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Daily News Roundup – 4 May 2021


China and New Zealand
Bryce Edwards (The Guardian): Ardern’s speech was not an attack on China, or even a shift away from Beijing
Geoffrey Miller (Democracy Project): Something for everyone in Ardern’s speech on China
Michael Neilson (Herald): Greens, Labour undecided over Uyghur motion calling for declaration of ‘genocide’ in Xinjiang, China
Richard Harman: Clark and Key advise Ardern on China (paywalled)
Liam Dann (Herald): Ex-NZ Prime Ministers Sir John Key and Helen Clark push back on China critics (paywalled)
Jane Patterson (RNZ): Jacinda Ardern: ‘There are some things on which China and NZ and will not agree’
Tina Morrison (Stuff): PM calls on China to act in a way consistent with its growing power
Herald: NZ-China relations: Jacinda Ardern – there are some things we will not agree on
Newstalk ZB: Sir John Key: New Zealand allowed a different stance on China to Five Eyes
Praveen Menon (Reuters): New Zealand’s Ardern says differences with China becoming harder to reconcile
Anna Whyte (1News): ‘There can be no guarantees’ in New Zealand’s relationship with China – Ardern
Zane Small (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern’s ‘grave concern’ for Uighurs: New Zealand-China differences ‘becoming harder to reconcile’
Brent Edwards (NBR): Reconciling opposing views in managing the China relationship (paywalled)
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): ‘Internal Chinese matters should not be interfered with’ – Wu (paywalled)
Grant Wilson (Australian Financial Review): New Zealand’s engagement with China is clear-eyed
1News: Concern 98 new buses headed to Wellington are linked to forced Uyghur labour in China
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): NZ visa contract switched ‘at behest of’ Beijing police

He Puapua document and the National Party
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Newstalk ZB): Collins raised questions Govt must answer – but her speech was desperate
Michael Neilson (Herald): He Puapua explained: Discussion over Maori self-determination report ‘disappointing’ – author
Michael Neilson (Herald): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern responds over Maori self-determination report He Puapua
Zane Small (Newshub): National’s Judith Collins predicts greater co-governance for Maori under Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Zane Small (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern accuses Judith Collins of using Maori co-governance concerns to pick up in polls
Katie Scotcher (RNZ): He Puapua report Collins called ‘divisive’ meant to create unity, author says
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says Judith Collins raises ‘separatism’ claims due to low polling
Michael Bassett: National, Labour and He Puapua

NBR List
Emile Donovan (RNZ): The Rich List – with added philanthropy
Maria Slade (NBR): New focus on profit and purpose (paywalled)
Nicola Shepheard (NBR): Giving it up for Aotearoa: The future of philanthropy (paywalled)
Tim Hunter (NBR): Top 10 countdown (paywalled)
Herald: NBR list 2021: What’s changed? Who’s in? Who’s out?
ODT: New NBR List puts equal focus on profit, purpose
1News: Graeme Hart is still New Zealand’s richest man, according to latest NBR list
Priscilla Dickinson (Newshub): NBR List: The top Kiwi wealth creators of 2021
Newshub: Who is the country’s richest?

Welfare and inequality
Dan Satherley (Newshub): Carmel Sepuloni promises massive boost to Jobseeker benefit – but won’t say when
Joe Boon (Stuff): How the welfare system forced me out of work and fuelled my shame
1News: Over 200,000 early welfare benefit payments have been paid in last three months, figures show
Anna Whyte (1News): Beneficiaries, people with disabilities still waiting for action on welfare system
1News: Disability community ‘losing hope’ over Govt’s lack of ‘transformational change’ — advocate

Free lunches in schools
Tom McRae (Newshub): PM Jacinda Ardern pours cold water on calls for free lunches at schools to tackle rising number of wagging kids
Vita Molyneux (Newshub): Free school lunches ‘screamingly obvious’ choice – Children’s Commissioner
Hannah Kronast (Newshub): What countries provide free school lunches – and should New Zealand follow suit?

Housing crisis
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Labour’s Maori caucus stoush with Housing Minister Megan Woods over Budget 2021
Dave Armstrong (Stuff): Welcome to The Mould Awards, Wellington’s gala night for property investors
Nita Blake-Persen (RNZ): MSD spends $5.5m on IT to charge for emergency housing
David Farrar: Nonsensical data

Louisa Steyl (Stuff): Southern wait lists ‘criminal’, oncologist says
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Oncologist calls longest southern cancer waiting lists ‘shameful’, ‘criminal’
John Tamihere (Stuff): We already have a separatist healthcare system
Cherie Sivignon (Stuff): Little ‘not convinced’ DHB elected members provided sufficient local voice
Guyon Espiner (RNZ): Don’t play sick children off against each other – Children’s Commissioner tells Pharmac

Economy and work
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Only half promised shovel-ready jobs will be delivered
Liam Dann (Herald): Will unemployment rise? The real clues to the economy’s strength (paywalled)
David Hargreaves (Interest): Labour market ‘in a better place than anyone dared hope’
Anne Gibson (Herald): Four retirement bosses quit: Shakeup at top of listed sector (paywalled)

Anna Whyte (1News): Inquiry launched into New Zealand’s immigration settings
RNZ: Faafoi on NZ’s future immigration policy
Greg Ninness (Interest): Government orders major inquiry into working-age immigration settings
Pattrick Smellie (BusinessDesk): Government turns sights on immigration policy (paywalled)

Local government
Todd Niall (Stuff): Auckland Council’s budget survey reveals support, but avoids awkward detail
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Local Government code of conduct complaints have turned into a ‘monster’
Ethan Griffiths (Herald): ‘Be brave’: Rangit?kei District Council votes to establish Maori ward in time for 2022 elections

Covid and border
Brittney Deguara and Felippe Rodrigues (Stuff): Life is very much normal in New Zealand. Much of the world is on fire
Derek Cheng (Herald): Cook Islands travel bubble to begin on May 17 – PM Jacinda Ardern
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Cook Islands bubble: Negative for NZ tourism, positive for NZ wellbeing
Harry Lock (RNZ): More border workers face job losses for not getting vaccinated

Media, communications and information
Jenee Tibshraeny (Interest): How well is the Parliamentary Press Gallery serving the public?
Gavin Ellis: Journalists do not play piano in a brothel

Kiri Allan
Mihingarangi Forbes (Newshub): Kiri Allan reveals she has 13 pct chance of surviving cervical cancer
Herald: Labour MP Kiri Allan shares the nasty comments she’s received amid cancer battle
Herald: Kiri Allan reveals grim cancer prognosis

Henry Cooke and Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Deputy PM Grant Roberston setting up new ‘implementation unit’ to make sure Government policies actually happen
Chris Trotter (Interest): Redefining democracy
Nevil Gibson (NBR): Identity politics defuses May Day militancy (paywalled)
Herald: Mongrel Mob hui: Chief Human Rights Commissioner says declining their invitation would be ‘dereliction of duty’
Helene Wong (Stuff): 180 years of Chinese NZ history appear to count for nothing
Bernard Lagan (Listener/Herald): Myth v history: The uncomfortable truth about the Treaty of Waitangi (paywalled)

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