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Daily News Roundup – 28 September 2020


Newshub-Reid Research poll
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): National is in a classic opposition party death spiral
Audrey Young (Herald): Latest poll is a shocker for National (paywalled)
Richard Harman (Politik): Labour – walking away with it
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Newshub-Reid Research poll: For the first time, exclusive polling shows how voting habits changed since 2017 election
Delphine Herbert and Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): New Zealand First losing support with voter ‘migration’ to ACT Party – political commentator
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Newshub-Reid Research poll shows Labour governing alone as National languishes in the 20s
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Greens and ACT fighting for third place as New Zealand First’s voter base gets gobbled up
Tova O’Brien (Newshub):Judith Collins won’t stand down if National loses as Newshub-Reid Research poll shows voters still prefer Jacinda Ardern
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Judith Collins says she wouldn’t step down if she lost the election
Henry Cooke (Stuff): National below 30 per cent in new poll, Labour could govern alone

John Armstrong (1News): National could emerge from ‘one of the bleakest episodes in its long history’ despite poll result
Keith Rankin (Evening Report): The 2020 New Zealand Election is Not a Foregone Conclusion
Luke Malpass (Stuff): National goes hunting for votes on the right while Labour plays it safe
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Labour ‘unleashed’ – what might it do? (paywalled)
Jamie Ensor (Newshub): Value of political candidates’ experience in ‘eye of beholder’ – political experts
Peter Wilson (RNZ): Week in Politics: Collins needs a game-changer
Brent Edwards (NBR): Fact or Fiction: leadership debate debacle, fiscal ferment and Green tax (paywalled)
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Mark the Week: ACT are the political stars of the week
Geoff Simmons (Interest): Why TOP’s tax policy is better than the Greens’ wealth tax
Charlie Gates (Stuff): Warcraft, murderous politicians and Bowie – the cultural tastes of NZ’s leaders
Anna Whyte (1News): Most Kiwis support a public holiday during Matariki – 1 NEWS poll
George Driver (AAP FactCheck): Will pumped hydro result in significant energy price hikes for NZ?
RNZ: No time for a day off on the campaign trail
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern recommits Labour to no more conservation land mining, blames Winston Peters for broken promise
1News: Jacinda Ardern says her and Judith Collins’ ‘force fields’ won’t explode if they meet on West Coast
Joanne Carroll (Stuff): Ardern and Collins battle for votes on the wild West Coast
1News: Damien O’Connor says ‘idiots’ defaced Jacinda Ardern hoardings on West Coast
Daisy Hudson and Grant Miller (ODT): Stark contrast from party leaders
Evan Harding (Southland Times): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern heading south to talk Tiwai
Denise Piper (Stuff): Politicians put aside differences to plant seed of hope in north
Newstalk ZB: Young National, Labour candidates on the importance of young voices
Rachel Moore (Stuff): Immigrant Kiwis empowered by the right to vote
Eugene Bingham and Adam Dudding (Stuff): Tick. Tick podcast: The positive fightback against online hate in the election
Zoe Holland (Herald): Christchurch gelato store encourages voting with political party flavours
Matt Burrows (Newshub): Nuwshub’s political reporters reflect on campaign trail’s funniest moments so far
Dale Husband (E-Tangata): Rawiri Waititi: Unapologetically Maori
Rob Mitchell (Stuff): Election battle at the fringes: Conspiracy theorists, a student and that guy who doesn’t want your vote
Martin van Beynen (Stuff): Plugging In….to Christchurch Central
Grant Miller (ODT): Referendum questions first up at forum
Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): Nelson political candidates outline plans for tackling Covid-19 debt

