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Dems Are Not Very Bright

The vice-presidential debate.

Photo by Torsten Dederichs / Unsplash

It may have been a struggle for the Democrats to find a running mate more mendacious and disinterested in American welfare than Kamala Harris, but they outdid themselves in Tim Walz, hoist by his own petard during the vice-presidential debate, and many times prior. 

Tim Walz was left red-faced at last night’s debate after being challenged over a lie about being in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square massacre.
“I got there that summer and misspoke on this,” the Democratic VP hopeful said before trailing off in confusion.
For years, he had claimed he was there when the Chinese Government violently suppressed the pro-democracy movement in June 1989.

Daily Mail 

It wasn’t the first time Walz lied about being in Tiananmen Square when he was in Nebraska.

Image credit: Times-Herald.

Walz wouldn’t admit to lying, calling himself a knucklehead when caught out, but he has form when it comes to running for office. This year Walz lied about using IVF to conceive his two children, when he actually used intrauterine insemination (IUI). The Daily Mail provides history. 

In another case, Walz said in 2018 while he was running for Congress that he had used 'weapons of war, that I carried in war' when discussing gun regulation.

But this was not true. Walz, who served in the National Guard for 26 years, was never deployed to combat or overseas – and retired from his battalion shortly before they were sent to fight in Iraq. […]

During his 2006 campaign for Congress, his team claimed that his drunk-driving arrest was not because of drinking, saying he had instead failed the alcohol test due to a misunderstanding related to hearing loss from his time in the National Guard.

Court records show, however, he was pulled over for driving at 96mph in a 55mph zone and was then taken to a local hospital, where a test showed his blood alcohol level was 0.128 – above the legal limit of 0.1.

Also in the 2006 campaign, he claimed he had received an award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce in 1993 for his work in the business community.

A blistering letter from the Chamber revealed in August and sent to the Walz campaign at the time, refuted this and said he had never received an award.

Ryan Waite, vice president of public affairs at the corporate marketing firm Think Big, told that there appeared to be a ‘concerning’ pattern emerging in Walz’s lies.

Summing up the debate, Walz named Taylor Swift first on his list of assets to the coalition lineup, then claimed the Harris strategy is an opportunity economy through her politics of joy. Unbelievably meaningless words which New Zealanders are particularly familiar with after Jacinda Ardern’s legacy of word salad – still in use in the NZ Parliament today, mostly by Māori Party and NZ Greens. 

Barack Obama resides comfortably close to the White House and is handy if needed to prop up the incumbent and visibly confused President Joe Biden but he will also be available to spoon feed and clean up after the next Democratic line up should Americans be stupid enough to vote for them. Obama is also competent in using meaningless words.

Donald Trump, never slow in coming forward, responded after the debate with: 

JD crushed it! Walz was a low IQ disaster – very much like Kamala. Our country would never be able to recover from an administration of these two. Can you imagine them representing us with sharp, fierce foreign leaders? I can’t!” Trump wrote. 

CBS hosted the vice-presidential debate using moderators Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan, who are known for their anti-Trump comments. Their political bias did not disappoint but, unfortunately for them, every man and dog was watching, including Tiana Lowe Doescher who wrote for the Washington Examiner about Brennan’s “unethical journalistic malpractice”. 

“After Vance detailed how President Joe Biden and Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris “brought in millions of illegal immigrants,” some of whom are overwhelming schools and hospitals and driving up housing prices, Brennan jumped in to editorialize, asserting, “Just to clarify for our viewers, Springfield, Ohio, does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status – temporary protected status.”

Vance responded, “Margaret, the rules were that you guys weren’t going to fact-check, and since you’re fact-checking me, I think it's important to say what’s actually going on.” He then gave a detailed and accurate explanation of how Biden and Harris created a smartphone app called the CBP One app that lets illegal immigrants fly into the United States and receive temporary “parole” status that expires in two years.

“That is the facilitation of illegal immigration, Margaret,” Vance explained, “by our own leadership. And Kamala Harris opened up that pathway.” Instead of allowing Walz to respond, Brennan cut Vance's microphone and moved on to the next question.

This was unethical journalistic malpractice. She falsely or misleadingly fact-checked the Republican's comments and then, instead of facilitating a proper airing of the issue, silenced the candidate who was making them and the Democrats look ignorant and dishonest. 

MSNBC went from bad to worse after their analysis of the debate went wildly wrong when their anti-Trump guest abandoned the Dems for Trump live on air. 

The last word goes to the Babylon Bee for nailing Vance’s masterful debating skills, including fending off one biased moderator ‘fact check’ by recalling the relevant facts himself without the aid of an earpiece or notes.
