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Dan Burns More of Other People’s Money

The clown car that is Victoria. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Victoria can’t afford to keep its emergency 000 call system running, and stroke patients are being treated in tents in carparks, but Dan Andrews has tens of millions to spare for… netball. Once again, the Great Unwatched are leeching off long-suffering taxpayers.

But that’s just the tip of the economic iceberg that’s sinking the good ship Victoria.

Labor apparatchiks try to point the finger of blame for our sinking economy at the former Morrison federal government, but the plain truth is that Scott Morrison and former Treasurer Josh Frydenberg foolishly carried the can for the Covidian fanaticism of state premiers — none more so than “Dictator Dan”.

When it comes to inflation, which the Treasurer has labelled “public enemy number one”, it’s all care and no responsibility from the states. In fact, at times they have been actively pushing inflation along, led by Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews.

The Victorian premier is a creature of Labor’s Socialist Left faction — and it certainly shows. There’s nothing Andrews loves so much as spending other peoples’ money.

Victoria represents almost 23 per cent of national GDP but is more than pulling its weight when it comes to injecting additional demand into the overheated national economy.

Behind much of this, the Andrews government faces the polls on November 26.

As socialists will, he’s throwing taxpayers’ money around like a drunken sailor.

All up, there’s $5bn in new Victorian spending that has come about since May. This is partially offset by higher-than-expected revenue, including a highly optimistic outlook for the housing market.

Indeed, Victoria’s infrastructure investment is expected to average a whopping $21.6bn a year over the next four years, with multiple underground train and airport link projects planned.

The infrastructure spendathon means Victoria’s net debt has already well and truly crossed the $100bn mark and is now ­expected to peak at $167.5bn by June 2026.

Then there’s the billions of dollars that every day of the world’s longest lockdowns added to the national debt. Victoria cost the Australian taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars every day. All up, Dictator Dan sucked up to $12 billion from the national purse.

Without ever being held to account.

So of course spendaholic state premiers haven’t learned a damn thing. Like a spoiled teenager, they know that Daddy Commonwealth is always going to pay off the credit card.

The spending cycle will continue into next year getting closer to NSW’s election on March 25 that is shaping up as a much closer contest between Premier Dominic Perrottet and Labor opposition leader Chris Minns […]

The bad news for the rest of the country is the RBA is blind to state borders. It will have no hesitation in lifting interest rates on everyone even if the inflationary bubble is centred on the southeast of the country.

The Australian

Like California leftists, Victorians are fleeing in droves from the outcomes of the “progressive” state government they repeatedly elected. Soon all that will be left are Dan’s Twitter army, robotically chanting, “I Stand With Dan”.

Or will there?

Notably, the Dear Leader has avoided the two biggest public events on the Melbournian calendar: first, the AFL Grand Final, and now the Melbourne Cup.

I guess tens of thousands of people booing in unison, beamed live around the world, would be too much for even the most fanatical #IStandWithDan Twatter to spin.
