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Daily News Roundup – 31 August 2020


Greens fund private school
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Hypocrisy, thy colour is Green
Chris Trotter (Interest): From safe bet to Shaw loser
Bryce Edwards (Herald): Political Roundup: The Greens’ private school funding scandal
Stephanie Ockhuysen (Stuff): James Shaw invited to see mouldy, leaky state schools after million-dollar grant to private school
Zane Small and Anna Bracewell-Worrall (Newshub): NZ Election 2020: Multi-million dollar funding for private Green School in Taranaki going ahead despite backlash
Amelia Wade (Herald):  Greens co-leader James Shaw’s plea to voters after private school funding ‘mistake’
RNZ: James Shaw apologises for signing-off on funding for ‘green’ private school
Jo Moir (RNZ): Pressure on Green co-leader James Shaw to pull support for Taranaki Green School
Stuff Editorial: The perils of having a political conscience
Deena Coster (Stuff): Green School’s $11.7m plans include innovation hub, playground and visitor centre
Steven Cowan: The Trouble with Shaw
Dave Kennedy: School decision tests Green principles
Neil Holdom (Taranaki Daily Times): Why I supported private school’s $11.7m Government funding

Auckland moves to Level 2.5
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Maori pandemic group condemns Auckland’s move from level 3
John Weekes and Melanie Earley (Stuff): Concerns raised over Aucklanders travelling country in level 2
Harry Lock (RNZ): Auckland kids heading back to school, but not all are convinced it’s safe
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Even experts are nervous about schools going back next week
Duncan Garner (Newshub): Why I am questioning sending my son back to school on Monday
Maori TV: PM asks Aucklanders to apply new ‘alert level 2.5’ rules wherever they go in NZ
Yvette McCullough (RNZ): ‘Level 2.5’ for Auckland comes with specific instructions
Hamish Cardwell (RNZ): Auckland moving to ‘alert level 2.5’ tomorrow
Jason Walls (Herald): Jacinda Ardern announces level 2.5 for Auckland; two new cases today
1News: What ‘Alert Level 2.5’ means for Aucklanders
1News: Targeted support to continue for Pasifika as Auckland moves down Alert Levels
1News: Auckland’s Pacific community urged to remain vigilant at Alert Level 2
Simon Collins (Herald): Experts call for rethink on Auckland’s move to level 2
Alice Wilkins (Newshub): Experts concerned about number of cases day before Auckland lockdown lifts
1News: Mixed reaction from rest of NZ as Aucklanders given green light for travel
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Hyper vigilant attitude key for Dunedin
ODT Editorial: Levelling down
1News: Northlanders relieved at Auckland’s move out of Alert Level 3

NZ’s response to Covid, elimination strategy
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Government backs its Covid-19 response, but more may be needed
Michael Plank, Alex James, Nicholas Steyn and Shaun Hendy (The Conversation): Auckland’s rapid lockdown has given New Zealand a better chance of eliminating coronavirus – again
1News: Kiwis overwhelmingly against following Sweden’s herd immunity Covid-19 strategy – poll
1News: Expert says masks should’ve been introduced at Level 4, ‘sense of complacency’ led to Govt ‘failings’
Tracy Watkins (Stuff): What if we all stopped tuning into the Ashley Bloomfield show?
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Why I am a Covid nitpicker (paywalled)
1News: How NZ has fared in six months since registering first Covid-19 case
Jamie Morton (Herald): Wiping out Covid-19: Can the world go the Kiwi way? (paywalled)
Christopher Galloway (Stuff): Let’s get ahead of ourselves – fast
Supriya Garikipati and Uma S Kambhampati (The Conversation): Are women leaders really doing better on coronavirus? The data backs it up

Auckland Level 3
1News: Members from Mt Roskill church gathered for prayer meetings during lockdown
Simon Shepherd and Dan Satherley (Newshub Nation): Aucklanders able to fly out of the city without proof they have a good reason
Madison Reidy (Newshub): Aucklander fled to South Island during lockdown, says never questioned by airport, airline staff
Herald: Did lockdown end early on this Auckland beach? Crowds flock to Takapuna
1News: Hundreds protest against lockdowns, vaccines while unmasked in Auckland
Caroline Williams (Stuff): Police ‘disappointed’ but no punishment for 500 protesters breaching lockdown

