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Daily News Roundup – 23 November 2020


National Party
Richard Harman: Goodfellow beats off challenge and calls for unity
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): Sir John Key’s speech a chilling glimpse into the future for National
Claire Trevett (Herald): ‘Reflective’ National Party meets for first time since election drubbing
Claire Trevett (Herald): Sir John Key slams in the bitter pill to National Party faithful (paywalled)
Jason Walls (Herald): John Key to leaking National MPs: ‘If you can’t quit leaking, quit the party’
Derek Cheng (Herald): Sir John Key on Peter Goodfellow’s ‘media bias’ against National: ‘Only ourselves to blame’
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): National’s own failings cost it the election, says John Key
Caitlin Ellis (Newshub): Judith Collins on why National lost, how it can win 2023 election
Anna Whyte (1News): National was ‘far too focused on ourselves’, but will come back stronger – Judith Collins
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): National president’s lockdown ‘tyranny’ jab shows party isn’t on the same page ahead of attempt to rebuild
TVNZ: Covid-19 reduced election to ‘a race of celebrity leadership’ – National Party president
Jo Moir (RNZ): National ‘needed to be a unified team with a credible message’ – David Carter
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Peter Goodfellow to remain National Party president
Jason Walls (Herald): Peter Goodfellow retains National presidency – former MP joins board
RNZ: National Party gathers for AGM: ‘We must give NZers a reason to vote for us’
Jo Moir (RNZ): Nats’ election post-mortem: Will Peter Goodfellow get to keep his job?

Bernard Hickey (Stuff): Twenty years of inaction has led to a ‘toxic’ NZ housing market
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): MPs should be put in public housing – Green Party’s Ricardo Menéndez March
Peter Dunne (Interest): Pass-the-parcel game on housing continues
Greg Ninness (Interest): House prices have risen 5 times as much as wages for typical first home buyers over 3 years
TVNZ: ‘We’re building houses for rich folk’ – Economist says NZ is building the wrong types of property
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Reserve Bank ‘asking for trouble’ with cheap lending, ‘completely out of touch’ – economist Shamubeel Eaqub
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Ardern should cash in some political capital to intervene in housing market
Tony Alexander (Stuff): Why are house prices still rising during the pandemic?
Monique Poirier (Kiwiblog): The one thing that can doom Jacinda Ardern: disappointment
Rob Rattenbury (Stuff): PM should follow first Labour government and offer ‘rent to buy’ scheme
Andrew Bayly (Herald): Government should call in Reserve Bank for housing chat (paywalled)
Miriam Bell (Stuff): First-home buyers going regional to get on the property ladder
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Earth to Government: Printing money has consequences
Terry Baucher (Interest): The Week in Tax: ‘To save capitalism, we must help the young’
1News: Christchurch struggling with Government’s high-density urban housing directives
Brent Edwards (NBR): Fact or Fiction: housing, tourists and infrastructure (paywalled)
Dileepa Fonseka (Stuff): Review or tweak? Government confronts body corporate reform
Peter Wilson (RNZ): The Week in Politics: Fears grow over Reserve Bank’s lending programme

Labour Government
Dale Husband (E-Tangata): Willie Jackson: Primed for politics
Chris Trotter: The Political economy of Pride And Prejudice
1News: Labour’s largest ever Pacific caucus prepares for term ahead
Claire Trevett (Herald): Beehive Diaries: Health Minister Andrew Little’s ‘undercover boss’ sting (paywalled)

Andrea Vance (Stuff): Wellington, I’m sorry to say it, but your good days are over
Joel MacManus (Stuff): Wellington sewage spills 20 times higher than acceptable target
Tom Hunt (Stuff): Media ‘gatecrashed’, councillors not welcome to forum so good ‘they may not return’
Damian George (Stuff): Wellington needs to consider ‘economic cost’ of racism, says former refugee Guled Mire
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Shelly Bay lobby group ‘doesn’t want to know’ where $440k donations came from
Tom Hunt (Stuff): Mayor Andy Foster literally putting up tents as Shelly Bay occupation begins
Alexa Cook (Newshub): Wellington iwi group Mau Whenua to occupy Shelly Bay development land

