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A Man Writing a Letter
Photo by cottonbro. The BFD

FreeNZ Contributor

Dear Jacinda,

I need to thank you!

I need to thank you for so many positive things that have happened to me.

I need to thank you for instigating change in my life and perception of life.

I need to thank you for the way the mandates have positively impacted my life, yet it saddens me that so many people in this country were not so lucky.

I need to thank you for the beautiful friends I have made since the mandates. Strong, sovereign and pure people, standing firm in their beliefs. The kind of people I am proud to be friends with. Friends that were not swayed by endless hours of “fear-based”covid news, vaccination build-up, and empty “faux-scientific” chatter.

I thank you for how I was forced to leave a job which I loved and was good at. I now have had the opportunity to pursue what has always in my heart. The creative spark in me has been ignited and I am now earning money outside of the corporate system.

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I need to thank you for how I have learnt to listen to both sides of a story, and can now decide for myself which side makes sense. I have learnt so much over the past few years. A vast amount of information, which I would’ve never picked up, had it not been for your overreach. For instance, I’ve learnt that He Whakaputanga is our valid government, and that the New Zealand Government is a corporation – a dead entity – and can only deal with a dead entity. I am NOT a dead entity! The flesh lives and the blood flows.

I’ve learnt how twisted the media version of a story can be. We only need to look at the coverage of the Wellington protest and how it has been manipulated. How little you think of the people you believe you govern. Calling the protestors a “River of Filth”, without ever taking the time to meet with or even listen to a single person. We, the people, know that our power, collectively, is so much stronger than any fleeting “public servant” could ever fathom. Keep pushing us and soon, nobody will listen to you anymore.

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I have learnt that you didn’t quite tell the truth when you said the vaccine is “95% safe and effective”. I have ploughed through pages of the court-ordered Pfizer documents, which stated the complete opposite to your proclamation. So I thank you, for the day you stated “I am your single source of truth”, I began to seriously do my own research.

I am seeing that the term “disinformation” gets thrown around a lot, yet I am still confused by what that really means. For instance, is it disinformation that you were a student of Klaus Schwab? We’ve heard you say “build back better” and you have mentioned “The Great Reset” and we know you’re listed on the World Economic Forum as one of his students. There’s more that we know…

I’ve learnt what’s really going on in our schools and what our children are being taught. I need to thank you, for I saw through it. I took my kids out of school and am now raising incredibly amazing home-schooled human beings for what will be a beautiful future.

I really need to thank you for what I have learnt about nutrition, and the role it plays in fortifying my body’s innate capability to defend itself against illness and disease. Natural immunity is everlasting and goes far beyond covid. I can feel that my body is much healthier than before because I’m making an effort.

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I thank you for how I was inspired to learn more about alternative medicine. As our local doctor’s surgery was too understaffed to see patients regularly, I had to take my health into my own hands. I have learnt so much and now won’t need to rely on my doctor as much.

When I couldn’t go out for a drink, I stopped drinking and instead, socialised at my newfound friends’ homes, and them at mine. So beautiful. My friends and I have built a strong and supportive local community, like in our grandparent’s time, when people supported each other. I have re-adjusted the priorities in my life, stopped being so “busy” and now spend more time being there for my self-sufficient community. The more we stand together and help each other, the less money we need. We learn to do good out of a sense of community. The beauty of giving and receiving.

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I thank you for how I have learned to grow my own food. Within our community, we grow food in such abundance that we’re able to share produce with each other. It’s such a revitalising feeling to be feeding my family with food directly from our garden.

The recent fuel spike inspired me to buy a bicycle. Now I cycle most of the time: to visit friends, do my shopping, and run errands. I only use my car for longer distances. I am now much fitter and I feel more energy and self-confidence because of this.

I do NOT thank you for the segregation, discrimination and the many, many lives that have been destroyed.

–One of Many