Testing, contact tracing, managed isolation, border measures, masks
Jason Walls (Herald): New Zealanders have every right to be ‘incredibly angry’ at the Government over incorrect Covid messaging
Herald: PM Jacinda Ardern ‘incredibly angry’ over ‘wrong’ Government message about tests for south, west Aucklanders
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern ‘incredibly angry’ at ‘oversimplified’, ‘wrong’ Auckland testing message
Denise Piper (Stuff): Ardern confirms not everyone in South or West Auckland needs test
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Judith Collins, David Seymour criticise ‘wrong’ Auckland testing message sent by Government
Denise Piper (Stuff): Everyone in South or West Auckland urged to take Covid-19 test
1News: Auckland Covid-19 daily testing numbers fail to hit goal for second day in a row
1News: Uphill battle to get overstayers tested
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): I’d hate to wear a lanyard, but I’ve come round to the CovidCard
Andrea Vance and Georgia-May Gilbertson (Stuff): US ambassador among four diplomats who dodged official isolation facilities
1News: US ambassador to NZ skips managed isolation facilities following recent trip home
Vita Molyneux (Newshub): US Ambassador Scott Brown blasts headlines claiming he skipped quarantine as ‘lies’
Hannah Kronast (Newshub): US Ambassador Scott Brown ‘following protocols’ by forgoing managed isolation – Grant Robertson
Newstalk ZB/Herald: US Ambassador Scott Brown hits back at claims he dodged NZ isolation
Zac Fleming (Newshub): Epidemiologist Michael Baker calls for better COVID-19 testing of aircrew
Grant Miller (ODT): Precautions keep sailors on ship
Meriana Johnsen (RNZ): Fairness concerns over isolation escapees’ sentences
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Sentence for isolation escapee doesn’t seem fair
Ella Prendergast and Dan Satherley (Newshub): Taxi mask rules ‘absolutely illogical’, make ‘no sense’, drivers say
Dianna Vezich (Newshub): Concerns elderly won’t scan QR codes on buses
Donna-Lee Biddle and Katarina Williams (Stuff): Police will adopt educational approach over mask-wearing on public transport, PM says
RNZ: AT to take educational approach to policing of mandatory mask wearing
1News: Bus driver not worried about compliance as face coverings become compulsory next week
1News: Kiwis to mask up on public transport from Monday as Covid-19 Level 2 changes come into play
Rachel Sadler and Laura Tupou (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern warns masks ‘not a replacement for social distancing’
1News: Jacinda Ardern makes DIY face covering ahead of mandatory masking for public transport
Glenn McConnell (Stuff): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern makes her own face mask

Inequality, welfare
Isaac Davison (Herald): White New Zealanders more likely to get new, more generous benefit
Sarah Robson (RNZ): Covid income relief payment recipients fare better than those on the dole, survey finds
Rob Stock (Stuff): Stress and stigma felt by newly unemployed, survey shows
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Increase in number of NZers seeking Govt support as lockdown 2.0 bites
1New: Govt reveals 500,000 more Kiwis could face food insecurity due to Covid-19
Lana Andelane (Newshub): Calls for Govt to help women back into work post-COVID with gender equality plans, reference group
RNZ: The Detail: How a digital inclusion policy is widening the inequality gap

Economy, business
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): It may be if, rather than how, the Government pays back the Covid debt mountain
Charlie Mitchell and Felippe de Souza Oliveira Rodrigues (Stuff): ‘The price we have to pay’: How to spend nearly $48b in six months
Stuff: What is the $50b Covid Response and Recovery Fund being spent on?
Georgia Forrester (Stuff): Was the Government’s WhatsApp channel worth the $672,000 price tag?
Jason Walls (Herald): Robertson shot down $20b in Covid spending pitches from fellow ministers
RNZ: Finance minister cut back $20b in Covid recovery proposals
Tony Burton (Stuff): Politicians need to tell us what comes next
Brian Fallow (Interest): National drops $8 billion SME GST cash refund policy
George Block (Stuff): Rocket Lab lobbied for alert level 4 launch to avoid redundancies
Maori TV: Pasifika festivals to receive funds to help them recover from Covid impact
RNZ: More funding announced for Chatham Islands
Gill Bonnett (RNZ): Border policies could hurt overseas investment, lawyer warns
Amy Williams (RNZ): Auckland’s second lockdown ‘nail in the coffin’ for some businesses
Damien Grant (Stuff): The emotional toll on people whose businesses fail is one of the untold stories of a downturn
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): Auckland central businesses urge people to return to offices to boost trade
Daniel Dunkley (Stuff): Has the share market not noticed we’re in the middle of a pandemic
RNZ: Consumer confidence in stark contract to housing confidence