Leaders’ debates, RNZ and ASB finance debates
Hayden Donnell (RNZ): Mediawatch: A not-so-great debate
Martin Van Beynen (Stuff): Format of leaders’ debates needs to change
Newstalk ZB: What to expect from the second leaders debate (audio)
Jimmy Ellingham (Manawatu Standard): Contest of ideas preferable to uninspiring leaders’ debates
Alison Mau (Stuff): Why I’m revelling in the fortune of a boring leaders’ debate
Alister Brown (Stuff): Figures don’t tell the whole story, neither do TV debates
Jane Bowron (Stuff): Spare me the debates, just let me vote now
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Debate ratings show we are invested in election
RNZ: Paul Goldsmith and Grant Robertson go head-to-head in finance debate
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Fiscal hole flip-flop, health, housing and debt in no-holds barred finance debate
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Seymour finds plenty of support

Andrea Vance (Stuff): Why Paul Goldsmith can’t read numbers or the public mood
Craig McCullough (RNZ): Explainer: How deep does National’s fiscal hole go?
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): National and economics agency now backing two different sets of numbers
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Labour keeps pressure on National’s fiscal holes: ‘They have a lot of explaining to do’
Audrey Young (Herald): National’s Judith Collins rejects Robertson call for fiscal rewrite (paywalled)
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Grant Robertson calls for Judith Collins to ‘show some leadership’ over Paul Goldsmith’s fiscal errors
Zane Small (Newshub): Judith Collins hits back as Jacinda Ardern suggests National redo financial plan
1News: Judith Collins defends Paul Goldsmith despite claims he made a tax take error
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Gerry Brownlee hits back over National’s financial plan, says criticism of Paul Goldsmith ‘completely outrageous’
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Paul Goldsmith admits he didn’t account for tax loss by axing Super Fund payments in fiscal plan
Zane Small (Newshub): Paul Goldsmith brushes off Labour’s fears of ‘inevitable’ health cuts, rubbishes claims of another fiscal hole
Jack Tame (Newstalk ZB): Judith Collins changes her strategy
Jason Walls (Herald): ‘Fake news’? National Party leader Judith Collins needs to rein in her renegade MPs – comment (paywalled)
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Judith Collins refuses to condemn false quote posted by her MPs
Ethan Griffiths (Herald): Whanganui MP Harete Hipango defends posting false Jacinda Ardern quote
Jason Walls (Herald): National re-commits to policy to lock up those who stay silent on child abuse
Thomas Manch (Stuff): National again promises to punish people who fail to disclose child abuse
Aaron Leaman and Thomas Manch (Stuff): National vows to break cone of silence around child abuse
RNZ: Non-disclosure of child abuse would be an offence under National government
Georgia Forrester (Stuff): Judith Collins says if she was PM, she’d be ‘out on the training field’ with All Blacks
1News: Judith Collins claims if she were PM ‘the All Blacks would be winning’
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Simon Bridges reminds voters how popular National were under his leadership
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): My Net Worth: Paul Goldsmith, MP

Henry Cooke (Stuff): Labour would ban plastic cutlery, apple stickers and throwaway coffee cups by 2025
RNZ: Labour promises to phase out hard-to-recycle plastics
1News: Slew of single-use plastics to go by 2025 if Labour elected to govern
Amelia Wade (Herald): Labour promising to phase out single-use plastics by 2025
Jasmin Bull (Newshub): Labour promises to phase out single-use plastics by 2025
Amelia Wade (Herald): Winston Peters calls Labour’s $50m fund for plastic innovation ‘reckless in the extreme’
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): David Seymour slams Labour Party’s policy to phase out single-use plastics
BusinessDesk: No social insurance scheme before 2024: Robertson (paywalled)
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Labour would design, but probably not implement, social insurance in next term
Newstalk ZB: Andrew Little: Push to curb hate speech being driven by religious groups
Newstalk ZB: Andrew Little hits back at David Seymour’s criticism of hate speech proposals
Derek Cheng (Herald): Jacinda Ardern takes her campaign to the West Coast
Newstalk ZB: National says Labour’s policies could cost businesses $2.8 billion a year
Herald: Spy: Will Jacinda Ardern DJ on Election Day?