Local government
Damien Grant (Stuff): Auckland Council has become a bloated, debt-laden monster
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Tauranga City Council needs an intervention
Katie Todd (RNZ): Tauranga council divisions remain after mayor’s shock resignation
Herald: Tauranga mayor’s shock resignation: Tenby Powell calls for Government to step in
Kiri Gillespie (Herald): Tauranga mayor Tenby Powell on his resignation: ‘I’m more sad than anything else’ (paywalled)
Katie Todd (RNZ): Tauranga council divisions remain after mayor’s shock resignation
RNZ: Tauranga mayor Tenby Powell resigns
Stuff: Invercargill’s civic turbulence put into perspective by Tauranga’s civic torments
Newstalk ZB: Former Northland councillor wants referendum on Maori wards
Jean Bell (RNZ): Auckland Council relationships with urban Maori versus mana whenua under scrutiny
Deena Coster (Stuff): The P?keh? who became the face of a movement to give Maori a voice at the council table
Anan Zaki (RNZ): Failed ousting exposes party political influence in local government – chairperson
Emma Dangerfield (Stuff): Councillor criticises having all-male panel shortlist chief executive hopefuls
Alice Angeloni (RNZ): Gisborne elects youngest-ever councillor

Election and Parliament
RNZ: Survey: New Zealanders want parliamentary term increased
RNZ: Dodgy digital election ads: Does the watchdog need teeth?
David Farrar: Statistical anomalies in the 2020 New Zealand Election
Amelia Wade (Herald): Act’s MP bootcamp: How the nine newly minted politicians are getting match-fit (paywalled)
Joel Maxwell (Stuff): Second Maori Party-sought recount comes in with tiny gain for co-leader John Tamihere
Martin Van Beynen (Stuff): NZ tribalism – how close are we to the polarised US?
David Farrar: A conservative coup

International relations and trade
Derek Cheng (Herald): New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta pushes back on China’s Five Eyes warning
Newstalk ZB: Minister for Waiting? New Foreign Affairs Minister called out for not fronting for interviews
RNZ: Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta asks China to ‘reflect’
Anna Whyte (1News): NZ will keep advocating for democracy, despite China’s ‘eye poke’ threat – Nanaia Mahuta
1News: China warns NZ, other Five Eyes nations to stay out of Hong Kong situation
Herald: China says Five Eyes, including NZ, should face reality on Hong Kong
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Simon Bridges backs NZ Government in Five Eyes’ spat with China
Rebecca Howard (BusinessDesk): China rebukes Five Eyes (paywalled)
RNZ: China’s taste for more trade a plus for NZ – specialist
Newstalk ZB: China says Five Eyes, including NZ, should face reality on Hong Kong
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Is this the start of a new position from NZ on China?
Zane Small (Newshub): International law expert Al Gillespie expects New Zealand will be urged by Five Eyes to ‘speak up’ more as China beefs up threats
Wu Xi (Business Desk): New opportunities for China-New Zealand cooperation (paywalled)
Simon Draper (Stuff): Maori values continue to resonate with Asian counterparts
Jason Walls (Herald): Government spent $26 million on Apec hosting prep before Covid forced the summit online
Anna Whyte (1News): ‘We must not repeat the mistakes of history,’ Ardern says in APEC opening remarks
1News: Jacinda Ardern warns against protectionism as APEC leaders agree on free trade
Lana Hart (Stuff): Biden should look to Ardern’s playbook

Economy and work
Steve Kilgallon (Stuff): Matt McCarten’s public revenge on exploitative employers
1News: Quarter of Kiwis keep working past retirement age, double that of Australia
Andy Fyers (Business Desk): Young people bearing brunt of unemployment burden (paywalled)
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Steven Joyce backs call to rein in Reserve Bank, says axing wage hike is the answer
Liam Dann (Herald): The heavy metal light at the end of the Covid tunnel (paywalled)
Herald: Infrastructure report: NZ playing infrastructure catch-up after decades of under-investment
Tom Hunt and Bevan Peachey (Herald): Private sector investors can make major contribution to NZ infrastructure
Robert MacCulloch (NBR): The next three years: An economic policy forecast (paywalled)
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Electricity companies accused of using ‘confusion as a marketing tool’

Migrant workers and benefits
1News: Government wants ‘Kiwi first’ approach as industries call for migrant workers
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Migrant workers to receive emergency benefits
Sarah Robson (RNZ): Benefits for migrant workers to match standard dole rate
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Migrant group calls for emergency benefits

Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Tourism Minister Stuart Nash must adjust his approach (paywalled)
Francesca Rudkin (Newstalk ZB): No reason for Tourism Minister to start bashing tourists
Tom O’Connor (Stuff): Time to grasp the freedom camper by the horns
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): Track and trace task force has nothing to go on
Stuff: Fears wealthy tourists will leave many operators ‘high and dry’
RNZ: NZ may become ‘Florida of South Pacific’ without young tourists – YH
1News: Campervan ban not the answer to attracting ‘high-value’ visitors – Tasman mayor
Jehan Casinader (BusinessDesk): We don’t just want rich tourists (paywalled)

Defence forces
Stuff: No room for complacency over war crimes
RNZ: NZ Defence Force must expose troops’ ‘guilty secrets’ – Hager
George Block (Stuff): HMNZS Aotearoa: Covid-19 again scuppers best-laid plans for Navy’s big new ship

Lois Williams (1News): How dirty is NZ coal? – Mining lobby faces conservationists
Jason Walls (Herald): Apec: Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern mentions her ‘climate sceptic’ grandmother in speech
Rachael Kelly (Stuff): O’Connor: Tweaks to new freshwater rules coming
1News: ‘Shameless profit’ – Maori Party co-leader wants seabed mining banned in NZ

Justice and policing
Ripu Bhatia (Stuff): Prisoner numbers fall 1089 over last 12 months, largest drop in over 20 years
Cate Broughton (Stuff): New Police Minister wants more diversity but treads softly around race
Irra Lee (1News): ‘We’ve got to see the whole ecosystem’ – New Police Minister wants holistic view in tackling family violence

Gill Bonnett (RNZ): MIQ spaces available but separated families told rooms all booked for now
Katie Scotcher (RNZ): Chris Hipkins on being minister of Covid-19 response and adapting to challenges
1News: Misinformation about Covid-19 vaccine a ‘concern’ as NZ awaits rollout
Cecilia Robinson (Herald): What Covid can teach us about female leadership (paywalled)

1News: Independent review claims St John in ‘serious financial risk’
1News: Ministry of Health apologises after people with bowel cancer wrongly advised to get screened
RNZ: Diabetes treatment in New Zealand racist – medical experts
Tracy Neal (RNZ): Nelson-Marlborough Health boss spent $22k on travel expenses

Henry Cooke (Stuff): The Government should look at legalising pill testing before it goes on holiday
Joel MacManus (Stuff): Wellingtinny: Could the capital become the Colorado of New Zealand?
Lisette Reymer (Newshub): New Zealand’s growing meth crisis ‘ruining people’s lives’ – frontline staff

Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): Government aims to get ahead of school roll growth curve: Hipkins
Cherie Sivignon and Amber Allott (Stuff): Government announces funding boost for South Island schools with skyrocketing rolls
Ruth Hill (RNZ): Schools footing bill to teach teachers how to teach reading

Mike Houlahan (Otago Daily Times): Privacy law refreshed to reflect the times
Tom Peters (World Socialist Web Site): No justice for families 10 years after New Zealand’s Pike River mine disaster
Duncan Bridgeman (Herald): Can NZME keep up the momentum? (paywalled)
Stuff: Te R?nanga o Ng?i Tahu chair ‘grateful’ for re-election
Bridie Witton, Charlie Gates and Mina Kerr-Lazenby (Stuff): On reverse culture shock: What it’s like to call New Zealand home again
Alice Te Punga Somerville (E-Tangata): (Not quite) 250 ways to start an essay about Captain Cook
Michael Nielson (Herald): Dame Anne Salmond awarded prestigious Blake medal: ‘A legacy we all benefit from’
Hannah Martin (Stuff): ‘It’s my job not to switch off’: Women of Influence winner Siouxsie Wiles on her important role
Herald: Business Insider: Graeme Hart’s superyacht Odyssey sold to Kiwi businessman, Bauer’s magazine price, Phil Goff’s tape measure (paywalled)


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Kristofferson’s family confirmed his death on Sunday night, saying he “passed away peacefully” at home on Saturday. “We’re all so blessed for our time with him,” read the statement.

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