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Do I Want to Help the National Party?

man holding his chin facing laptop computer
Photo by Bruce Mars. The BFD.

Colin Parkinson

I received an email from Simeon Brown inviting me to help with his campaign.
This one was addressed as a generic “Dear All” rather than the much more personalised “Hi friend,” that he usually uses. Has Simeon stopped thinking of me as a friend? Should I be hurt by this? I suppose a real friend doesn’t turn their back on a friend when they need help though, do they? But it wasn’t me that he turned his back on, it was the weak and vulnerable, those suffering under the reign of Jacinda Ardern and her evil policies of death and destruction. He refused to speak up when I raised certain issues and now he is asking for my help. He wants me to help with his campaign.

To sum up his email, Simeon has listed a few goals that he wanted some help with:

1. Win as many votes as possible for National.
2. Change government.
3. Make Christopher Luxon next PM.
4. Support Simeon’s campaign to be re-elected as local MP.

I think number two on that list sounds reasonable, but why should I support National, Christopher Luxon or Simeon Brown?

Would National be any different from Labour? Perhaps they might run the country more efficiently, but would that mean just ruining more lives faster? Would they have implemented “vaccine passports” anyway? Will they repeal Three, Five, All Waters and replace it with the same thing under a different name if they get voted into government or will they just decide that it is too much work to repeal and perhaps just label it “settled law”? Some may remember Christopher Luxon speaking on the changes to abortion legislation, which he has called “settled law” despite a rather large number of submissions on that particular legislation with most being in opposition to the changes. Sounds like he will not even attempt to change this or at least seek a referendum.

Is his policy to continue to support the killing of unborn children in New Zealand?

Is his policy to continue funding their extermination?
Is his policy to continue using our taxes to kill the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society?

If this is the way he treats a baby, do you really expect he will treat any of us any better? Will he simply watch out of the window at people protesting losing their jobs, houses and basically everything they have due to inhumane policies? I suppose it’s a bit late to warn on that one, but what will he do next?

At least Simeon Brown is “pro-life” though, isn’t he? Wouldn’t Simeon Brown speak up for the unborn child? Doesn’t he reject all forms of abortion? Or would even he make an exception?

What about all those affected by the mandates?
What about the protesters at Wellington? Did he speak up for them?

If you really want my help Simeon, take some advice: You claim to be a Christian, so put God first, seek justice and righteousness, plead the cause of the widow and the orphan and stand up for the weak and oppressed. Read Isaiah 1:17 and perhaps also read through the policies of the New Conservative Party which support the unborn child. They oppose the mandates and they listen to people. Perhaps you should consider joining them. You may want to let Simon O’Connor know that they even support freedom of expression in case he wants to join too.


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