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Photo credit: ACT Facebook page.

Louise M Diack

I’m writing to you as a concerned, long-time supporter of the ACT Party. You see, I’m worried you might have forgotten your Party Principles. I’m sure you didn’t mean to and I’ve included them below to remind you. It must be tough with all those political types around you losing their heads over a virus with a 99.93%, or higher, survival rate for healthy people under 60.

Act Principles

Firstly, whatever possessed you to participate in that cringe-worthy pro-vaccine rap piece with Pink Hair lady? The only good that came of that was the viewer comments that pilloried the pitiful effort. We all laughed our heads off reading those!

Thank goodness Kiwis haven’t lost their sense of humour amongst all the scaremongering. It did inspire a pretty good rap rebuttal, so there’s a silver lining I guess (warning, some colourful language included). In fact, R.E.D.’s catchy Dear Jacinda inspired me to write to you.

While I expected Labour to reveal their inner-authoritarian, given half the chance, I didn’t expect you to jump on the bandwagon. Nor to become a vassal for business interests to make their lives easier at the expense of employees “exercising ownership of their own lives”.

How can you claim to be the party of freedom and home for those with a more libertarian bent? You are on record wanting to pass legislation that would let an employer infringe on human rights without legal consequence. You want to make it possible for my employer to force me to undergo a medical procedure against my will (and our Bill of Rights), in order to keep my job? Since when was facilitating coercion consistent with the principle of being free?

What’s even more disappointing, David, is that you have shown you are ill-informed and seem to be advocating we just give in to Jacinda for an easier life? I’ve written at length here, with Dr Hatchard covering in more detail the latest research showing how lacking in efficacy the jab is. 1) It wanes in a matter of months. 2) It does not stop people from getting COVID. 3) It does not stop transmission. There are multiple real-world case studies, from Gibraltar to Israel, UK and Germany – symptomatic vaccinated now outnumber the symptomatic unvaccinated with the vaccinated spreading the virus.

If the jab doesn’t stop people getting COVID nor transmitting it, then how exactly does this make the jab an effective hazard elimination control for businesses? It doesn’t! And why only test the unvaccinated every three days, David, if the vaccinated can spread the virus just as easily? Sounds more like a punishment for the ‘disobedient’ unvaccinated, and something I would have expected from Jacinda.

“Just get f…ing vaccinated,” eh David?

I suggest you watch the Liz Gunn interview with young Casey Hodgkinson then try to muster some compassion. We’re sick of the denial! New Zealand is a small place with two degrees of separation. We all know someone either directly or someone who knows someone who is struggling with health problems following the jab. Either existing health problems suddenly flaring up or new health problems they didn’t have prior to getting the jab.

More research is coming through on adverse reactions with questions over the long term safety of these vaccines… AstraZeneca banned in Denmark due to clotting risks. Moderna banned for under 30’s in multiple Nordic countries, France, Germany and Canada due to risk of myocarditis. Now research out of Hong Kong on adolescents showing elevated risk of myocarditis with Pfizer. The people of these countries were assured these vaccines were safe!

If businesses are so convinced the jab is safe and a must have for their employees, then they should be confident offering to pay the cost should it go wrong – including for the life of the employee, if they’re impacted that severely. No need for legal protection. It’s the principle of putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak. Anything other than that is an exercise in power without responsibility.

According to your Party Principles, David, I am the owner of my life. I should be free to act according to my own judgment (which is based on considered research). I respect others’ right to choose differently if that suits them. That is freedom. I don’t see this government acting in a way that is securing my freedom. Quite the opposite. I don’t see ACT standing up to secure my freedom either.

Getting the jab to regain a measure of what is rightfully mine is simply cowering in the face of authoritarianism. There is no dignity in kowtowing to this unethical and dishonest Labour Government. That isn’t an option to those with principles, David. Even Amnesty International are concerned over the lack of scrutiny as this government rams through legislation infringing human rights.

The ACT Party has been a big disappointment, the more so because freedom is its stated principle.