TVNZ: Vote compass
TVNZ: Vote Compass 2020: See how your views match with the parties
Grant Duncan (Stuff): Anxiety and the general election
Eugene Bingham and Adam Dudding (Stuff): Tick. Tick podcast: The dos and don’ts of voting in a Covid election
Alister Browne (Stuff): Our youth are politically minded enough to vote; what are we scared of?
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Don Brash ‘dead keen’ for Maori Party to ‘die’
Andrew Gunn (Stuff): In the political jungle, creatures cope with a postponed election
Deena Coster (Taranaki Daily News): Candidate carries mantle of ancestors into campaign
Stephanie Ockhuysen (Taranaki Daily News): Labour opens pop-up campaign spot in central New Plymouth
Leah Damm (E-Tangata): Why we can’t connect with politics

Week in politics, parliament
Jason Walls (Herald): NZ First’s Shane Jones outspends Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern – doubling her ministerial expense bill
Peter Wilson (RNZ): Week in Politics: National blames the government for not keeping NZers safe
Jane Clifton (BusinessDesk): Backed up in the covid pipe (paywalled)
1News: Inside Parliament: Level 2 for longer, mandatory wearing of masks introduced
Phil Smith (RNZ): Shaking up the House: New rules for Parliament

Maori Party releases list
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Maori Party co-leader John Tamihere ranked down the party’s list
RNZ: Maori Party announces candidate list with co-leaders ranked 1st and 7th
1News: Maori Party releases list, with co-leader John Tamihere taking ‘win or lose stand’ at No. 7
Jasmin Bull (Newshub): Maori Party co-leader John Tamihere to ‘lead the rearguards’ as number seven on party list

Advance NZ/NZ Public Party, New Conservatives
Jane Patterson (RNZ): MP Jami-Lee Ross referred to committee over anti-vaccination video
1News: Jami-Lee Ross refuses to remove vaccination video despite concerns it’s misleading
Amelia Wade (Herald): Advance NZ ordered to remove Facebook video claiming Labour will force vaccination on citizens
Dan Satherley (Newshub Nation): Advance NZ co-leader Billy Te Kahika Jr wrongly denies making 5G cancer claims, denies he’s a conspiracy theorist
Caitlin Ellis (Newshub): Three Advertising Standards Authority complaints against New Conservatives dropped

Euthanasia referendum
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Readers add generously to euthanasia debate
Matt Burrows (Newshub): Euthanasia referendum: Four experts explain which way you should vote on the End of Life Choice Bill
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Terminally ill Sir Michael Cullen backs euthanasia ‘Yes’ vote, says he wants choice for himself
Amelia Wade (Herald): Sir Michael Cullen urges Kiwis to vote yes on End of Life Choice Act
RNZ: Michael Cullen publicly backs End of Life Choice bill

RNZ: Sunday Morning: Support for legalising cannabis going up in smoke – survey
Georgia Weaver (Stuff): ‘Stoner’ stigma unfair, say Kiwis planning to tick yes in upcoming cannabis referendum
Alison Mau (Stuff): When will we give up on perfect and vote for better
1News: Australian lawmakers offer advice for NZ ahead of cannabis referendum
Tony Wall (Stuff): The ‘Wolf of Weed’ and the bitter collapse of a medical marijuana venture

Primary industries, migrant workers, animal welfare
Tony Wall (Stuff): Leading horticulture figure Jerf van Beek stood down in wake of inquiry into migrant worker exploitation
Andrew McRae (RNZ): Rural veterinarians empathetic but compromised over animal welfare reporting, vet says
RNZ: Call for changes to reporting and policing of animal welfare issues on farms
Esther Taunton (Stuff): Council stands by winter grazing claims, despite ‘appalling’ video
Karen Pasco (ODT): Delay in reporting calf births ‘disappointing’
Mike Watson (Taranaki Daily News): Taranaki firms not guaranteed work on Tui clean-up

