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Did We Misjudge Netflix, after All?

Now that’s LGBT representation! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As Dave Chappelle said, the iron rule of modern Hollywood is that you must never, ever, under any circumstances, upset the “Alphabet People”. Whereupon the Alphabet People proved his point by having a collective fit of the screaming mee-mees.

To their infinite credit, Netflix stood by their man, refusing to take down Chappelle’s specials. Further, they circulated a memo to their employees, essentially telling them that if the soyboys, landwhales, ladyboys and butchfemmes didn’t like it, they knew where the door was.

You know, Netflix have copped a lot of flak from the right for “getting woke”, but lately they’ve been getting pretty based. Not just with their unstinting support for Dave Chappelle, but by the latest stick they’ve used to rattle the Alphabet People’s cages.

Netflix has been accused of committing a ‘hate crime’ by tagging its new series on mass murderer Jeffrey Dahmer as LGBTQ content with outraged viewers successfully campaigning to have the label removed.

OK, so they backed down, eventually, but their point was made. They triggered the alphabet brigade and got a shit-ton of publicity with a chad move.

Because, whatever the flouncing pooves may want not want you to know, Dahmer was indeed one of the Alphabet People.

Dahmer, who killed and ate 17 people between 1978 and 1991, was a homosexual whose victims were also homosexuals.

Dahmer’s crimes included dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism.

If he’d only just molested kids, the Alphabet People would have been out campaigning for his release. It’s just a sexuality, after all…

One subscriber complained: “Why the f**k Netflix made the decision to tag the Jeffrey Dahmer documentary LGBTQ? Like I know it’s technically true, but this is not the representation we’re looking for.”

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Apparently the representation they’re looking for is morbidly obese trannies who try to bully women into waxing their balls, and drag queens who flash their dicks at toddlers. But they draw the line at a gay necrophiliacs: hey, they’ve got standards.

Just to prove how little you’re allowed to upset the Alphabet People, British police will come down on you like a ton of bricks if you dare call a paedophile born with XY chromosomes and a too-functioning penis a “man”.

“This is a man, committing sexual offences against children.” This bald statement of fact on Twitter – about a recently convicted male paedophile – is, according to Sussex Police, a potentially criminal statement of hatred.

The paedophile in question is Sally Ann Dixon, born John Stephen Dixon. He was sentenced to at least 12 years in prison earlier this month, after he was found guilty of 30 sexual offences against seven children in the 1980s and 1990s.

Then, in a pattern that seems all-too-common in late-onset male-to-female trannies, the male child molester suddenly decided to ‘identify’ as a “woman”.

And so the police and the court system have fallen over backwards to affirm his gender identity. Despite having ample opportunity to do so, Dixon has never legally changed his gender by obtaining a gender-recognition certificate. Yet he will still be sent to a women’s prison. And Sussex Police, which arrested and charged him, are policing social media for anyone who questions his gender expression.

British cops will tolerate a lot – for instance, decades of organised rape of white and Sikh children by gangs of Pakistani Muslims – but, like the Alphabet People outraged at Netflix, they have to draw the line somewhere. That somewhere is offending child-molesting trannies.

“Sussex Police do not tolerate any hateful comments towards their gender identity regardless of crimes committed. This is irrelevant to the crime that has been committed and investigated,” tweeted Sussex Police earlier today, at a gender-critical Twitter user who had dared to call this convicted male paedophile a man. The cops then referred the user to guidance on ‘hate crime’, to educate her on where she can and cannot legally express her supposedly ‘hateful’ views. This was a less-than-subtle hint that telling the truth about this paedophile could be a criminal act.

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The backlash was, rightfully, brutal. So much so that even the pedo-protecting police did an about-face, posting a mealy mouthed apology. But, as other users responded, the fact remained that police emboldened to protect a paedophile until enough people embarrassed them into backing down. “You threatened people unlawfully and were rightfully called out,” as one woman noted.

As another artfully noted, by their own standards, the police had offended so many people that they ought to arrest themselves for hate speech.

Yet, a male paedophile is still being sent to a women’s prison.
