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Do as the Teals Say, Not as They Do

Smug alert incoming. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As Rebecca Weisser noted recently in The Spectator, “Teal is the colour of a Tiffany’s gift box”. The Teal’s climate policies are, similarly, “trophies for rich women, diamond necklaces to flaunt at harbourside parties”.

Teal is also the colour of rank hypocrisy.

There is nothing that the Teals publicly preach that they don’t privately contradict. Zali Steggall, who tried to push a “Climate Emergency” bill through parliament, owns a CO2-belching SUV. Monique Ryan bellows, “Where are your masks?” at opposition MPs in Parliament, while standing maskless at the podium. If that wasn’t enough, Mongo later tweeted photos of herself and thousands of others not wearing masks in a packed stadium.

But that’s just the start of the Teals’ duplicity.

The Teals are very noisy about “integrity”. Especially Allegra Spender, who specifically campaigned on “put[ting] integrity back into politics”.

Spender got into hot water when her campaign fixed corflute posters to electricity poles, in apparent violation of the Electricity Supply Act. Spender claimed to have legal advice that cleared the actions, but refused to release it. At the same time, an anonymous push poll promoted Spender’s campaign.

Now, her tax affairs are raising eyebrows.

Wentworth independent MP ­Allegra Spender is a corporate ­director of a private Australian company that did not pay tax on a $280m payment it received in 2019, according to annual transparency reports published by the Australian Taxation Office.

A spokesman for Ms Spender said the $280m payment was a one-off dividend payment from “related companies” that had already been taxed at the full corporate rate of 30 per cent […]

Ms Spender, who campaigned on a platform of integrity in politics, said the investments were passive and vowed to declare any conflicts of interest with them going forward.

The Australian

What was it Spender said about, “it fails the pub test”?

Speaking of “integrity”…

The Wikipedia page of teal independent MP Zoe Daniel has been flagged as potentially being created or edited “in return for undisclosed payments” […]

The note was added after The Australian reported the Victorian division of the federal Liberal Party had written to the Australian Electoral Commission about an account called Playlet, which created Ms Daniel’s Wikipedia page.

It was operated by Melbourne rabbi Yaron Gottlieb, who was involved in Ms Daniel’s campaign but has been suspended for the “misuse of multiple Wikipedia ­accounts”, a practice known as sock puppetry.

The Australian

Scratch a Teal anywhere and you’ll find a raging hypocrite:

Documents filed to parliament reveal that climate-concerned teal independent MP Kylea Tink holds shares in oil and gas ­producers, refiners and toll road operators […]

The independent MP has been outspoken on a 2050 net-zero emissions target, with climate change one of her core policy commitments listed on her website, claiming: “This is the critical decade for climate ­action”.

The Australian

Like a ranting, gay-hating televangelist caught, balls-deep in a rent boy, Tink splutters that it’s not what it looks like. It’s “shareholder activism”, you see. It was just the quietest activism nobody ever heard anything about until she got caught with her hand in the till.
