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Disgusting Interference from the Podium of Truth

Siouxsie Wiles

At yesterday’s Podium of Truth we saw a journalist, finally, raise legitimate questions about the actions of Siouxsie Wiles and Nicola Gaston under level four lock down.

But what we got in response was flannel, obfuscation and outright lies. Grant Robertson hurriedly cut off Jason Walls and Ashley Bloomfield rushed to the defence of Siouxsie Wiles.

Then a follow-up question:

Despite not having watched the video, Dr Ashley Bloomfield has decided, based on a phone call from his pal Siouxsie Wiles that what Nicola Gaston did in the ocean couldn’t be “described as a swim”.

” I don’t think that the person who went in the water, that what they did could be described as a swim.”

The video clearly shows Dr. Gaston up to her neck in the water, swimming, utilising breaststroke, some distance towards the beach. If that isn’t swimming then Bloomfield has obviously been misled by Siouxsie Wiles, or he shouldn’t be commenting until he has actually seen the video.

Grant Robertson’s actions are a disgrace. He very quickly moved to shut down the questioning. He was clearly uncomfortable with the questioning and so acted hastily to shut it all down.

What we are seeing here is a prime example of how elites and those in positions of power use their mates to protect them from very valid public scrutiny.

It seems we are going to have to mount a public prosecution to make sure that those who help set the rules are held to those rules like anyone else would be. As Grant Robertson said, “everyone should follow the rules”, and that includes Siouxsie Wiles and Nicola Gaston.

Both Wiles and Gaston have sanctimoniously lectured people on the wearing of masks, social distancing and following the rules. They should be held to account for their actions that contravene their own words.

The Government is in full cover-up mode now. Who in the media other than The BFD is going to hold these people to account?

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