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Do Ya Feel Safe NZ? Well Do Ya?

Photo by PublicDomainPictures. The BFD.

Guy Hatchard

Dr Guy Hatchard is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa.



A carefully nuanced statement within a document entitled “Summary of the Public Assessment Report for COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer/BioNTech” (the latest revised version released on 16th August 2022) says:

“In the context of supply under Regulation 174, it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time.…Women of childbearing potential….are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination. Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated. These judgements reflect the absence of data at the present time..”

The report concludes there never was any safety data for pregnant or lactating mothers and blames the rush to get everyone vaccinated for the lack of caution and incorrect safety advice previously offered by the government.

Here in distant New Zealand, which has been deliberately isolated from international information by our government, we are still being subjected to government advertising and MSM promotional articles advising that it is recommended for pregnant people (??) to take the experimental mRNA biotech shot including boosters.

In contrast to the UK government, pregnant mothers are advised that there are no safety issues or uncertainties.

Yet our all-cause mortality is running at 35% above the long-term average.

The UK government has thereby provided an answer to just one question among the many that remain unanswered. Prominent substack writer Steve Kirsh lists 23 unanswered questions about the safety of mRNA Covid vaccines.

Over the last many months, Mr. Kirsh has offered large sums of money to any vaccine-advocating scientists who will debate these questions with him. There have been no takers.

Among the 23 questions, the prize goes to the gathering dark shadow of rising all-cause deaths in highly vaccinated countries across the globe. Mathematician Igor Chudov has given mathematical and statistical validity to what is obvious if you look at graphs of all-cause mortality.

His linear regression of publicly available official death data from 29 countries, calculates an ironclad statistical relationship between booster rates and deaths (p= 0.0002 or 99.98% certainty). In other words, boosters and deaths go together like bread and butter. The statistical details are linked here.

The refusal to publicly debate safety despite mounting and overwhelming evidence of related deaths, marks vaccine advocates as aspiring members of a ruling elite who believe themselves above accountability, ethics, and human rights.

Curiously if any among their number changes sides and entertains counter safety data, they are cast aside. Dr. Vinay Prasad, Dr. Mobeen Syed, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. John Campbell, and many, many others started out their public commentaries strongly in favour of Covid vaccination. They are all vaccinated. Now they are all very publicly raising alarm bells about safety, but refer any vaccine advocate to their work (if you can) and these responsible doctors are rejected as unreliable (no reasons given).

How Have the Covid Ruling Elites Formed?

Ruling elites rely on enforcement of power structures and supremacy myths. They are often members of a single ethnic, professional or political group. They exclude and persecute those raising questioning or dissenting voices.

Such groups can attract narcissistic personalities and psychopaths (a serious personality disorder characterized by antisocial behaviour, untruthfulness, irresponsibility, and lack of remorse or empathy) to join their ranks. Among ruling elites there is little room for debate or rationality.

The 4 C’s—careerism, conformism, coercion, and corruption are very busy around the world propping up the Covid vaccine safety narrative against evidence that has now become overwhelming.

In New Zealand, we are writing the book on suppression of information in order to save the reputation and protect the pockets of our ruling elites. To achieve this, the health of pregnant women and their unborn children, as well as the longevity of the population, including the very young, appear to have been judged expendable.

close-up photo of man and woman sitting on bench
Photo by Kelly Sikkema. The BFD.
