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Do you think that people in countries that historically sank into authoritarianism realised it, as it was happening? Generally, the answer seems to have been that nobody at the time really grasped what was bearing down on them. When the Maoists seized power in China, crowds in large cities like Shanghai regarded the trucks loaded with ragged revolutionaries as something of just another passing novelty. Some nursed faint hopes that they would be a change for the better.

Similarly, when the Nazi juggernaut rolled across the Russian steppes, some Jewish shtetls briefly hoped they were coming to liberate them from the Stalinist yoke. Even many Germans regarded the nascent Nazi regime as a much-needed corrective to the chaos and hardship of the Weimar Republic.

No one living in a Western country over the last five years can profess to be mystified as to how no one saw it coming.

Just as many Americans are still sleep-walking into an authoritarian state.

Complete with its own Reichstag Fire moment: the so-called “insurrection” on January 6, 2021.

No one, of course, can seriously deny that a political protest got out of hand. But the Reichstag Fire was real, too — and very likely it was started by Marinus van der Lubbe. But no one would fool themselves that that was the whole story.

There is no doubt, for one, that the Hitler regime shamelessly exploited the fire to maximise their power and eradicate political opponents. Which is exactly what the Biden regime has done since 2021. Its first act was to barricade the capital and fortify it with troops carefully vetted for loyalty to the regime (call it “looking for extremists”, if you want, but it amounts to the same thing).

A full sweep and re-education of the entire military quickly followed. In the years and months afterwards, thousands of political opponents have been rounded up, subjected to obvious show trials, and jailed. Including people who weren’t even in Washington that day, and little old ladies who wandered into the Capitol waving their little American flags.

The other big question of the Reichstag Fire was, just how much was the regime involved?

The same must be asked of J6.

Antifa was at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. There has been plenty of video evidence showing their mask-clad members pretending to MAGA to stir up what eventually became known by corporate media and Democrats as the “insurrection.” But what does this really tell us?

Conservative commentator Rogan O’Handley ponders the obvious: for four solid years, Antifa were a constant, violent presence at nearly every Trump event, especially in Washington. From the mass, violent riots on Inauguration Day, to the night the White House itself was besieged and its neighbouring buildings set on fire, there was no show without Antifa. The media practically boasted about it.

So, why is there such a careful silence on one of the biggest Washington events of the Trump presidency?

Do people really think they took the day off?

No, they were at J6 and it’s very easy to spot them – they dressed like “MAGA” but wore masks

True MAGA Patriots didn’t wear masks but when you rewatch J6 footage you see hundreds of face-masked violent agitators on the front lines.

One of the real whoppers of the left media’s Big Lies is that “there is no such thing as Antifa”. They try to claim that, just because it doesn’t have an office and an official chain of organisation (in other words, it’s a classic terrorist cell operation), it “doesn’t exist”.

The thing is, if Antifa is this “decentralized” Leftist foot soldier gang with no leadership then how were they all on the same page that day with the plan?

I believe we will one day expose how the Deep State coordinated their actions through proxies.

What O’Handley is saying is not that every Antifa member is on the Deep State payroll. Rather, that what the Biden admin and its shadowy backers are doing is exactly what the Deep State did in the 1960s and 70s, with COINTELPRO.

While we can assume the majority of the foot soldiers are idiotic incels who have jumped at the opportunity to anonymously pretend they’re part of a revolution, we have to wonder if the leadership, coordination, and money behind them is coming from the Deep State itself.

I can’t think of any other reason that they would be so “silent” on January 6 despite being “bold” domestic terrorists during every other major political event.

Discern Report

It’s a matter of record, after all, that this is exactly what Deep State arms like the FBI and CIA did in the 60s and 70s. Genuinely grass-roots leftist organisations were carefully seeded with undercover agents. Those agents would then act as agents provocateurs, egging the activists on to ever more radical stuff, and laying the seeds for bombings, hijackings, and so on.

Which the state then duly used to whip up alarm and grant itself more power.

Plus ca change…
