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Image credit The BFD.

We’ve been told, by the Prime Minister no less, that this tricky virus was now “hunting down” the unvaccinated, or at the very least it was “seeking out” the unvaccinated.

Well, what is the Prime Minister going to say about this case then?

A fully vaccinated Auckland police officer has tested positive for Covid after they and three other officers assisted a Covid-positive woman.

Police are reviewing how much PPE gear the officers were wearing when they dealt with the woman on Tuesday.

The four officers have been self-isolating following the incident where they were exposed to a person who subsequently tested positive for Covid, said acting Auckland City District Commander Shanan Gray in a statement.

NZ Herald

Perhaps this is just a simple case of the virus mistakenly hunting down the wrong type of person, and leaping out and attacked the fully vaccinated person.

Or you are being lied to about the efficacy of the clot shot.

I know which is more believable.

We will start seeing more reporting of vaccinated people getting hunted down by this tricky virus because that is precisely what has happened overseas. Our government will of course lie, and lie some more by describing these cases as “breakthrough” cases until there are so many that the rather large pink elephant in the room can no longer be ignored.

Meme credit The BFD.

This is where the “blame the unvaccinated for the vaccine not working” insanity begins.

The logic fail of those who are vaccinated insisting that they only interact with other vaccinated people actually does my head in. For example, I know of a guy who was getting his car serviced, and ordered the service centre to only have vaccinated staff service his car because he was fully vaccinated. Yes, you read that right, a fully vaccinated person only wanted fully vaccinated staff servicing his car…in case he caught the Chinese Lung Rot from an unvaccinated person?

If you can catch the virus, and pass it on, despite being vaccinated, it isn’t much of a vaccine is it?

Clearly, the Prime Minister lied the other day when she, without hesitation, declared that two weeks after your second clot shot you are “fully immunised”.

You need the mental gymnastics equivalent to the physical gymnastics of a Filipino contortionist to believe that you are fully immunised and yet can still catch the tricky virus.

In any case, you don’t catch it these days, it is actually hunting you down, or seeking you out.

Which reminds me, I’d better shut the gate.

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