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Diplomatic Relations Is Ardern’s Weak Point

“One of these days, Jacinda…” The BFD.

According to One News, Kiwi international relations experts are aghast at the latest trans-Tasman war of words, which they say is proof of different values and a worsening relationship between Wellington and Canberra. Australia’s decision to strip citizenship from a dual Australian-New Zealand national currently detained in Turkey has created a new crack in the antipodean alliance. Jacinda Ardern calls it an abrogation of responsibility. Scott Morrison is unrepentant saying he’s simply acting in Australia’s national interests.

Obviously one can argue the rights and wrongs of the situation. This takes us back to the argument as to whether it is right for Australia to be deporting Kiwi born criminals back here when often their entire family is in that country. There are many Kiwis who would support Ardern taking a tough stance on that issue. However, whatever stance is taken on any issue has to be weighed up against the overall relationship. Australia is our closest neighbour and one with whom we should strive at all times to have the strongest ties.

Ardern might think it is a populist move on the domestic front to have another go at Australia in regard to a Kiwi-born terrorist but at what cost in terms of maintaining a good cordial relationship with our big brother? Despite her appearance to the contrary every decision Ardern makes is purely a political one. All this kindness rubbish she flaunts is simply for political gain. Thousands fall for it. If Country Calendar ever runs out of ideas they could do a programme of her team of what she likes to think are five million sheep going baa-baa at her every move. Meanwhile, the country is going to the equivalent of the slaughterhouse.

What she needs to realise is that having a childish outburst in public is not a good look and does nothing to improve an already strained relationship. I am sure if Scott Morrison started lecturing her she would have a similar outburst. As Professor Robert Patman points out, both leaders have a different view of the world. Ardern is pro-China and Morrison is pro-America. Morrison is awake to the dangers of China, Ardern is not. Morrison knows who he’d rather have as a friend in a crisis, Ardern is not worldly enough to work it out. She is blinded by her Marxist ideology.

The fact is Scott Morrison can do whatever he chooses in acting in what he thinks are the best interests of Australia. In this instance he decided early on he wanted nothing more to do with this woman and revoked her passport. Jacinda could have done likewise. She did not. The result is she could well be left with the problem. To give Scott Morrison a bollocking as a result shows a naivety that few in Ardern’s position, apart from herself, would possess. When it comes to the complex world of diplomacy Ardern is proving to be way out of her depth.

If she wants to have a verbal stoush with another country it should be China over their appalling record of human rights which is still going on today. She wouldn’t dare do that because Xi Jingping is more in line with her philosophy than Scott Morrison is. There’s also that future job at the UN to think about. This is the problem when your philosophy is more in line with leaders of countries that New Zealand has little in common with apart from trade. It makes trying to keep diplomatic relations cordial somewhat difficult. Even more so when you have a lack of understanding of what is required in this area.

Next time, instead of putting the cart before the horse, perhaps a good idea might be to pick up the phone first. Surely Nanaia Mahuta has the intelligence and expertise to advise on these matters!  Haha. Ardern needs to realise, as, in most areas of life, it is not advisable for the tail to try and wag the dog.

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