NZ First
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Winston Peters’ ?rewa speech is a war-cry to an old, inflated enemy
Brittany Keogh (Stuff): Winston Peters in his element delivering speech at ?rewa
Derek Cheng (Herald): James Shaw slams Winston Peters and the ‘politics of division’
Henry Cooke and Brittany Keogh (Stuff): Winston Peters unleashes on Labour over Ihum?tao in race-relations speech, says NZ First stopped deal three times
Amelia Wade (Herald): Winston Peters reveals NZ First threatened to pull the pin on coalition over Ihumatao
RNZ: Winston Peters says NZ First ‘staved off any action’ on Ihumatao before election
Zane Small (Newshub): Winston Peters thinks Jacinda Ardern made ‘a terrible decision’ by intervening in Ihumatao
1News: NZ First leader Winston Peters promises to stop Government from ‘ripping’ off smokers

Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Greens tax a controversial election issue (paywalled)
Yvette McCullough (RNZ): Party vote Green to keep Ardern at helm, Shaw urges

Ben Thomas (Herald): Seymour a hard Act to follow as big rise in polls shows
Henry Cooke (Stuff): David Seymour tells voters to skip ‘the knock-off cover band’ and choose ACT over National
Amelia Wade (Herald): Act leader David Seymour says Kiwis being told ‘two massive falsehoods’ about Covid-19 response
Steven Walton (Stuff): David Seymour visits Christchurch, offering ‘freedom to achieve’ while eating ice cream
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): ACT Party rise reflects recognition of ‘what’s occurring out there in New Zealand’ – candidate Nicole McKee
1News: Meet the nine ACT candidates who could be new faces in next Parliament

Advance NZ
Denise Piper (Stuff): Police waiting for political candidate Billy TK Jr at airport after refusing to wear mask properly during flight
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Advance NZ leader Billy Te Kahika met by police after refusing to wear face mask properly on flight
Dan Satherley and Finn Hogan (Newshub): Advance NZ leader Jami-Lee Ross grilled on COVID-19 claims

Euthanasia and cannabis referendums
1News: 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton Poll: Support for cannabis legalisation dropping, End of Life Choice remains steady
Henry Cooke (Stuff): If Jacinda Ardern supports cannabis legalisation, she should say so
Derek Cheng (Herald): Everything you need to know including why it has become political (paywalled)
Lana Andelane (Newshub): Cannabis referendum: Legalisation will be ‘very tight’, ‘vote no’ campaigns casting ‘fear, doubt’ – Swarbrick
Simon Collins (Herald): Are Kiwi teenagers conservative on cannabis? (paywalled)
Kate Hawkesby (Newstalk ZB): Listen to the professionals on the harms of cannabis legalisation
Emmaline Pickering-Martin (E-Tangata): I’m voting yes in the cannabis referendum
Bridie Witton (Stuff): Dylan Kelly on his mother and cannabis: ‘She would be voting yes’
Tracy Neal (RNZ): Thai cannabis company says projected economic benefits won’t materialise
RNZ: The Detail: Breaking down cannabis
Hannah Martin (Stuff): What do doctors think about assisted dying?
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Anti-euthanasia doctor slams David Seymour’s ‘disgraceful’ questioning of her motives
David Seymour (Stuff): End of life vote a test of our society
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Helen Clark part of 60-strong group kicking off ‘yes’ vote campaign
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Former PM Helen Clark backs euthanasia ‘yes’ vote
Jason Walls (Herald): Former PM Helen Clark urges Kiwis to vote yes on assisted dying referendum
1News: Former PM Helen Clark puts support behind End of Life Choice referendum
Matt Burrows and Ben O’Connor (Newshub): How religious Kiwis are deciding which way to vote on the End of Life Choice Bill

