effects on industry

Tiwai Point
Mike O’Donnell (Stuff): Under the cover of Covid: new social licence being used to close Tiwai Smelter
Tim Hunter (NBR): Blame it on Rio (paywalled)
BusinessDesk: Tiwai Point workers deserve a future – Winston Peters
1News: Mataura residents nervous about toxic by-product storage with Tiwai Point Aluminium Smelter closing
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Toxic gas fear at ouvea site

Meridian Energy
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Winston Peters to Meridian: Please explain
Julie Iles (NBR): Winston Peters mulls action against Meridian board over hydro spill (paywalled)

Immigration, migrant workers
1News: Three hundred Samoan fruit pickers flown home on special Air NZ flight
ODT Editorial: No holiday from visa fears
Katarina Williams (Stuff): Job-seeking Canadian stranded by Covid-19 struggles to get visa clarity

Hayden Donnell (RNZ): Mediawatch: The fine line on lies
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Mediawatch: Broadcaster and NZME apologise to John Tamihere
Hayden Donnell (RNZ): Mediawatch: RNZ’s ‘toddler steps’ towards diversity
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): The Listener and other Bauer mags return — some may be gone for good
RNZ: Woman’s Weekly and Listener to resume publication after Bauer magazines sale

Northland floods
Peter de Graaf (Northern Advocate): Northland: ‘Heart-breaking’ scenes confront Civil Defence Minister Peeni Henare in flood-hit home town
Matthew Theunissen (RNZ): Northland floods leave homes uninhabitable, farms under water
Shannon Redstall (Newshub): Weather: Northland floods happening ‘quite regularly’ – Peeni Henare

Carmen Parahi (Stuff): What is Matariki, the Maori new year? And should it be made a public holiday?
Peter Dunne: The time has come to replace Queen’s Birthday with Matariki Day

Andrew Geddis (Pundit): If I Were To Kiss You Then Go To Hell, I Would
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): MSD identifies 30,000 people who may be missing out on money
Neil Reid (Herald): The $5 million PR bonanza: How New Zealand wooed TV star Stephen Colbert (paywalled)
Cate Broughton (Stuff): Street still home for some after Covid-19 housing offer
RNZ: Operation Burnham inquiry over, report handed to Attorney-General
Harry Lock (RNZ): New alert system would have given warning about Whakaari/White Island eruption
Katie Todd (RNZ): Christchurch gas explosion: ‘Grossly unjust’ for WorkSafe to not follow up sooner, neighbours say
Damian George (Stuff): Polarising views over report citing private sector’s struggle to attract people to Wellington
John Anthony (Stuff): Qatar Airways and Malaysia Airlines plan a return of regular flights to New Zealand
Charlotte Jacobs (Stuff): After 25 years, Whakat?hea to settle with Crown later this year
Cate Broughton (Stuff): ‘Offensive’ Christchurch Gondola time tunnel attraction mispronounces te reo, ‘celebrates’ colonialism
Stuff Editorial: Thanks in part to Helen Clark, the WHO won’t get fooled again
Maddison Northcott (Stuff): Christchurch director thankful election dramedy doesn’t feature real politicians


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The Good Oil Daily Roundup

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