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Depression & the Power of Music

Music quiz music notes chords

Alwyn Poole

Alwyn Poole founded and was the head of Mt Hobson Middle School in Auckland for 18 years. MH Academy is now an in person private school for Year 11 – 13. There is now a nationwide online provision called Mt Hobson Academy Connected for Years 1 – 13.

As an adult – now in my 50s – I have been rocked four times by periods of depression and/or anxiety. It comes with a lot of complications – especially when you have children and professional responsibilities. Also – when the issue that seems to be hacking at you is a society-wide one such as the government’s response to the pandemic – you can also have a form of survivor guilt. Appearing outwardly successful can also stand in your way of getting help as it becomes an irrational fear that if people know you are struggling you will be sidelined.

I went to a wonderful concert last weekend by Ohio band The National. Lead singer Matt Berninger is someone who has at times spoken of his bouts of depression including during the US pandemic response. Here he speaks with the great David Letterman. Well worth an evening’s listen. Below that is the final song in the same manner it was sung in Auckland – with 10,000+ singing it for him.

Alwyn Poole
Innovative Education Consultants
