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Dear Royal Commission of Inquiry (3)

woman in yellow and black floral dress sitting on brown wooden chair
Photo by Darius Bashar. The BFD.

Tani Newton

There are only a few days left if you’re planning to make a submission to the Royal Commission of Enquiry on that thing. I’ve got mine done at last. For your information or encouragement, here is my reply to the second question:

What should you learn from my experiences? Well, as I’ve already said, I can see from where I’m sitting that you already know what you’re going to pretend to have “learned”. The first bogus pandemic was a softening-up exercise to show people what torture you are willing and able to subject them to if they don’t comply with the New World Order and surrender their rights, their property, their dignity and their privacy. Now you’re going to show them that you have “learned” how to do it in a much nicer way, so that it won’t hurt at all. When you roll out the next bogus pandemic, we’ll be all ready to jump on board.

So I would like to take the opportunity to point out to you – and I hope you read this and I mean it very seriously for your sakes – that this is not going very well for you. The medical system that you rely on for the imposition of medical totalitarianism is collapsing, and it is collapsing under the weight of bodies. How are you going to force people to receive medical treatments they don’t want when you can’t even provide them with the ones they do want and need? And the systems you rely on to spread propaganda are not doing much better. The mainstream media are collapsing because they have lied so long and hard that their credibility is gone. Trust in public institutions is at a serious low and the schools are not going to be able to brainwash the whole of the next generation because most of the next generation isn’t turning up to school any more.

So what should you really, actually learn? As Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, “…let my counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor.” The prophet Joel adds, “And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.” There is a God who knows the secrets of all hearts and from whom nothing is hidden, and he has sent his only Son to be the Saviour of sinners who repent and trust in him. Each day that dawns is another day of grace that he has given to you, and another opportunity to seek him while he may be found.

That is what I have found to be true for myself, and that is what you should learn from my experiences.


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