Ben Leahy (Herald): What’s the plan to tackle the housing crisis? Policies compared
AAP: Jacinda Ardern’s claims on public housing ‘mostly true’, factcheck finds
Bernard Hickey (Stuff): NZ can build enough affordable homes – Christchurch proves it
Rachel Thomas (RNZ): Farewell to rent rise freeze: Advocates call for limit and better housing
Mandy Te (Stuff): Calls for rent control as renters bid farewell to Government’s rent freeze with cake
Ben Leahy (Herald): Group letter calls on National to back Healthy Homes standards
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): Barfoot & Thompson wants National to scrap plans to overturn rental standards
Meriana Johnsen (RNZ): Housing waitlist jumps by 74 percent in Far North
Brent Melville (BusinessDesk): New housing records as new buyers, investors pile in
Caitlin Ellis (Newshub): Housing lobby calls for rent freeze extension on behalf of struggling renters
Zoe Madden-Smith: The six-month Covid rent freeze ends today, but rents are already going up. A lot.
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Government loan scheme opens for owners of quake-prone apartments

Bernard Hickey (Stuff): Here’s a free way to pay off Government’s foreign debt
Liam Dann (Herald): NZ economy will muddle through – but at what cost?

Wage subsidy
John Anthony (Stuff): 134 family trusts claimed nearly $5m in wage subsidies, prompting a call for an investigation
Kate MacNamara (Herald): Kate MacNamara: Why the wage subsidy was so broad and who should give it back (paywalled)
Rebecca Stevenson (BusinessDesk): Hallenstein Glasson takes millions in wage subsidy, will pay dividend (paywalled)

Employment, finances
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Big jump in unemployment revealed in Westpac survey
Brent Edwards (NBR): Public servants more confident than private sector about employment prospects (paywalled)
Rosie Gordon (Newshub): Government needs better way to help unemployed women – economists
1News: Greens call for review of billion-dollar trade training fund they say favours men over women
RNZ: Auckland most pessimistic region about keeping jobs – survey
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Little change in benefit numbers despite drop in wage subsidy payments
Bevan Hurley and Rob Stock (Stuff): Covid-19: From comfortable retirement to living in a motorhome, New Zealanders unprepared for financial shock of coronavirus
RNZ: Sunday Morning: More millennials moving back in with mum and dad

Herald’s Mood of the Boardroom survey
Tim McCready (Herald): How business leaders view Jacinda Ardern
Graham Skellern (Herald): Party antics impacted Judith Collins’ momentum (paywalled)
Tim McCready (Herald): The Green Party – A tale of two leaders
Tim McCready (Herald): Seymour a single-handed success
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald) Both Labour and National lacking in policies to give us confidence (paywalled)
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald) Grant Robertson impresses the business leaders
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald) Public funding — or private donations?
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald) Business, not bureaucrats (paywalled)
Herald: Top three issues facing the nation
Tim McCready (Herald): Greens’ wealth tax ‘too difficult to implement’ (paywalled)
Thomas Pippos (Herald): Tax will either be centre-stage in this election, or not far from it (paywalled)
Graham Skellern (Herald): A fine balance between economic and health outcomes (paywalled)
Tamsyn Parker (Herald): Confidence plummets as Covid worries weigh on business (paywalled)
Tim McCready (Herald): Covid-19 has cast a pall over CEO confidence
Tim McCready (Herald): Debt mounts in wake of Covid-19
Tim McCready (Herald): Covid-19 restrictions are bordering on ridiculous (paywalled)
Tim McCready (Herald): Resurgence pops plans for transtasman bubble
Graham Skellern (Herald): RMA reform needs to happen quickly
Duncan Bridgeman (Herald): The goalposts are shifting daily (paywalled)
Herald: Business needs a clear path, with no surprises (paywalled)
Tim McCready (Herald): The show must go on — online

Gill Bonnett (RNZ): Immigration reset or a new normal?
Lana Andelane (Newshub): Covid-19 border closures ‘blessing in disguise’ for halting immigration – Hannah Tamaki

Inequality, poverty
1News (Q+A): Labour MP bites back against claims they failed to deliver on child poverty in Government
Zane Small (Newshub): National’s aim of reducing child poverty by targeting material hardship ‘contradictory’ – Jacinda Ardern
Caroline Fleming (RNZ): Hungry and anxious: Bay of Plenty preschoolers feel brunt of Covid-19 pandemic (paywalled)

