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Compliance and enforcing the lockdown
Catriona MacLennan (RNZ): An open letter to the police in a time of Covid-19
Grant Illingworth (Herald): The need for legal clarity in a pandemic world (paywalled)
John Hopkins (Stuff): The rule of law matters even more during an emergency
1News: Three people arrested for ‘persistent breaches’ of coronavirus lockdown
Soutland Times Editorial: Here’s where the cloak of invisibility slips
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Life in lockdown turns New Zealand into a nation of narks
Anneke Smith (RNZ): Reports of isolation breaches crash website
Amelia Wade (Herald): Kiwis file 4200 reports to police of people flouting lockdown
Zane Small (Newshub): PM Jacinda Ardern urges Kiwis to stop dialling 111 to dob in COVID-19 rule-breakers
Herald: Police called to ’60-person party’ near Queenstown backpacker’s
RNZ: Queenstown mayor ‘incensed’ over hostel party
Matthew Mckew (ODT): Stricter measures for hostel after party
Laura Wiltshire (Stuff): Police issue warning after hundreds flock to Wellington’s Oriental Parade
Katie Todd (RNZ): Crowding at beaches prompts social distancing reminders

Public Health strategy
Simon Thornley (Stuff): Do the consequences of this lockdown really match the threat?
Jamie Morton (Herald): What is New Zealand’s Plan B?
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Govt’s COVID-19 modelling expert warns New Zealand ‘can’t afford’ to reach Italy’s crisis level
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Infectious disease specialist backs Govt’s handling of COVID-19 pandemic
Vaughan Elder (ODT): ‘Normality’ may take some time
Keith Woodford (Interest): Can we stamp out COVID-19?
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern warns border restrictions will exist for some time
Zane Small (Newshub): The number of Kiwis who returned to New Zealand with COVID-19 symptoms revealed
Michael Daly (Stuff): Some regions could come out of lockdown before others, says PM
1News: Herd immunity through contracting coronavirus ‘never ever’ an option for New Zealand, Ardern says
Jonathan Milne (Cook Island News): Cook Islanders in NZ warned against travelling to quarantine hotel
RNZ: ‘Nothing is more vital than our survival’ – M?ori King
Tom Kitchin (Stuff): Patient twice refused test before Covid-19 diagnosis

Hospitals and health workers
Hamish McNeilly and Oliver Lewis (Stuff): Dunedin doctor worried about hospital locking down urgent medical supplies
RNZ: 36 new intensive care beds fast-tracked at Christchurch Hospital
Nick Truebridge (Stuff): Middlemore Hospital on standby in case of mass outbreak
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Nurse case shuts down hospital
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Southern DHB testing 36 staff after nurse diagnosed with COVID-19
Katie Harris (Herald): Medical students get $40 per hour pay increase

Hamish Rutherford (Herald): Nation building should be the start of a move to unity (paywalled)
Mike Hosking (Newstalk ZB): Jacinda Ardern’s fine line between leader and TV host
RNZ: Epidemic Response Committee to hold first public meeting today
Herald: Start of new committee set to break drought on Government release of advice
Zane Small (Newshub): The issues Simon Bridges will raise during COVID-19 Epidemic Response Committee hearings

David Farrar: Great analysis by Bill English
Newstalk ZB: Economist: Covid-19 economic crisis could be as bad as Great Depression
Alan Bollard (NBR): Who wants to be an economic policymaker in a crisis? (paywalled)
Cameron Bagrie (Stuff): Govt needs a plan to get its debt under control after spending spree finishes
David Hargreaves (Interest): BNZ’s head of research Stephen Toplis: ‘Things will not return to normal for a very long time’
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Massive Govt borrowing will drive up interest rates – economist  
Liam Dann (Herald): Reserve Bank’s latest emergency move … and what comes next (paywalled)
Michael Reddell: The government should insist the OCR be deeply negative for now
RNZ: Reserve Bank to ramp up support for businesses and banks
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): RBNZ goes further to support bank lending and smooth market functioning

Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): 1.2 million NZ workers thought to be ‘sitting idle’ at home during lockdown
1News: Half of employed Kiwis are ‘sitting at home’ unable to work amid coronavirus lockdown
Daisy Hudson (ODT): Rest-home staff at risk, using up leave
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Face masks won’t be supplied to home care workers
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Home support workers promised PPE, face masks, gloves
Ben Strang (RNZ): Policy around leave during Covid-19 pandemic upsetting some police staff
Jacob McSweeny (ODT): Meat plant workers concerned at treatment
Ashleigh Fechney (RNZ): Don’t panic, employment law hasn’t changed

Anne Gibson (Herald): Covid 19 coronavirus: SkyCity cuts wages by 20%, plans redundancies (paywalled)
Tess Brunton (RNZ): Tourism eyes post lockdown rebound
RNZ: Auckland business body calls for rent reprieve

