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As BFD readers will be aware, while butchers in New Zealand have been forced to shut, some NZ Muslims have complained that halal butchers should be exempt. The complaints have had a sympathetic ear from the Ardern government – notwithstanding at least one Muslim doctor advising his co-religionists to stop complaining and abide by the same rules as everyone else.

Australian states are rapidly moving toward similar lockdowns as New Zealand. While butchers are still allowed to open, strict social isolation rules have been imposed. In most eastern states, citizens are threatened with hefty fines if they leave their homes for any other than permitted activities. Group activities are forbidden and even small groups are strictly required to keep at least 1.5m between people.

Victorian authorities confirmed on Wednesday that the state’s Stage Three guidelines are so strict couples can’t meet up if they don’t already live together.

[Minister for Police Lisa] Neville tweeted on Wednesday: ‘You cannot visit your partner for social reasons’.

But, once again, it seems there’s one set of rules for some of us, quite another for others.

Police allegedly let more than 30 guests celebrate a Melbourne wedding despite strict rules banning ceremonies with more than five people present.

A reception was held in Broadmeadows, in the city’s north, on Sunday, with pictures and video showing family and friends dancing to a drummer’s beat and gathering for a photo with the bride and groom.

Locals and guests said Victoria Police were called, and officers made a brief appearance, but celebrations continued afterwards.

Attendees were allegedly told the party could continue following the traditional Islamic ceremony as long as they kept 1.5 metres away from one another and limited themselves to groups of five people.

Yeah, about that…

Slightly more than five people and just a bit less than 1.5m apart, it looks like… The BFD.

The wedding took place five days after new rules were announced by the Prime Minister and came three days after they came into effect.

Rules announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison on March 24 restricted weddings to the bride, groom, celebrant and two witnesses from March 26.

Meanwhile, go to the beach even with just your partner and the 500-strong Victorian Stasi coronavirus squad will be right on to you.

“It’s OK officer, we’re a Muslim wedding!” The BFD.

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