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Throughout the quagmire of disastrous ineptitude that is the Victorian government’s handling of the Wuhan virus outbreak, Premier Daniel Andrews has spun, blame-shifted and lied, lied, lied.

Now the biggest, most shocking lie of the Andrews government has been exposed.

The impetus for Victoria’s harsh lockdown and curfew was on Wednesday revealed as untrue.

If you thought New Zealand’s stage 4 lockdowns were bad, Victoria’s are much, much worse. Melbourne resembles something from a WWII movie (except that Melbourne was far freer in WWII than it is today).

Melbournians are under military curfew for the first time in history. At all other times, Victorians are under virtual house arrest. They are allowed to leave home for “essential” shopping, exercise within a severely restricted radius of the home and with one other person only, and “essential” work. Victorians have to be muzzled at all times.

Soldiers and police are patrolling the streets and fleet of drones is buzzing in the air to enforce compliance. Police can kick down your door any time they please, without a warrant.

The reason for all this, Daniel Andrews claimed, is that hundreds of infected Victorians were refusing to isolate themselves.

That was a big, fat lie.

Victoria Police said only 42 Victorians, not hundreds, had received fines for breaching COVID isolation laws, according to Sky News host Paul Murray.

Victorian Police Deputy Commissioner Rick Nugent revealed only 42 Victorians have received fines for failing to isolate in Victoria since the beginning of the pandemic, proving Daniel Andrew’s claim that hundreds had refused to isolate to be factually incorrect.

The Victorian premier, on July 22 and July 30, stated hundreds of Victorians were refusing to isolate despite having COVID-19.

This can’t be excused as some kind of lenience on behalf of Victoria Police. Victoria’s rozzers have been far and away the most zealous in the country when it comes to ringing the state cash register with fines. Victorians have been hit with three times as many fines as the rest of the country.

So this means that, of the confirmed cases in Victoria, just 0.2% are known to have breached isolation.

When the premier introduced the harsh new lockdown measures in Victoria on August 2, he said the impetus for the new laws was the “too many (Victorians) not taking this seriously”.

Andrews directly linked the dictatorial lockdowns to the alleged rule-breaking.

It was a lie.

Contrary to Daniel Andrew’s suggestions, Deputy Commissioner Nugent said today Victorian “community compliance (had been) outstanding.”

He said the Victorian police had conducted over 29,000 spot checks, and only administered fines for illegal behaviour on 42 occasions.

Mr Nugent confirmed Premier Andrew’s statement that one in four Victorians were not isolating was mistaken.

“Either false information was being fed to the premier as he was making decisions, or they were looking the other way when the information was starting to tell the story they didn’t want to tell,” Mr Murray said.

“The curfew that means it is illegal to leave you home after 8PM at night in an Australian capital city, the first time in our lives that this has ever been the case, the justification for it has seemingly been built on very, very loose sand.”

Victorians have allowed Andrews to get away with the most egregious scandals time and again, from the shameful treatment of volunteer firefighters at the behest of union thugs, to the blatant illegality of the Red Shirts.

If they let him get away with this disgrace, then, frankly, they deserve everything they get.

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