Nicholas Jones (Herald): $65 million spent on laboratory processing of tests; Ministry of Health reviews pricing (paywalled)
1News: Most Kiwis would likely get Covid-19 vaccine if one becomes available – 1 NEWS poll
ODT Editorial: Report shows privacy breach impact
Bridie Witton (Stuff): Countries should learn from NZ’s Covid-19 strategy and ‘bubbles’ – Lancet study
Crystal Wu (Newshub): Report encourages other countries to follow New Zealand’s zero-COVID strategy
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Ministry of Health needs to be honest about contact tracing technology
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Engineering a way through the Covid contact tracing conundrum
Chris Keall (Herald): Eyes on Singapore’s move to dongles as NZ Covid Tracer usage falls away (paywalled)
Harry Lock (RNZ): Bittersweet: Kiwis reflect on demands of living with Covid-19
RNZ: Covid-19 pandemic had significant negative impact on exercise rates – study
RNZ: Sunday Morning: Covid-19 truth and lies – can New Zealanders tell the difference?
Joanne Butcher (Stuff): Australian minister talks up trans-Tasman travel ‘by end of year’ – but it could be one way
Herald: Transtasman travel bubble within weeks – Australian reports

Border, managed isolation
Tom Dillane (Herald): Superyachts entering NZ border can quarantine at sea – if they spend millions in repairs before America’s Cup
RNZ: German yachties had ‘blatant disregard’ for New Zealand law – Immigration NZ
RNZ: A serious matter’: Germans detained in Bay of Islands after defying border controls
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): National’s Gerry Brownlee wants border open to Pacific Islands early next year but ‘not a commitment or promise’
1News: Jacinda Ardern says NZ’s managed isolation protocols are being assessed

Health and disability
Cate Broughton (Stuff): Youth cancer unit at new Christchurch hospital won’t open due to ‘financial constraints’
Stuff: Health care providers should consider practices, values and beliefs in wh?nau Maori care, report says
RNZ: Short consultation times a barrier for Maori health equity
Maori TV: Maori patients focus of newly released health equity report
Michael Pulman (RNZ): Funding increase won’t address issues at the coalface
Grant Miller (ODT): Alcohol warnings rejected: Hayne
Grant Miller (ODT): Uni experimenting in curtailing alcohol harm
Stuff: The worrying state of mental health
Koro Vaka’uta (RNZ): Mental health awareness among Pasifika improving but more to be done
Joanne Carroll (Stuff): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern turns sod on ‘not fit for purpose’ West Coast health centre
Mei Heron (1News): Ministry of Health apologises after blunder uncovered in flu vaccine report, angering doctors
RNZ: Plea for complaints system for women denied reproductive healthcare
RNZ: Some doctors refusing to provide contraceptives – survey
Kate Nicol-Williams (1News): Major barriers remain for New Zealanders accessing contraception – survey
Hannah Martin (RNZ): Hundreds of endometriosis sufferers left languishing by lockdown delays
Amy Wiggins (Herald): Hundreds of women desperate after endometriosis treatment cancelled
RNZ: Covid-19 delays leave hundreds with endometriosis in pain
Lana Hart (Stuff): Tax sugary drinks to fund dental care
Mike Mather (Waikato Times): Vaping ban in Hamilton back on city council agenda

ODT: Where the parties sit on waste
ODT: Promises, promises
RNZ: Reactions to Labour’s waste policies urge caution and full speed
RNZ: Water quality of rivers and streams not improving study shows
Grant Miller (ODT): Water quality ‘everyone’s responsibility’
Joel MacManus (Stuff): How much will climate change cost our biggest companies?
Danielle Clent (Stuff): Parliament to install solar panels in bid to cut carbon, climate minister announces
Kendall Hutt (Stuff): Why climate-heating methane escapes our landfills
Chloe Ranford (Stuff): Renwick orchard owner backs campaign to move climate change out of politics

