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The BFD. Photo by Helloquence


Greetings David and Judith

I wish to address your approach to Covid-19 and more specifically your position on vaccinations and treatment for Covid-19.

You along with the Labour government seem determined to push for vaccination of the populace of New Zealand as the only solution to this virus.

Never has there been such a push to use what is still a trial treatment with such dubious claims as to efficacy and safety upon the people of the world and more specifically the people of New Zealand.

There is and has been available for some considerable time strong evidence that vaccination and lockdowns are not the only possible solution. Lockdowns are ineffective and the so-called vaccine has proven over time to be neither particularly effective nor completely safe.

That this evidence is being actively suppressed is an indictment on the press and all the members of parliament of New Zealand. If the evidence in support of the contra vaccination view is refutable point by point in the public arena, it should be refuted point by point. The fact that this evidence is instead being suppressed, suggests that it is irrefutable which is why it is being suppressed instead of being debated.

If you are unaware of this strong evidence, it suggests that you are not trying very hard to research the whole topic of the virus and its treatment and/or you are being poorly advised by people with an agenda of their own.

If you are aware, it can only mean that you fully support the people of New Zealand being misled and our continued use as guinea pigs in what is an experimental vaccination programme.

I reach this conclusion because by now almost everyone in New Zealand has close family or knows of someone who has had serious and health-threatening reactions to getting the jab. I most certainly do.

These serious reactions are also being suppressed at the medical coalface where the medical staff do not know how to treat these reactions and are in fact threatened with job loss if they speak publicly about the depth of the significant problems they face.

You need to talk to the nurses and doctors and to some of the people who are suffering as a result of being vaccinated and immediately start pushing back against what the government is doing rather than just saying you can ruin New Zealanders lives better than Labour can.

Please share so others can discover The BFD.
