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Dan Gets His Dictatorship for Christmas

Memers have likened Daniel Andrews to some notorious dictators. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
Memers have likened Daniel Andrews to some notorious dictators. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

To the surprise of absolutely no-one, the three “independent” micro-party senators in Victoria’s parliament have given “Dictator Dan” Andrews the green light to become an elected dictator, by law. Andrews’ pandemic legislation, described by the opposition as “the most dangerous legislation to come before an Australian parliament”, has been passed — with minor amendments.

No doubt so-called “libertarian” cross-bencher Fiona Patten will claim victory for democracy, but the amendments seem little better than window-dressing.

The amendments include:

Requiring the Premier to be “satisfied on reasonable grounds” that it is necessary to declare a pandemic. This follows legal and human rights groups expressing concern that the omission of an express requirement of reasonableness could lead to unreasonable pandemic declarations and extensions.

Oh, wow. Yes, I’m sure the same premier who turned rubber bullets and armoured vehicles against peaceful protests is going to struggle to be “satisfied on reasonable grounds” that doing whatever he pleases is justified.

Enabling the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee to consider any pandemic order when it is made, not only once it is tabled in parliament;

Except that the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee is a relatively toothless tiger. It’s also moot whether a committee that reports to Parliament is much use for anything if, as is the case now, Parliament is unilaterally suspended by the government because of the very pandemic the laws give the Premier to declare more-or-less as he sees fit.

Halving the maximum financial penalties for not complying with a pandemic order from 120 to 60 penalty units for individuals ($21,809 to $10,904) and from 600 to 300 penalty units for businesses ($109,044 to $54,522), and reducing the maximum penalty for aggravated offences from 500 to 250 penalty units for individuals ($90,870 to $45,435) and from 2500 to 500 penalty units for businesses ($454,350 to $90,870);

Maybe this seems a significant concession to someone on a parliamentarian’s salary, but to any ordinary citizen summarily fined or arrested by the same goons who’ve been clubbing little old ladies in the street, the difference between 20 grand and ten is purely academic.

Clarifying that the application of pandemic orders based on characteristics, attributes or circumstances of persons must be relevant to the public health risk;

Again, does anyone really think that that will make a practical jot of difference to a brutal dictator like Andrews? Just label someone a “right-wing extremist” or “anti-vaxxer”, job done.

As the Rule of Law Education Centre says, the laws still give the Victorian premier “absolute, unreviewable power to indefinitely keep Victorians in lockdown. This can be done even if there are zero cases in Victoria and can be for an indefinite period of time.”

In a joint statement, Mr Meddick, Ms Patten and Dr Ratnam said they had negotiated the amendments to strengthen the bill “with further transparency and accountability measures”.

They noted the right to protest would be protected and enshrined in the bill.

The Australian

This is a complete joke, considering that the bill gives “an individual Authorised Officer” — an “Authorised Officer” being pretty much anyone the government says is an Authorised Officer — “the power to restrict movement, detain a person for a period, provide information or even shut down a political protest- so long as they believe it is reasonably necessary to protect public health”.

No amount of lipstick can dress up a legislative pig. The microparty senators have sold out democracy in Victoria.

But then, Victorians almost deserve everything they get: they voted for these pigs. Pucker up, buttercups.

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