Primary industries
Eric Frykberg (RNZ): Partial reverse of livestock ban if Labour elected – O’Connor
Liz McDonald and Henry Cooke (Stuff): Farmers on board with environmental cleanup but want time and fairness
Tracy Neal (RNZ): Farmers natural guardians of biodiversity, new study says
Chloe Ranford (RNZ): Higher waste costs might be incentive Marlborough’s wine industry needs
Laura Smith (ODT): Group to help farmers implement new fresh water rules

Brittany Keogh and Josephine Franks (Stuff): Unis banking on return of international students to plug $500m hole
Natalie Akoorie (Herald): Waikato University Maori staff allegations of institutional racism ‘incorrect, inaccurate’ review finds
Sharnae Hope (Waikato Times): Waikato Uni racism claims ‘incorrect’, sparked by spending probe – report
RNZ: Waikato University review finds racism claims were ‘incorrect, inaccurate’
Katie Todd (RNZ): University of Waikato launches taskforce to address racism
Steve Stannard (Stuff): Cultural diversity not a panacea for solving New Zealand’s health problems
Jehan Casinader (BusinessDesk): NZ is better for ‘special entry’ medical students
Vanessa Selak (E-Tangata): Why being a P?keh? doctor isn’t enough
Simon Collins (Herald): Auckland Grammar accused of racist anti-Asian school assembly skit
M?ni Dunlop (RNZ): Maori school to deliver ultimatum to ministry after delays to rebuild
Maori TV: New $20 million fund to support Maori boarding schools, Labour election promise

Local government
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Ousted Auditor-General Martin Matthews lands job in local government
Logan Church (Herald): Sir Tim Shadbolt says he can’t pay back $350,000 in legal bills
Jasmin Bull (Newshub): Invercargill mayor Sir Tim Shadbolt faces bankruptcy, owes $350k in legal bills
Logan Savory (Stuff): Year of factions and fallout at Invercargill City Council, can it be changed?
Jimmy Ellingham (Stuff): Taking council conversations behind closed doors isn’t on
RNZ: No Maori seat for GWRC in 2022
Rachel Graham (RNZ): Red-zone land gifted to council: ‘We’ve got lots of ideas’
Annabelle Tukia (Newshub): Swathe of red zone land gifted to Christchurch City Council
Felix Desmarais (RNZ): Rotorua climate action plan: a vision for the future, or a pipe dream?
1News: Concerns Aucklanders’ hard work saving water could be undone as restrictions ease for businesses
Susan Botting (RNZ): Former Whangarei Mayor Craig Brown dies suddenly

Right to Silence
Blair Ensor and Edward Gay (Stuff): Right to silence: Should people be forced to speak to police when a child is killed?
Stuff: Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft calls for law change on ‘right to silence’ for abuse witnesses

Colin Peacock (RNZ): Mediawatch: Lifting the lid on abuse in state care
RNZ: Mediawatch: The dark news poetry of Stuff’s push notifications

Andre Chumko (Stuff): Shaping the future of Aotearoa’s arts and culture sector

Michael Morrah (Newshub): Gloriavale accused of targeting members who spoke out against controlling leadership
Michael Morrah (Newshub): Top lawyer compares Gloriavale’s leadership to Islamic State

Imogen Wells (1News): ‘Dreadful’ ACC loophole preventing child sexual abuse victims from qualifying for weekly compensation
Andrew McRae (RNZ): Woman endured abuse to protect her younger sisters
RNZ: Air New Zealand to strengthen finances in first half of 2021
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Air NZ flags 2021 capital raise; Starts drawing down on Crown loan
RNZ: Town halls and war memorials in line for $12.4m makeover
Mark Price (ODT): $3.39m for South in national halls renovation scheme
Hamish Bidwell (RNZ): Mistreatment of female athletes a wider societal problem
Kirsty Johnston (Stuff): Strategy to transform family violence written off as ‘too Maori’
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Govt’s procurement rules are ideological rubbish
Stuff: Family First charity decision headed to Supreme Court
RNZ: Battle over Family First’s charitable status may head to Supreme Court
Mike O’Donnell (Stuff): Telcos need to face same transparency rules as power companies
RNZ: Auckland Zoo receives almost $3m from government
