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The BFD. Photo by Helloquence


This is a letter from John Rofe, a self-declared “Concerned Citizen” to Professor Gerrard, the NZ Prime Minister’s Science Advisor.
As it is quite long we have ‘serialised’ it over a few days.

I am amazed that people with professional backgrounds and obvious common sense have failed to “smell a rat” after all the strident warnings of Armageddon not only failed to materialise many times over the last 40 years, but also the historic records had to be doctored to try to prove the UN IPCC fraud and yet never succeeded! Fool you once, shame on the UN IPCC.  Fool you a dozen times, shame on you!

Professor Michael J. Kelly, one of New Zealand’s brightest minds, has just given a speech to the British Global Warming Policy Foundation (as their 2019 keynote speaker). Because he is an engineer, the practical issues he raises should concern you. This video clip is an hour-long…but it explains how stupid and misguided the actions of the present NZ Government really are…although he would be too polite to phrase it that way…

He also draws attention to the damage that this fraud will inflict on the general public’s opinion of science and scientists. This travesty makes Trofim Lysenko look like a saint by comparison.

Professor Gerrard, in the 1980’s I was an early fan of the work of the team that did the “Limits to Growth” modelling, and I am acutely aware of the fact that continued exponential growth in a world of large but finite resources is a nonsense. I agree we are past the sustainable carrying capacity of the earth in terms of our human growth aspirations and resource use. Yet we have a Government that just considered it better to permit the importation of foreign (traditional) wives, so as to enable the escalation of further population growth. Political expediency trumps logic, yet in order to advance their incomprehensible demands to cease using fossil fuels on which our entire civilisation is based, they tinker with keeping the population happy while denying the public the right to be informed about either the limits to our civilisation or the forces affecting climate change.  Atmospheric CO2 content, as with CH4, is simply irrelevant to the grave problems we face and the human predicament when fossil fuels are no longer a cost-effective energy source.

To survive, each minute of each day we must all either breathe or die. Each adult human inhales 415ppm of CO2 and exhales 40,000ppm of CO2 (and in human exhalations, there is a similarly reduced proportion of O2). Yet we can supposedly all fly around the world to attend climate change conferences while emitting a net 350kg per year of CO2 per person from our exhalations, and decide we are paying for it by killing dairy cows and growing trees. What arrant rubbish this is.

It is as stupid as Al Gore’s “virtue signalling” by owning an expensive coastal property while signalling impossible sea level rise, riding in his private jet to climate conferences and justifying that by profiting from ownership of a carbon trading business, from which he also claims he buys carbon credits.  Meanwhile, the average New Zealander is asked by the false local paragons of virtue (James and Jacinda) to stop eating meat and dairy products and we are even begrudged exhaling our personal 350kgs of CO2 per year.

Simply put, your Government supports lies to advance their own agenda. They allow the publication of the images of pollution from 3rd world countries which have effectively rejected the Paris Accords as if they were caused within our society – just so they can lie to us. They show us images of smoke stacks which falsely accuse the CO2 emissions of being pollution.  They show the polar bears as if they were endangered when they are more numerous than since records began, and leave Inuit with no hope of being allowed to defend themselves against polar bear predations. Frauds are all built on lies like this and you have unwittingly become part of the lies. The longer frauds run, the more lies must always be furnished.
