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The BFD. Photo by Helloquence

Freedom over Fear (Dear Jacinda) R.E.D

To the Prime Minister
Since it’s clear you don’t answer to the people
It’s time we address you directly
Dear Jacinda
When I sit and think of all the shit
You got us into
Cos there’s been no flu
These past two winters
Plus there’s been a
Clear drawn winner
Want us double-jabbed
And booster shots
Just to go and buy dinnerDear Jacinda
Do you think that segregation
is fair?
To save the elders
Who we locked in homes
all last year?
How dare you desecrate
the sanctity of a funeral
Try to insinuate that ten people
Is business as usualIf we can’t celebrate life
Are we really alive?
While you mandate and dictate
We should stay inside
Stay home and ‘Be Kind’
is a phrase hardly aligned
With encouraging vaxed
to turn on Unvaxed all of the timeYou say ‘don’t talk to neighbours,
We’re your one source of truth.’
Dangle the carrot of travel
just to coerce the youth.Guilt trip, bribe, blackmail and threat
While silencing reactions
and censoring regrets
You say trust the science
Allow one-sided discussion
Anyone who doesn’t stay quiet
Has been cut from productionYou paid off our mediaone by oneUntil only the songyou allow is sungQuite the conundrumA legacy that you cannot run fromWhile the lie is unravellingand fabrications undoneDear Jacindayou can threaten me all you likeYou won’t break my willI won’t join your reichI won’t do as you sayWon’t forsake my rightsWon’t betray my heritagemy ancestors fightThe freedom that they bled forI won’t let that dieMake me take that jabYou’d have to take my lifeYou’re mistaken if you think thatYou can push us roundThe cause is not lostWhile we’re above groundDear Jacinda
Looked at the corner
you back us into
Got me dodging needles
like I was a f***ken ninga
Invalidate my feelings
with this talk of virtue
Watch that fall from the high horse
It might just hurt you
How dare you say people
have informed consent
Keep pushing and be
the cause of the people’s dissent
I would’ve minded my own
If you’d just left me alone
It’s on the street signs
letters and texts on my phone
I know this is ridiculous
I bet you get a kick from this
While you make sure the COVID
propaganda is ubiquitousDear Jacinda
How the F**k you sleep at night?
When you know these laws you passed
Are just not right?
You give us no choice but
to stand and fight
These proposals that
take away our right to live
I wanna cry cos you passed the
Reform to Abortion Bill
That let full term babies
be murdered still
Yeah I support the right to choose
But that’s older than a bottle
While you empower cops
to burst in homes without
a warrant
And you don’t even stop
to take a motherf**ker breath
Did Agenda 2030
now in full effectSo dear Jacinda,
I’ll say this while I can before
you deem it a hate speech crime
with your hate speech law
I hope you reap what you sow
I hope you get what you deserve
A place in history
as twisted and disturbed
As immoral and merciless
as the socialists before you
And I pray that if God exists
that when you die he ignores you
So you can go where you belong
I see it in your eyes
The devil’s in you strong
Past your tongue in disguise
The people fear no evil
look the devil in the eye
Screaming freedom over fear
We’ve had enough of all the lies
Yes I know my rights
and I will stand up for mine
Forced to hand with all your plan
Built this backbone behind
The hearts of women and of men
Those different and alike
The fury of a nation
a mass ready to strikeStand for something or fall for anything right?
Well I’d rather die on my feet than live on my kneesOne has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust lawsIt is said that a person who pays no attention to their freedom and liberty
will soon have neitherWell in the words of George Orwell
the moral to be drawn from
this dangerous nightmare situation
is a simple one.Don’t let it happen.

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Labour’s Antisemitism Problem

Labour’s Antisemitism Problem

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