Australia is descending further into the same lamentable abyss as the UK by the day, with police apparently running protection for pro-Hamas activists. In Britain, coppers who haven’t solved a single burglary in the entire country will swoop the instant they claim to have sniffed a ‘non-crime hate incident’. In Australia, NSW police lie and mislead the public over anti-Jewish terror plots, and, in Victoria, police target anti-Semitism campaigners with extraordinary court actions.
Victoria police have applied for a ‘personal safety intervention order’ on behalf of the leader of a radical fringe-left group, calling itself ‘the Jewish Council of Australia’.
Police have applied for a personal safety intervention order on behalf of Ms Schwartz, the leader of the Jewish Council of Australia, alleging Instagram campaigner Zara Cooper’s online commentary is severely affecting her mental health.
My, my, how the turn tables. It was only a couple of months ago that Schwartz was bleating that ‘the right to protest, free speech and academic freedom are central tenets of a functioning democracy’. But that was when she and her Pallywanker chums were being called out for villifying and threatening Jewish students on campus. Schwartz’s notoriety reached a deplorable peak when she posted an image Goebbels would have been proud of, vilifying ‘Dutton’s Jew’ at, laughably enough, an ‘anti-racism conference’ (which, like all things ‘anti-racist’ was very, very racist indeed).
As always, those who dish out hate the hardest squeal like pigs the instant they cop some well-deserved criticism in return.
Ms Cooper, who posts under the pseudonym @clammy_fraud, has been repeatedly critical of the Jewish Council, Ms Schwartz, and the group’s legitimacy as a voice for Jewish Australians.
‘Clammy Fraud’. I love it.
“Police believe the respondent’s actions are severely affecting the protected person’s mental health and the PSIO is necessary to protect the protected person,’’ Acting Sergeant Stuart Hall wrote in the PSIO application, obtained by the Australian.
Oh, cry me a river.
The order is an extraordinary and dangerous intervention by police, who apparently want to stifle public criticism of the sort of hate which has led to a year-long reign of growing anti-Semitic terror.
According to the intervention order application, police are seeking that a Victorian court prohibits Ms Cooper from going within 5m of Ms Schwartz, or within 200m of where she lives or works.
The order would also stop her from publishing anything online about Ms Schwartz […]
In the application, police say Ms Cooper has been “highly critical of the Jewish Council of Australia of which the protected person (Ms Schwartz) is the executive officer”.
OK, and?
Most of Ms Cooper’s posts about the Jewish Council and Ms Schwartz appear to criticise the group’s positioning on anti-Semitism and Zionism. The Australian has previously written about the concerns held by many in the Jewish community related to the platforming of the Jewish Council of Australia, which has been labelled a “radical fringe voice” after Ms Schwartz was criticised for presenting a slide titled “Dutton’s Jew” at the Queensland University of Technology event.
Legal sources are astonished at the police intervening in such a manner.
The unprecedented legal action by police has been labelled as rare, with one legal expert claiming that when Victoria police normally apply for an IVO on behalf of an individual, the alleged behaviour is normally concerning enough that charges are laid – which has not occurred in this instance […]
“The only time police get involved is when a matter might spill over into criminal conduct … what is so unusual here is they haven’t laid a charge such as use carriage service to harass, they haven’t laid a stalking charge, and yet they’re still chasing to be involved as the applicant on behalf of Sarah Schwartz – that is highly unusual (and) that is not their general practice.”
The question becomes: why are Victoria police getting involved in a political dispute in such a manner?
And what do we say about someone who dishes out vilification of Jews and political figures, but runs squealing to the police when they get served some in return?