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This clown has no right being near a ministerial portfolio. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

There’s a phenomenon called “pathological altruism”. It refers to supposedly “helping” behavior that actually causes harm. It is caused by a combination of information deficiency, self-righteousness, and misdirected aims. Married to a closely-related psychopathology, virtue-signalling, the desire to be seen to be “doing good”, it’s a recipe for disaster.

Especially in the hands of those with their hands on the levers of public policy.

People like Immigration Minister, Andrew Giles.

A trio of child rapists are among the growing list of pedophiles and sex offenders allowed to remain in the country under Andrew Giles’s call for greater tolerance for foreign offenders with ties to Australia, as the Immigration Minister refuses to say if he will intervene in any of the visa approvals.

Every time you think the horrific consequences of this clown’s “Direction 99” couldn’t get worse, the next shocker breaks.

Abdul Wahab Trad, a 45-year-old Lebanese citizen who permanently relocated to Australia in 2013 escaped deportation in March over his 2020 rape of a 13-year-old girl after the Administrative Appeals Tribunal found that the man’s ties to Australia weighed heavily in favour of revoking the cancellation of his visa.

His case is one of dozens identified by The Australian in which the AAT’s decision has been shaped by Mr Giles’s Direction 99. The direction’s biggest change was to make the “strength, nature and duration of an individual’s ties to Australia” a primary consideration for the tribunal when considering appeals against the cancellation of visas.

Prior to Giles’ upending of the rules, the primary consideration for the AAT was the safety and expectations of the Australian community. But as Giles proved, in his pre-politics life as a “human rights” lawyer shilling for violent illegal immigrants, the safety of the Australian community doesn’t count for anything next to the hurty feelings of bad wogs.

Since the direction was handed down in January 2023, dozens of convicted non-citizens – including rapists, drug traffickers, pedophiles and repeat domestic violence perpetrators – have avoided being kicked out of the country after successfully arguing to the AAT that they had ties to Australia. That cohort includes Sudan-born Emmanuel Saki, who was charged over a stabbing murder in Queensland weeks after the AAT agreed to revoke the cancellation of his visa.

In addition to the Trad case, The Australian has identified two more cases of convicted child rapists allowed to remain in Australia at least in part due to the Direction 99 guidance.

One of those cases, referred to only as ZJFQ, involved an Afghan citizen who raped a 16-year-old girl and a 14-year-old girl in separate incidents in the space of six months in 2020 and who the AAT found was a “moderate to high risk” of committing further sexual offences.

The Australian

Like other Afghan “refugees”, the pseudonymous rapist doesn’t even think he did anything wrong.

The man, ZJFQ, had twice been convicted of sexual offences against teenage girls, had been found to lack empathy for his ­victims, had not engaged in any sex-offender rehabilitation programs, had not demonstrated that he understood the concept of ­consent or that sex with underage girls is unlawful, and did not take responsibility for his actions […]

In the other case, dubbed XLFM, a Kenyan-born man who raped the 17-year-old younger sister of the mother of his child and who also robbed a female service station attendant using a meat cleaver was also spared deportation.

The Australian

A model immigrant.

Senator Matt Canavan says Andrews Giles’ Direction 99 should be repealed […and] is a “complete and utter shambles” while speaking on Sky News, calling for Minister for Home Affairs Clare O’Neil and the Minister for Immigration to lose their jobs.

The Australian

I have a better idea.

As I’ve pointed out before, we have “industrial manslaughter” laws, which allow CEOs to be charged and even jailed for workplace deaths, even if they had no direct responsibility. So, why not “bureaucratic manslaughter” laws? If politicians make laws, and bureaucrats and judges administer them, which enable child rape, and murder, then why shouldn’t they go to jail?

Make a judge share a cell with the violent paedophile they set free, and we might see a lot less of this:

Trad’s case was decided by ­former Labor senator Linda Kirk […]

Dr Kirk was also responsible for an AAT decision revoking the cancellation of the visa of a 29-year-old Afghanistan citizen who had arrived in Australia in May 2017.

The Australian

She made the decision even though she acknowledged that “the likelihood that the applicant will engage in further criminal or other serious conduct, specifically sexual offences, is moderate to high”.

These people need to be held accountable in every way for the mayhem they bureaucratically unleash on innocent Australians.
