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The BFD. Photo by Helloquence


This is a letter from John Rofe, a self-declared “Concerned Citizen” to Professor Gerrard, the NZ Prime Minister’s Science Advisor.

As it is quite long we have ‘serialised’ it over a few days.

You needn’t concern yourself about the legal bun fight to come, because the PM and her Minister of Climate Change will have to counter-punch on that during election year if it transpires that I feel obliged to litigate, and am permitted to do so.  In the courts, there are only three points for me to make and reinforce with the aid of empirical data and expert evidence…

  1. It will be proven that changes in the atmospheric content of CO2 cannot be shown to have a discernible influence on climate change.
  2. It will be proven that CO2 emissions are not only not a pollutant, but are essential for all life on earth.  As a sub-set of this, it is demonstrable that CH4 emissions soon split into CO2 and H2O due to the aggressive atmospheric mixing.  As a result there is 220 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere as CH4.  Despite the false narrative, CH4 is a weaker greenhouse gas than even CO2.
  3. It will be proven that attempts by humans to reduce atmospheric levels of CO2 cannot be shown to result in a discernible reduction in average global mean surface temperatures by 2100.

Fraud investigators do get to have a sense of humour and the most amusing part of the Great Global Warming Fraud for me is the amazing similarities between King Canute and James Shaw. As a child I never believed that someone could be as stupid as King Canute was reputed to be, in trying to turn back the tide.  Minister James Shaw, by refusing to check the fake science supporting the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory, has proven that anything is possible if your ego is big enough and you are misled into believing you can control reality.  My repeated warnings simply did not register with him.

Now we will either get bloody cold and bloody hungry, or we will hopefully get to fight this fraud out in court.  I hate courtrooms but it is the option I prefer because there will otherwise be extreme levels of famine stalking the world as we go forward.

Earth’s atmosphere has yet to start significant cooling, but I am a patient man.  The indicative evidence is in already.  The jet streams are already out of flow, the anomalous weather typified during the Maunder and Dalton Minimums is appearing with the shorter growing seasons and worst of all, with the cold climate crop losses.

And to put this stuff together in the words of someone who thinks it is all a grotesque anti-humanist conspiracy, it is simply stated as follows:

I don’t buy into the conspiracy stuff, but there is a point.  The Limits to Growth teams were focused on delivery of global solutions to resource depletion, over-population etc.  Hence there has been a stampede to implement climate change as if it were the “final solution” for the earth’s limitations versus human greed.  The only result will be a huge waste of public money.  This video presenter did what all the warming alarmists do, they cherry-pick the time scale for presenting the data.  I don’t approve when a sceptic does it, any more than when a warming alarmist does it because it doesn’t inform the debate or clarify fact from fiction.  It made my task much more difficult.   But it is my job to work out which is which, just as it is the job of the impartial scientist or peer-reviewer.  Given that the impact of the 2016 el Nino event is excluded from one temperature graph the picture presented is skewed to the presenter’s favour.  He probably thinks, “So what the climate has since cooled”.  Yet it isn’t the entire picture.  But worse is available from almost every graph I have seen from the UN IPCC supporters.  Public agencies and their deliberate fraud to curry favour with political masters is seemingly common (often in the guise of confirmation bias).   Being now taken to extremes, the Great Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud will destroy our civilisation if not reined in.
