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Quietly tucked away under “Kahu” (Maori news) is this little gem at the NZ Herald.

The Crown has handed over the 5G frequencies allocation set aside for Maori to the Maori spectrum working group at a signing ceremony in Wellington on Wednesday.

The working group’s co-convenor, Antony Royal, says this “will be huge” for Maori involvement in the communications industry.

“Maori will be the owner of major spectrum assets, able to innovate, to enter joint ventures, to initiate research, and create training and business opportunities in the tech world.” […]

In May, Communications Minister Ginny Andersen confirmed the working group would receive a quarter share of the 5G spectrum (100MHz of 400MHz) to manage on behalf of all Maori, as agreed in February 2022 under what was described then as “a historic agreement recognising Maori interests in radio spectrum”.

The legislation hasn’t gone through parliament, yet, but is expected to be introduced before the election.

Read more here. Discuss it on the BFD.
