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Do We Want a Coalition of Chaos?

Fruit shortage. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

There is one priority this election: To get this government out. They deserve a boot up the posterior and the last thing we need is three more years of their incompetence and divisive racist policies. We cannot afford this election to be a close-run thing. Those of us on the right have to ensure it’s a slam dunk for a National/ACT coalition.

Based on policies released so far, a National/ACT coalition is the only choice. Anything else risks three more years of racial pandering that will have us racing headlong to third world status. Labour will not be able to win without the Greens and worse, the Maori Party and let’s face it, the Greens are fruit loops peddling climate change nonsense and the Maori Party is purposefully racist and downright dangerous.

Both the Greens and the Maori Party are obsessed with their own agendas, which fall well short of being in the country’s best interests. New Zealand has no hope of making progress  while Labour panders to the ideological rubbish these two parties promote. Labour’s own ideology of hard socialism is bad enough, but the three of them together would plunge us into an economic abyss from which we would take decades to recover.

Most of the Greens’ climate agenda puts the cart before the horse. They have no, or choose not to give any, answers to the problems associated with their policies; for example, the issues around batteries – limited capacity, charging time and disposal.

A company developing small electric aircraft has had to pause for the foreseeable future because the batteries simply don’t provide enough flight time before needing recharging and it takes too long to charge.

The UK has had to fire up coal fired power stations to provide sufficient electricity to keep air-conditioning systems operating because the solar panels overheated from too much sun.

When it comes to agriculture, the farmers at Field Days can tell you how the left have no clue and their policies (again, the cart before the horse) are akin to closing down the entire industry. A sweet young thing from Forest and Bird was on The Nation bemoaning the fact that farmers were the only ones not getting on board with emissions reduction and Nathan Guy had the impossible task of trying to get her to understand why.

As he pointed out, farmers are not against doing their share, but they need all the tools in the toolbox first. The Greens and the left in general live in their own little universe which is far removed from reality.

And then there’s the Maori Party. Co-leader Rawiri Waititi has labelled British royalty ‘terrorists’. Of course, if he is correct, his people signed a treaty with a terrorist organisation which means it must be rendered null and void immediately. We don’t do deals with terrorists, do we? The Treaty of Waitangi must be dispensed with forthwith and, bingo! – no end of problems solved.

Keep in mind though, there is a very real danger that the Maori Party will be the enablers for re-installing the current government come October. Remember, their idea of a united country is one with them in sole charge. Kaore he mihi: no thank you. It would be the opposite of unity. A weak Labour party with two ‘indigenous’ groups to deal with: Their own caucus and the Maori Party plus the Greens.

We cannot afford such a Coalition of Chaos. These people seem less interested in the welfare of the country than promoting their own welfare. Small wonder many see them as elitists who show scant regard for most of their own; the electorate they purport to represent.

Some on the right might be feeling they don’t have a political home in the sense that there isn’t one party they can be entirely happy with. If that is the case, consider the scenario I’ve painted above.

NOTHING could be worse than that. A National/ACT coalition has to be the least risky option when it comes to your vote. If that means swallowing some political dead rats, so be it. If we let the Coalition of Chaos in, we’ll all be poisoned…for three more years.

Again, kaore he mihi. No thank you.
