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New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Newly elected Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has a monumental task ahead of him, to restore and regenerate our country after his predecessor’s abrupt resignation and leaving him the parting gift of a country divided and a laundry list of problems. A looming recession, rising interest rates, healthcare, housing, income, and everyday challenges facing New Zealanders such as being unable to afford the basics and the continuing aftermath of the government’s covid response and covid-19 vaccination programme.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) appreciate it could be daunting for our new Prime Minister to discern where to begin, given the monumental list of problems, but the health of the nation must come first and it is time to acknowledge the covid-19 vaccinations are not ‘safe and effective’ and the growing harm, injury and death from this novel, experimental mRNA injection must be addressed immediately.

In his previous role as Minister for Covid Response, we wrote to Chris Hipkins and his ministerial colleagues a number of times with our concerns and provided the growing evidence indicating the ineffectiveness of the vaccine, the alarming rate of serious adverse reactions and the latest global data of the known dangers of the novel, experimental mRNA injection.

Our communications to this day, have had no response so we take it that perhaps the health of the nation is not top priority, please prove us wrong Prime Minister.

There is no denying the compelling evidence and data of the vaccine dangers which have been provided to our leaders, the multiple attempts to engage in communication which have fallen on deaf ears and our numerous requests to meet for discussion which are ignored. We implore our new Prime Minister to listen and act now otherwise he is complicit in harming New Zealanders on a scale never seen before.

We congratulate Chris Hipkins on his appointment as Prime Minister and wish that he be able to restore and regenerate our country, stop the vaccines and leave a positive and lasting legacy of peace, health and progress. Time will tell.

Read here: Congratulations Hipkins – Now It’s Time to Restore and Regenerate Our Country and Stop the Covid-19 Vaccines



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Here Is the Real News

The real news is not to be found at six o’clock on One or Three but elsewhere in places such as YouTube.

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A Gun Lobby You Say?

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