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Daily News Roundup – 26 March 2021


Housing: Rental market
Stuff: Editorial – Renters could be ‘lost generation’ in New Zealand’s housing crisis
1News: ‘I want them to have a future’ – Concerns renters have been overlooked in housing package
1News: Megan Woods challenged by John Campbell on consideration given to renters in housing package
1News: Rents will increase, regardless of Government’s housing package — senior economist
Jenny Ruth (BusinessDesk): Predictions of falling house prices, rising rents and homelessness (paywalled)
RNZ: Housing: Landlords are still raising rents despite best financial circumstances – Swarbrick
Rupert Gough (Stuff): The numbers that could kill off a rental property
Ben Leahy (Herald): Housing shake up: all eyes on South Auckland to see if investors exit market (paywalled)
Simon Angelo (Wealth Morning): Help! They just made housing uninvestable
Jean Bell (RNZ): Housing policies ‘leaving Bay of Plenty first-home buyers out in the cold’

Housing: Government announcement
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Kiwis need 120 percent pay rise for current house prices to be ‘affordable’, according to analysis
David Hargreaves (Interest): ‘A full attack on house prices is now under way’
ODT: Editorial – Housing ‘levers’ and crossed fingers
Brian Fallow (Herald): Shooting the property investors’ sacred cow (paywalled)
Anna Rawhiti-Connell (RNZ): Doomscrolling the housing crisis: Soap opera, fairy tale or horrorscope?
Daria Kuprienko (One Roof): The mood in the auction rooms: ‘They are putting the knife into New Zealanders’
Brent Edwards (NBR): Will Labour’s moves actually make a difference to housing crisis? (paywalled)
Mat Brown (Stuff): How the new housing policy could affect the homes we design
RNZ: We tried to find an Auckland home for less than $625,000

Housing: Tax deductibility changes
Bob Jones: Rental housing
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Investors might pay 30 per cent less for properties after deductibility changes, says ASB economist
Bryce Wilkinson (Herald): Why the Government’s housing policy is shambolic (paywalled)
Anne Gibson (Herald): Government housing changes: British tax overhaul ‘nowhere near as severe as here’ (paywalled)
Brent Melville and Andy Fyers (BusinessDesk): How the housing package will tank property investors’ returns (paywalled)
Zane Small (Newshub): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has no regrets moving against property investor ‘tax loophole’
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Property investors petition for reversal of rule changes

Housing: Ten-year bright line test extension
Peter Dunne: The Government’s Orwellian broken promise on tax
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Will bright-line test compliance improve from dismal levels?
Anne Gibson (Herald): Government housing changes: Inland Revenue reveals 33,020 rental sales ‘potentially taxable’ (paywalled)

Tess Brunton (RNZ): New Zealand hospitals in crisis after ‘biggest January, February on record’
1News: ‘It’s a crisis’ – Overwhelmed ED staff in hospitals often in tears, experts say
Stephen Forbes (Stuff): Middlemore Hospital’s ED capacity at ‘dangerous level’ – health worker
RNZ: Health Minister answers questions as hospitals hit capacity
Newstalk ZB: Health commentator pleased DHB mergers appear to be off the table
Sally Murphy (RNZ): DHBs’ dermatology gap forces kids to miss school ‘for months’ – doctor
Chris Lynch (Herald): Where has all the mental health funding gone?

Parliament and Government
Matthew Hooton: Jacinda Ardern and Christopher Luxon, so close, and yet so far apart (paywalled)
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Christopher Luxon needs to avoid being ‘the Christian guy’
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Labour’s Peeni Henare apologises to National’s Erica Stanford after ‘cat-calling’ incident
Ireland Hendry-Tennent (Newshub): National’s Chris Bishop accuses Grant Robertson of ‘double standards’ in criticism of Israel Adesanya rape remark
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): Where has the Government’s kindness gone?

NZ and China
Chris Trotter: Weapons of war
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): China bites at New Zealand after Uighur abuses condemnation, but criticism pales in comparison to Chinese attack on Australia
Guled Mire (Stuff): New Zealand’s stance on China’s treatment of Uyghurs: Why turning a blind eye is no longer an option
Audrey Young (Herald): National backs call for UN investigation in China over Uighurs

Local government
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Government thinks $110 billion needed to fix broken water system
Logan Savory (Stuff): Leadership void remains at Invercargill City Council
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Wellington councillors blindsided by serious drinking water incident
Nicholas Boyack (Stuff): Upper Hutt Council increasing debt to pay for infrastructure
Susan Botting (Stuff): Whang?rei District Council Maori wards to go ahead after councillors’ challenge fails

Adam Jacobson (RNZ): Managed isolation management in question as officials investigate possible hotel transmission
RNZ: MIQ hotel complications a ‘betrayal of trust’ – returnee
Leah Tebbutt (Herald): Covid 19 coronavirus and the impact on our trust: Bay of Plenty professor involved in global survey

Racism; Police
Jason Walls (Herald): Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon admits ‘police are racist’ comment was wrong
Jason Walls (Herald): Meng Foon set NZ’s race relations back 10 years: National leader Judith Collins

Verity Johnson (Stuff): Woke culture’s lack of forgiveness only destroys its own voices
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Most businesses took Covid support, arts and events hurt the most
Rosemary McLeod (Stuff): Prisoners are broken people. They deserve better treatment
Richard Harman: The SIS; its other friends overseas and its problems at home (paywalled)
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Minister Andrew Little says review of spy powers is coming, takes swipe at media
