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Dan’s Enough to Drive Anyone Mad

Dictator Dan. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

We all know Victorians are mad — after all, they voted in Dan Andrews twice, and by all accounts they’ll do it again.

Of course, I’m being merely cynical and disparaging, here. Because Victoria really does have a massive mental health problem — and it can largely be sheeted home to Andrews. Who is also, coincidentally enough, apparently determined to keep Victorians from knowing about it.

A confidential report for the ­Andrews government has ­described the mental health pandemic gripping teenagers and young adults as a “major concern”, and warns “demand for mental health services continues to be substantially higher” than the previous two years.

Note that: “confidential”. This is information of great concern to all Victorians, which should be made public. But “Dictator Dan” is trying to keep it under wraps. Just like all the other reports warning of a surging mental health crisis. The reports are kept secret and anyone who receives a copy “in error” is ordered to destroy it.

Make no mistake: a crisis, it really is.

The Victorian Agency for Health Information report ­reveals that on average 336 children and teenagers were admitted to hospital every week in the six weeks to June 6, 2021, suffering a mental health emergency.

The tragic case numbers for children aged up to 17 is a 46 per cent increase on the same period in 2020 and a 37 per cent rise on 2019 levels, the report states […]

The sharpest increases in cases among children and teens has been recorded in the serious ­“intentional self-harm/suicidal ideation” category, where an average of 154.5 cases every week for the six weeks to June 6 were rushed to hospital emergency ­departments – a 72 per cent increase on the same period in 2020 and a 61 per cent increase on 2019.

The most serious category, in which teenagers required resuscitation and emergency treatment, also soared in this six-week period, with a weekly average of 37.5 cases – a 76 per cent increase on 2020 and a 145 per cent ­increase on 2019.

This is perhaps more serious than many might realise, because, contrary to popular imagery, suicide in the young is relatively rare. Especially in children.

To call this an alarming development is an understatement.

So, why is the Andrews government so determined to keep Victorians from learning the shocking truth? Because the government has blood on its hands.

The VAHI report confirms ­escalating mental health trauma linked to the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdowns to control the virus continued to surge after ­Victoria was plunged into a fourth shutdown on May 27 […]

The Australian has obtained several reports, which reveal the full extent of the so-called mental health shadow pandemic. The June 6 VAHI report, ­obtained under Freedom of ­Information laws by opposition mental health spokeswoman Emma Kealy, confirms the crisis escalated as Melbourne became the world’s most locked-down city. The Australian revealed on Tuesday that Mental Health Minister James Merlino was briefed by his department that two suicides linked to job losses had occurred shortly after the government ordered the fourth lockdown on May 27.

The Australian

Remember when we were told it was all about “saving lives”? It hasn’t. Victoria has by far the worst record for covid deaths of any Australian state — directly inverse to the severity of its lockdowns. Lockdowns are literally killing people.

Yet, “Dictator Dan” boasts about his great success.

“The Victorian families who lost loved ones in Daniel ­Andrews’ lockdowns or those who are still struggling to live with the mental health impacts today will be sickened by the Premier bragging that Labor’s Covid ­response has been a ‘triumph’.

In a tragically classic case of the government rushing to fix the very problems it created, Andrews is claiming another $3.8bn funding boost for mental health services.

Victorians might be forgiven for thinking that that’ll happen some time after the 4000 ICU beds Andrews promised (then flatly lied about promising) actually materialise.

Do all those #IStandWithDan mums still stand with their socialist messiah, even as he drives their kids to suicide?

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