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Another shiver looks for a spine. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When the supposedly conservative opposition in Australia lose what should have been an unlosable election, their fellow faux-conservatives across the Tasman are only too eager to follow them into irrelevance. When a “conservative” leader tries to expel one of his own female MPs for daring to stand up to violent trannies, National’s first response is, “Hold our shandies”.

National MP Simon O’Connor has apologised after comments in Parliament linking a US shooting to Green co-leader Marama Davidson‘s comments about white cis men.

Do National want to lose the election? Because that’s how they’ll lose the election: by being spineless, soaking-wet cowards in the face of the worst people in the world. Marama Davidson is a vile, open racist. She never, ever apologises for her disgusting opinions.

National, however, are all-too-quick to grovel on the rare occasions one of their members even looks like standing for something.

“Mr Speaker, I want to start by acknowledging the Christian community actually in Nashville,” he said.

“Three children and three adults are dead and the shooter, and just to assure that community, long persecuted, that they are in our prayers. I’d also point out to Marama Davidson that the shooter and murderer is not a white cis male.”

Davidson had made comments after a trans rights rally when approached by far-right conspiracy media group Counterspin. She said as Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Minister she knew it was white cis men who cause violence in the world.

First off: note how the bought-and-paid for legacy media poison the well, and violate the first rule of journalism in one go by inserting their idiotic opinions into what purports to be “reporting”.

Note, too, that Davidson as minister should be well aware of the facts: the vast majority of violence in New Zealand is committed by one group – and it’s not “cis, white men”. Davidson is a racist and a liar – and she refuses to apologise for it.

She later clarified her comments saying she had just been hit by a motorcycle at the time, and should have been clearer.

Also a lie: she had been brushed by a motorcyle – as she stupidly posed for a selfie in the middle of the road – hours before.

But, like all bullies and liars, she is quick to take offence when her racist tripe is called out.

In response to O’Connor’s comments, Davidson posted on social media, asking him if his initial thought on hearing of the tragedy was “ah gotcha Marama”.

Naturally, National couldn’t contain themselves in their rush to grovel on their knees to a disgusting racist bully.

O’Connor told RNZ he had rethought his comments in the House, and was apologising for what he had said.

And National wonder why they keep losing. They can’t, won’t, stand for anything.

Much less call out racist politicians and biased media on their lies.

He acknowledged the statistics on shootings showed they were far more likely to be committed by cis white men than trans people.


In fact, UK statistics show that trannies are far more likely to be murderers than “cis white men”. The Mother Jones Mass Shooting Database also show that black Americans are nearly twice as likely to be mass shooters than whites – and Native Americans a staggering 4.5 times as likely.

In fact, whites are the second-least likely group in America to be mass shooters.

According to the FBI’s crime database, whites are six times less likely than blacks or Native Americans to commit homicide, and just under half as likely to commit violent crimes overall.

It’s not National who should be apologising: it’s Marama Davidson and the legacy media, who keep peddling demonstrable, racist lies.

If National want to start winning elections again, they need to stand up and just tell the truth, with no gutless apologies.


Give It a Rest, Fella

Give It a Rest, Fella

Tomato Boy, a man who assaulted a woman, is trying to have his conviction over turned. The consequences for his actions would never have occurred if he had chosen not to assault Posie Parker.

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