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Dear MSM, Why Do You Lie So Repeatedly?

The BFD. Photo by Helloquence

John Rofe

Dear proven liars,

To be kind, I guess the main reason for the lies is laziness.

You take as gospel whatever the following-named news outlets provide you with. In the process, you destroy your own credibility and the credibility of those in power in New Zealand.

CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times. Each of these is an attack dog for the globalist billionaires pushing one-world government and the interests of the US Democratic Party. I have witnessed lie after lie from them, all faithfully echoed by you. News is now propaganda and everything has spin. We are sick of that.

During the Trump Congressional Impeachment hearings, you published repeated assurances that Trump was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanours on every day after each hearing day. I watched each hearing and no evidence or even allegations of guilt whatsoever were presented. But State Department officials threw Biden and his son “under the bus” for mafia-don type blackmail against the Ukrainian prosecutor and Ukraine President. That was silenced by the above-mentioned media, yet it should have made Biden unfit to stand for POTUS. You negligently never mentioned it. You willingly joined that lynch mob for monetary gain. You ignored the important situation of Obama’s VP seemingly using his political role as a ‘protection racket’ for personal and family profit.

Where is your reporting on the work of Special Prosecutor Durham which now reveals that the Clinton campaign and their actors orchestrated Russia-gate with the help of the FBI and DOJ?  There was no need for you to also suffer from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” – yet you did.

You prejudged Kyle Rittenhouse as guilty in Kenosha, Wisconsin, when the trial evidence showed conclusively he had neither crossed state lines, nor held an illegal weapon, nor had taken action before his life was directly threatened. Look into it and you will find that he is a fine upstanding citizen and any parent would be proud to call him their son.  He is neither racist nor a white supremacist, yet this was intended as a kangaroo court, a political show trial that the prosecutor will live to regret. Instead, the outcome was a triumph for justice and the jury system. Even after the not-guilty verdict, you maintained the line that justice had not been done.

Who incited the riots which led to the burning of Portland Oregon, Kenosha and other cities? Who withdrew the police to allow the rioters to do their damage for political gain in those BLM riots? Why did a 17-year old find himself defending family property against rioters in Wisconsin? We know about the burning of the Reichstag in the 1930s by the Nazis. This was no different in the USA but where was the investigating journalism?  The culprits were all quoted in the US media as supporting the defunding of police. They now run the place and the US media excused their malfeasance – as you do, by default or intent.

The star injured Kenosha prosecution witness testified Kyle Rittenhouse shot him ONLY when he pointed his pistol at Kyle.  Rittenhouse was repeatedly assaulted by the mob, and his parents should be very proud of him for the way he behaved. Biden and the left-wing mob now stand guilty of judicial interference as do several Democrat party politicians and certainly MSNBC.

The Democrats incited all the BLM riots to unseat Trump. The politicians have incited the ongoing carnage. Cities throughout the USA will be burning again following the Kenosha verdict because the news outlets I named above have not recanted their deliberate lies. Race played no part.

If you want to regain your lost credibility you will start checking obviously biased and false reporting from those news outlets which are subject to ultra-left wing political control.

All you need to do is to fact check by looking at the other side of each US issue on Sky or Fox News. The truth in each case can then be judged on the facts.

This is why none of you are trusted by any people with common sense or who know the truth. No one automatically believes you anymore, just as no one in the USA now believes a word out of POTUS Biden’s mouth. This is why people don’t take the vaccination message on board despite the obvious logic behind vaccination – because you spin everything and are forcing a wedge between New Zealanders.

Many members of the US public saw the videos of the attack on Rittenhouse by BLM rioters, intent on killing him. The people know now what a mess they have to clean up in their country because the country will become ungovernable unless they do.  The case only went to court for political reasons. The 2022 Congressional elections will now likely be a Republican landslide… that is if they are free and fair.

The best thing that can happen now is for Rittenhouse to sue POTUS Biden, CNN and MSNBC for defamation. Because he defamed Rittenhouse while a candidate, the DOJ probably cannot save Biden if Rittenhouse sues.

Meantime Special Investigator Durham has more people to indict: those acting on behalf of the Hillary Clinton Campaign. We can watch that space.

Trump may be an unattractive character but you owe him an apology for the way your negligent coverage treated him. You owe us all an apology for every lie you have uttered by design or neglect, as you appear to support your own obscure political interests.

Please start being fair, being kind and above all, doing your job as journalists – not spin-doctors.

Yours faithfully

John Rofe