Robin Martin (RNZ): Property brokers tell landlords not to offer rent holidays
Danielle Clent (Stuff): Auckland landlord offering free rentals wants others to do the same
Catherine Harris (Stuff): Landlords challenged to offer their rental properties to essential workers for free
Glen Scanlon (RNZ): Your Covid-19 questions answered: Rental rules in the lockdown
Laine Moger (Stuff): Family ‘stuck’ in mouldy home
Brent Melville (BusinessDesk): Billions in property sales on ice: could lead to defaults
BusinessDesk: Over 5,000 house sales left in limbo
Greg Ninnness (Interest): Real estate agencies about to take $135 mln hit as lock-down bites
Ashley Church (Herald): What will happen to the housing market if the lockdown lasts for months?
David Hargreaves (Interest): Westpac economists see 7% price fall for ‘frozen’ house market

Supermarkets’ conduct
Newshub: Law change could be needed to curb lockdown price-gouging – Consumer NZ
Anna Whyte (1News): Government sets up dedicated email for consumers to report price gouging
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern announces new scheme to dob in price gougers
RNZ: Public able to report price gouging during Covid-19 outbreak – PM
Julie Iles (NBR): Prime Minister debuts tool to monitor for food price gouging (paywalled)
RNZ: Supermarket chains say price differences may be due to promotions
Dan Brunskill (BusinessDesk): Supermarkets may face unfair scrutiny – Foodstuffs exec (paywalled)
Rob Stock (Stuff): Foodstuffs chief executive says it’s not growing profits through the lockdown
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Foodstuffs tracking prices to ensure there’s no price-gouging
RNZ: Greengrocer unhappy with trading ban during Covid-19 lockdown
1News: Growers concerned smaller food producers will miss out amid coronavirus pandemic
1News: ‘It took a pandemic’ – Union thankful, but sceptical of 10 per cent bonus for some supermarket workers
No Right Turn: Time for a living wage for supermarket workers
Vita Molyneux and Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern praises supermarkets for looking after vulnerable workers during COVID-19 lockdown
Lana Andelane (Newshub): Foodstuffs agrees to 10pc pay rise, vulnerable staff granted paid leave
Rob Stock (Stuff): Countdown to resume ‘specials’ and pay staff lockdown bonuses
1News: Countdown staff to get lockdown pay boost, specials returning to shelves for shoppers
RNZ: Countdown give essential workers a pay rise
Alison Mau (Stuff): Good Friday would be better if the supermarkets stayed shut

Essential services and businesses
Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Jenny Craig and storage facility staff told they are essential service
Vita Molyneux (Newshub): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern pleads with Kiwis to stop buying things overseas
1News: Government announces more essential businesses, including heater and whiteware sellers
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Government loosens rules to allow online delivery of essential appliances and devices like laptops and heaters
Stuff Editorial: Too much confusion for businesses about what’s really ‘essential’
Aimee Shaw (Herald): The loophole retailers are using to operate during the lockdown (paywalled)
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Another day at the office for farmers in lockdown
Andrew McRae (RNZ): Fruit industry facing hurdles with harvest due to restrictions
Rebecca Howard (BusinessDesk): Kiwifruit growers have enough workers, for now (paywalled)

Lockdown writing
Simon Wilson (Herald): Pandemic diary: the deluge to come (paywalled)
Dave Armstrong’ (Dominion Post): Lockdown truths: Home truths

Richard Harman (Politik): The virus gets serious and Air New Zealand is the first casualty
1News: Air New Zealand boss says airline will be mainly domestic, as it looks to lay off over 3000 staff
RNZ: Air New Zealand to start cutting staff after revenue slashed
Grant Bradley (Herald): Air New Zealand slashes jobs, Greg Foran lays it on the line
Zane Small (Newshub): Air New Zealand flight departing for Shanghai with freight as demand for goods surges
1News: Air NZ gets fast-tracked $1 million from Govt to keep freight flights running
RNZ: Air NZ freight flights to begin tonight
Julie Iles (NBR): Government fast-tracks first $1m to help freight ‘vital goods’ (paywalled)
1News: Sombre sight as Air New Zealand planes sit idle at Christchurch Airport
Todd Niall (Stuff): Auckland’s public transport patronage cut by 96 per cent

NZers in Australia
RNZ: Jacinda Ardern praises Australia’s wage subsidy scheme for including Kiwis
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Kiwis eligible for new Australian ‘Jobkeeper’ wage subsidy
1News: New Zealanders living across the Tasman given access to Australia’s wage subsidy scheme
Nick Buckley (RNZ): Where Is the Anzac Spirit in the Wake of Covid-19?

