For a brief and wonderful moment, I thought I’d tuned in to a resignation speech from our Prime Minister, but no, it was simply a repeat performance of her speech on Saturday when she announced the latest knee jerk reaction of this inept government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Boy, I hate it when I’m reading a news story on a web site and suddenly a video clip slams in over the top of whatever I’m reading. I don’t object to them offering their often amateurish video from untrained people who probably make fine newspaper reporters but haven’t a clue how to do video. By all means, have it available. But please, don’t just have it auto-playing on your web site. By the time it’s loaded and starts playing, I’m usually several paragraphs into the written story and very nearly soil myself when some amateurish voice bleats out of my speaker at me. I have to scroll up and kill the damned thing and it makes me very unhappy. Yes, I know, with people dying of Coronavirus, this is surely an irrelevant issue. It is, but it still annoys me because if I had wanted video, I’d have gone looking on YouTube, or one of the hundreds of TV channel web sites that are readily and easily available or, gosh, I might have simply turned on the TV.
The fact that I’m trying to read the news on a newspaper website might suggest that I’m wanting to “read the news” not be subjected to video clips or sound clips without asking for them.
The fact that it was a day old clip of our prime minister going off half-cocked (while still slaughtering our language – now it’s “ordimadically self isolate” (whatever that actually means) just adds insult to injury.
I missed her press conference on Saturday intentionally. I can’t stand the way she speaks, her body language and her grimaces. I much prefer to read the words and avoid the torture but this clip reminded me of just how inept and just how incapable she really is.
“We must go hard and we must go early” she said “We must do everything we can to protect the health of New Zealanders. That is exactly why, to tackle this global pandemic, the cabinet made far reaching and unprecedented decisions today, because these are unprecedented circumstances.”
If she had been making this speech 3 weeks or more ago, I’d go along with her, but she and her government have sat on their hands and done NOTHING. The circumstances were unprecedented a loooooooong time ago, so the suggestion that we “must go early” is simply nonsense.
What kind of lunacy is it to say “we must go hard and we must go early” so late in the game, then announce that we’ll do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for more than 24 hours? And what happens between the announcement and the “deadline” for the new “hard” measures?
MORE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Indeed, Air New Zealand has even gone so far as to put larger planes on to get more people across the border before the restrictions come into effect. And then they delayed them another hour just to make sure a few more loads get in.
She continues:
“This decision will mean New Zealand will have the widest ranging and toughest border restrictions of any country in the world”.
And we all stare out through our windows in anticipation of the pigs that will fly by…
She’s not known as the “Fairy Tale Princess” for nothing is she?
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