Brenton Tarrant sentencing
Guled Mire (RNZ): Mosque shooter sentencing: Alhumduliah for justice served, but it’s not over
Lana Hart (Stuff): A surging tsunami of pain and suffering
Dan Satherley and Perry Wilton (Newshub): Winston Peters’ call for terrorist to be deported ‘legally impossible’ – expert
Yvette McCullough (RNZ): NZ First the lone voice calling for Christchurch mosque gunman to be sent to Australia
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Prime Minister Scott Morrison willing to consider imprisoning Christchurch terrorist in Australia
Zane Small (Newshub): Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison ‘open’ to transferring Christchurch terrorist, will never speak his name
1News: Scott Morrison open to discussions of mosque attacker serving sentence in Australia
Michael Morrah (Newshub): What the Christchurch mosque terrorist will face at Auckland Prison
Alison Pugh (1News): What life will be like behind bars for Christchurch mosque shooter
Kris Gledhill (The Conversation): No rehab and little chance of appeal for the Christchurch terrorist jailed for life without parole
Patrick Gower (Newshub): Corrections allows Christchurch terrorist to watch TV in cell over fears he could sue
Herald: Christchurch terrorist allowed to watch two hours of the Home and Garden channel a day
Dan Satherley and Perry Wilton (Newshub): Praise for judge who ignored mitigating factors in sentencing the terrorist
1News: Govt urged to help Christchurch attack survivors with special long-term assistance programme

Tiwai Point
Southland Times Editorial: National’s Tiwai stance in spotlight, Govt still backstage
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Tiwai ‘just transition’ must move beyond talk
Evan Harding (Southland Times): National’s plan to save Tiwai – Rio Tinto responds
Luisa Girao and Laura Smith (OD)T: National would negotiate with Rio Tinto: Collins
Hamish Rutherford (Herald): National would push Transpower to cut prices to Tiwai Point smelter
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Judith Collins says Tiwai deal possible with lower electricity price
Zane Small and Dave Goosselink (Newshub): National joins New Zealand First in calling for Tiwai Point aluminium smelter to stay open
1News: National vows to fight against Tiwai Point closure, save jobs if elected into power
RNZ: National promises at least five years of Tiwai Pt smelter
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Rio Tinto confirms it is continuing to seek help for smelter from Government

Education and training
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Cuts and closures as polytechs face losses
Ruwani Perera (The Hui): Talented young Maori ending up on ‘hands-on’ courses instead of university – study
Mihingarangi Forbes (Newshub): Research finds Maori Youth under-qualified and under-paid: ‘We have to keep kids at school’ – Kelvin Davis
John Gerritsen (RNZ): Victoria University’s cost-cutting plans ‘precipitated a crisis’ – union
Cheryl Brown (The Conversation): What do students need in the age of lockdown learning? Early lessons from New Zealand’s online frontline
1New: Maori academics allege structural racism within Waikato University, seek to lay Treaty claim
Rosie Gordon (Newshub): Covid-19 prompts wave of mature students to enrol in tertiary education

Matthew Tso (Stuff): Ministry stops sending emergency housing clients to three ‘grotty’ Lower Hutt motels
Kelly Makiha (Rotorua Daily Post): The cost of housing Rotorua’s homeless: More than $5m in 3 months (paywalled)
RNZ: Housing confidence highest since beginning of 2012 boom
Tony Alexander (Stuff): Here’s why we are facing a third big shift up in house prices
Anne Gibson (Herald): Biggest NZ house-builder on track to build 1500+ homes, but industry group concerned (paywalled)
Skara Bohny (Nelson Mail): Close To Home: Why I don’t think I’ll ever manage to buy a home
Paul Mitchell (Manawatu Standard): Manawat? tenants facing $200 rent hikes after rent rise freeze end

Tracy Neal (RNZ): Emissions info on goods could shape consumer choices – StatsNZ
Katy Jones (Stuff): Close to Home: Moving on or moving up as climate change looms
Eloise Gibson (Stuff): SH1 upgrade: Wider motorway can lower emissions — David Parker
Williams (RNZ): SNA work begins on West Coast
Chloe Ranford (RNZ): New Marlborough District Council grant puts environment on par with the likes of sports and arts
Andrew McRae (RNZ): Rotorua treated wastewater agreement allows discharge into forest, not lake

Local government
Tom O’Connor (Stuff): Tipping the scale with Maori seats is only patronising and divisive
Rob Baigent-Ritchie (Taranaki Daily News): It’s time for a Maori ward in New Plymouth
Hamish MacLean (ODT): Virus partly to blame for shortfall
Hamish MacLean (ODT): Landfill environmental effects minor: report

Matt Shand (Stuff): Kiwis push Kremlin to import unproven Covid-19 vaccine
Dan Satherley and Edward O’Driscoll (Newshub): Ex-National MPs apply to import Russian-made COVID-19 vaccine – report
RNZ: Group looks to import Russian-made vaccine

Steve Braunias (Herald): Mike Hosking vs Kim Hill: Who owned who the most? (paywalled)
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Is the Covid crisis over for commercial media?
RNZ: Mediawatch: Dark money, democracy and the media
Tom Dillane (Herald): TVNZ increases ratings dominance of MediaWorks during lockdown