Funerals and tangihanga
M?ni Dunlop and Te Aniwa Hurihanganui (RNZ): Health Ministry announces new rules for funerals and tangihanga
1News: The last thing I want is grief on grief’ – Ardern issues plea for people not to attend tangis

Gavin Ellis: Hurricane in the neighbourhood
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Radio Sport the first but other businesses will follow
Gavin Evans (BusinessDesk): Community papers join queue for essential service status (paywalled)
Brendon Egan (Stuff): Radio Sport’s demise the end of golden days for sports broadcasting
Brad Lewis (Newshub): NZME’s Radio Sport to shut down indefinitely
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): NZ Herald owner confirms closure of Radio Sport
RNZ: Radio Sport taken off air indefinitely

Henry Cooke (Stuff): US lobbying for its citizens to be allowed to get to Auckland to fly home
Sarah Robson (RNZ): New Zealanders bumped off repatriation flight from Peru appeal for help

Local government
Dominic Harris (Press): Rates holiday on cards for Christchurch to help residents through coronavirus crisis
Chloe Ranford (RNZ): Lockdown prompts extension of Marlborough environment plan appeals
Marcus Anselm (RNZ): South Wairarapa among local councils moving online
Chloe Ranford (RNZ): Marlborough to form emergency committee due to Covid-19

Dita De Boni (NBR): Private schools brace for Covid-19 economic tumble (paywalled)

Coronavirus – Other
Derek Cheng (Herald):What will New Zealand life look like post-lockdown?
Chris Trotter (Interest): When the quest to save lives meets the buffers of economic rationality
Kristin Hall (1News): Lockdown helping cleanup New Zealand’s environment
Andrew MacFarlane (1News): Chorus reassures people network has capacity to meet demand amid record usage
Dita De Boni (NBR): Chorus likely to give telcos a discount on their monthly fees (paywalled)
Guyon Espiner (RNZ): FMA warns against KiwiSaver hardship withdrawals
Sam Sherwood and Blair Ensor (Stuff): Canterbury police see spike in family violence incidents
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Hospice in financial uncertainty
Erin Bradnock (Stuff): Charity helps feed double the usual number of Wellington families before lockdown
David Cormack (Herald): We’ve become a nation of narks during lockdown (paywalled)
Cira Olivier and Kiri Gillespie (Bay of Plenty Times): Bay of Plenty holiday spot Maket? bans tourists (paywalled)
Charlotte Jones (RNZ): Iwi asks for help to keep farm safe
1News: People with eye issues urged to seek medical help despite coronavirus lockdown

Thomas Manch (Stuff): Kiwi soldiers entirely withdraw from Iraq’s Camp Taji, ending a five-year deployment
Anna Whyte (1News): New Zealand finishes Defence Force mission in Taji, Iraq
Vita Molyneux (Newshub): New Zealand withdraws all military personnel from Camp Taji in Iraq
RNZ: Defence Force’s Iraq committments fulfilled, personnel on way home

Charlie Mitchell (Stuff): Warnings ignored or opportunities seized? Visions of life in 2030
Joel MacManus (Stuff): Why New Zealand lags behind Scandinavia on climate action
Stuff: The Forever Index
Rob Stock (Stuff): Electrification’s the key to zero-carbon life – but what will the neighbours think?
Henry Cooke (Stuff): We’re fossil fuel addicts. Could we go cold turkey?

Local government
Anan Zaki (RNZ): Christchurch Community boards spend thousands on mediation
Imran Ali (Northern Advocate): Northland council may have to clean up toxic chemicals
Tom McKinlay (ODT): Leading the charge
Charlotte Jones (RNZ): Whakat?ne signs off land transfer to Kawerau
Emma Dangerfield (Stuff): Hurunui has new deputy mayor following resignation over knife prank

Rob Stock (Stuff): Tower sues EQC for $80 million for fixing earthquake-damaged Canterbury homes
Madeleine Chapman: Just how cool was Jacinda Ardern in high school?
Brittany Keogh (Stuff): $135 million wiped after borrowers file for bankruptcy
ODT Editorial: Serve the message straight
Logan Savory (Southland Times): One person puts hand up for National Party Invercargill candidacy
1News: Waikato berry farm fined $76,000 after employees were paid below minimum wage
1News: New study shows Kiwi households create 10 times more food waste than supermarkets
Chloe Ranford (RNZ): Crayfish company suspends bid to launch boats post-quake
Gareth Vaughan (Interest): Visa, Mastercard, banks and NZ’s retail payment systems, Part 3
Andrew Bevin (NBR): Vaping regulation fast tracked despite virus lockdown (paywalled)
Rob Stock (Stuff): Legal recreational use of marijuana backed by more than half of Kiwis
Jono Galuska (Manawat? Standard): MP Iain Lees-Galloway ‘disgusted’ as Instagram photos used by scammer


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