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David Seymour ACTS to Protect Free Speech

David Seymour beer

Talk is cheap but ACT leader David Seymour has put his words into action. An organised group of  Trans activists has bullied and twice now, deplatformed a feminist women’s rights group, preventing them from holding a feminist event with an overseas speaker. Initially the feminist event was going to be held at controversial, anti-free speech Massey University, which lived up to its negative reputation by backing out of its initial agreement to host the event.

The second attempt to host the event was also cancelled due to the actions of the Trans activists who claim to be vulnerable and oppressed at the same time as bullying women who want to protect women’s rights.

What is particularly ironic is that some modern feminists are very anti men, especially white men, and the Trans activists who are shutting the feminists down are mainly white men. In a nutshell these feminists are being oppressed and suppressed by the patriarchy, except this time the patriarchy are wearing high heels and a dress!

ACT Party leader David Seymour has taken action to protect the free speech of the Feminism 2020 event by hosting it in the parliamentary banquet hall on Friday. Already on Twitter, Trans activists are saying that Parliament is not a place where free speech should be allowed. It is not surprising really considering that they also think that there is no room for free speech on a University campus either!

This is a very important stance that David Seymour has taken, and I am grateful that PM Jacinda Ardern didn’t make a Captain’s Call to prevent the event from going ahead. Given Ardern’s public glee at Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern being deplatformed by Auckland Mayor Phil Goff, her stopping the event going ahead was a real possibility.

The ACT Party leader said it’s not right that Massey University pulled the pin.
“When I saw that Speak up for Women had been pushed out of a university, I thought we can’t have a country where you’re not even able to have a conference discussing feminism,” he told Newshub.
Seymour said while he doesn’t agree with everything the speakers say, they have a right to say it.
[…] “The greater danger is not from these things being said, but from being left unsaid due to censorship.”
The event is presented by Speak Up For Women who say they aim to protect and advance the rights and interests of women and girls in New Zealand.
However, the group’s views have drawn criticism due to their anti-transgender sentiments.

What a load of horse feathers! Stating that men are men and that a woman does not have a penis is not being anti-transgender; it is being pro-facts. Issues regarding women’s spaces need to be debated. Men Trans-women in women’s prisons have raped women. In what kind of sick world is that an acceptable state of an affairs?

Canadian blogger Meghan Murphy has been invited to speak at the event.
[…]  she claims she is simply trying to protect women.
“I don’t think that if a man identifies as a woman or as a trans woman, he should be given access to women’s spaces,”
The blogger has a problem with women’s identities and believes it’s a sexist idea.

What a ridiculous and fact-free statement. The blogger does not have a problem with women’s identities at all. She is trying to protect women. By protecting women she clashes with those who want to advance the rights of men over the rights of women. She does not believe that you magically become a woman by simply identifying as one and the reality is that it is male Trans activists who think that they are women who do not care one jot about the rights of real women and who want them to shut up and metaphorically go back to being pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen.

The event was originally booked for Studio One Toi Tū (previously known as Artstation) but after complaints was moved to the Western Springs Garden Community Hall. It was then moved to Massey University before being cancelled.

