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The BFD. Photo by Helloquence

Jim Cable


As a National Party member and supporter of some 58 years standing, I’m most deeply concerned that since your elevation to leadership the electorate has heard nothing as to how National intends to reverse the appalling trends that are ruining our country and society and undermining the very substance of our way of life.

Irrespective that the next election is just under two years away, there are strong commitments that have to be made NOW in order that the electorate can be positively assured there is a responsible alternative government in waiting that REALLY intends to address all the wrongs that have been so undemocratically foisted upon us.

With Ardern’s government having prostituted the media, these wrongs have to be spelt out to the electorate NOW.

Like many, I’m well aware of how the National Party has dithered for years, far more concerned about losing electorate support than upholding the principles that were so clearly spelt out, and upheld, by Sid Holland’s government all those years ago.

Like so many other once-proud New Zealanders, I want to hear National’s policy spelt out in the strongest possible terms NOW – the whole country NEEDS to hear it because both our resolve and our institutions of state are all but debilitated and ready to fold to the crippling pressure of Ardern’s communist influences.

Popular measures would start with addressing the subversive deeds of this administration, and announcing significant disciplinary responses to the gang problem and rising crime.

For God’s sake get on with it and act now – we no longer have the luxury of time.

In utmost fear and sincerity,

Jim Cable