Vita Molyneux (Newshub): What needs to be done to stop New Zealand falling behind in cancer care
John Lewis (ODT): Ovarian cancer kills a woman every two days
Caitlin Ellis (Newshub): Nurses set to strike Thursday, unless ‘last chance’ mediation resolves issues
RNZ: Earlier closing hours can reduce alcohol harm – health experts
Eleisha Foon (RNZ): Petition urges Pharmac to fund Crohn’s and colitis medication

NZX cyber attacks
Rob Stock (Stuff): ‘Hell to pay’ from KiwiSaver managers if NZX doesn’t get on top of cyberattacks
Paul McBeth (BusinessDesk): Has NZX been plugging the wrong holes? (paywalled)
Rob Stock (Stuff): Five Eyes cyber-security agencies will be involved in fight against NZX cyberattackers
Anna Whyte (1News): New Zealand’s security and intelligence bureau called in after NZX cyber attack
Zane Small and Lisette Reymer (Newshub): GCSB to help NZX with cyber-attack amid reports of crime syndicate demanding payments
RNZ: NZX boss tight lipped on cause of cyber attacks
RNZ: NZX reopens after fourth outage

1News: Sunday: Alo Ngata’s mother calls for justice after report finds police failings in her son’s death in custody
1News: Police re-iterate they have zero tolerance on speeders all year round
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Petition against police’s zero-tolerance speed limit enforcement

America’s Cup
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): Grant Dalton’s two CEO hats keeping his eye from prize (paywalled)
Todd Niall (Stuff): America’s Cup: How Team New Zealand was scammed out of $2.8m in Hungarian fraud
Todd Niall (Stuff): America’s Cup: Team NZ and ‘whistleblower’ in $3 million court battle
Danielle Clent (Stuff): America’s Cup: Up to 1000 volunteers sought for upcoming races

Air New Zealand
1News: Airlines’ recovery years away, elimination strategy could eventually become ‘almost impossible’ – Air NZ CEO
RNZ: Air New Zealand pins hopes on more passengers, funds for freight service

Katie Harris and Georgina Campbell (Herald): Bid to extend Transmission Gully quarry consent by five years
Andrew McRae (RNZ): Hamilton-Auckland commuter train service delayed to early 2021
John Anthony (Stuff): Wheels in motion: 20 workplaces take up Government’s e-bike subsidy scheme

Canterbury quakes
Philip Matthews and Charlie Gate (Stuff): Munted: The political and social fallout from the Canterbury quakes
Philip Matthews (Press): Munted: ‘Gerry rebuilt the city’ boast rejected by Brownlee

Foreign affairs
RNZ: Noumea-based NZ consul Shepherd dies
Dan Satherley (Newshub): South Korean lawmaker slams New Zealand’s ‘rude’ attempts to extradite diplomat accused of assault

Justice, corrections
Sasha Borissenko (Herald): A look at self-representation and closing the justice gap (paywalled)
Kelly Dennett (Stuff): Arthur Taylor’s advocate pleads for minister’s intervention after claims over toy gun

RNZ: Extra Time: The battle over Secondary School sport heats up
Dana Johannsen and Zoe George (Stuff): Canoe Racing NZ facing athlete welfare crisis as two thirds of elite women’s team quit

Mihingarangi Forbes (Newshub): Shane Reti on COVID-19, iwi checkpoints and a Ng?puhi settlement
Hamish McNeilly (Stuff): Weapons owner paid more than $1 million under Government’s gun buyback scheme
Polly Gillespie (Stuff): An open letter to all the offended Karens out there
1News: ‘Doing the right thing’ – Consumer NZ praises insurance companies giving millions back to customers
Tina Law (Press): Ng?i Tahu orders removal of historic lakeside baches near Christchurch
Juliet Speedy (Newshub): Canterbury’s Greenpark Huts residents vow to fight after iwi tells them to demolish homes and move
Tom Hunt (Stuff): Big brother is not watching: Months to replace Wellington public safety volunteers
Lincoln Tan (Herald): New Zealand returnees taking migration levels to historic high
RNZ: Immigration NZ apologises after rejecting student for ‘political instability’ in Egypt
Hilary Walton (Stuff): Five things every business should consider before the Privacy Act 2020 comes into force
Virginia Fallon (Stuff): ‘Ng?ti Toa will take its land back and bring its people home’, iwi CEO says
