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The BFD. Photo by Helloquence


This is a letter from John Rofe, a self-declared “Concerned Citizen” to Professor Gerrard, the NZ Prime Minister’s Science Advisor.

As it is quite long we have ‘serialized’ it over a few days.

The fools in power accept the calculations of ignorant (but well paid) computer modellers who eliminate the fact that fossil fuels are finite and, in the case of oil, long past the global peak of oil field discovery – with the world’s largest oil field (Saudi Ghawar) now in steep decline.  They presume that despite the fact we have now picked the lowest hanging and best quality fruit, their calculations are based on never ending increases in fossil fuel production.  So they project human CO2 emissions to trend upwards as if to infinity. The Chinese with their “Belt and Road” and Indians with their drive to raise living standards will temporarily escalate the rate of resource utilisation. Yet it will have no significant impact on the climate and just result in the human world running out sooner.

They ignore the huge impact of clouds and the fact that water vapour is not just 20 times more by volume than CO2, and has 12 times more potent thermal effect as a “greenhouse gas” than CO2, its sudden change in phase introduces massive weather effects with the changes in state between gas and liquid and solid.  Yet the doctrinaire UN IPCC reports suggest that changing levels of atmospheric CO2 drive everything else.

A horticulturalist who checks the sky before he/she goes to bed at night to look for the extent of cloud cover is not looking to the heavens to see how much CO2 is there, but for whether cloudiness will eliminate the chance of frost to damage his/her plants and fruit crop.  With cloud cover the infra-red heat radiation from earth’s surface/atmosphere is greatly reduced. The computer modellers don’t think about the fact that CH4 is only 1.8ppm of the atmosphere and has a minute warming capability at that.  Nor do they understand that oxygen, the food of life for humanity, rapidly oxidises all CH4 emissions so they change into CO2 and H2O.  CH4 is totally irrelevant to the climate debate and the climate debate is irrelevant to human planning.

We must simply learn to cope with the climate we are given.  In practical terms, the growing of grapes in Central Otago will eventually become impossible during a Grand Solar Minimum, just as the growing of grapes in the UK disappeared altogether when the Maunder Minimum arrived.  Dealing with these effects is the proper business of governments, certainly not doing King Canute impersonations.

It doesn’t matter how many billions are paid to universities and computer modellers, the fraud on farmers is ridiculous, unnecessary and egregious.

And yet your support and that of the venal computer modelling industry is essential for Jacinda and James to perpetrate their deliberate if ideologically appealing fraud. We should join President Trump and withdraw from the Paris Accords.

Please inform yourself and then isolate yourself from the fraudsters and their criminality before it is too late.  You must consider your options wisely because at this point in time you are a part of the fraud, having attempted to justify it in writing to Mr Morgan.  On the other hand, I believe you should check the fates of people like Dr Nils Axel Moerner (sea levels), Dr Judith Curry, Dr Peter Ridd (Gt Barrier Reef), Dr Susan Crockford (polar bear numbers).  All have been destroyed by the fraudsters despite being right in point of fact.  It doesn’t always pay to stand against frauds – particular in this case, one which is worth about USD1-1.5 trillion per year.  The globalist billionaires have a lot riding on their support for the fraud. They control the news media.

And remember this. Fraud is not a popularity contest, it is about facts. It can be proven that CO2 has not demonstrably affected climate change and cannot do so. That truth is the basis of this government’s credibility gone for good.

Yours sincerely
John Rofe
Just a Concerned Citizen
