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Do You Think Ardern Actually Failed?

At the weekend I read a rather amusing post on a friend’s Facebook. It was titled “World’s Shortest Books”, intended to be jokesy, and included such ‘titles’ as “Hawaii: a travel guide” by Captain Cook and “Maori Parliament: The Early Years” by Rawiri Waititi. One of the joke titles was “My Political Successes” by Jacinda Ardern; all rather amusing, but is it possible we’ve been looking at things all wrong? Has she actually ‘failed’?

Ardern was a Marxist, headed some silly commie youth organisation and was involved in lots of other dubious activities prior to entering Parliament in 2008. If you were to examine her track record in government and compare it with, say, Frankfurt School Marxism, she appears to be an outstanding success. It is just we who think she’s a failure due to our being sane and good people, but if you were to look at things in the context of being given her orders and told ‘go forth and destroy paradise’ then you could only conclude she did as she was ordered.

New Zealand has unsustainable debt levels, a population that is now mostly retired people (with the good people having left New Zealand for foreign climes), no enterprise culture, no sense of ‘traditional values’, enormous divisions between races, toxic wokeness and a ‘conservative’ side of politics that quite genuinely believes that certain left-wing precepts are actually moral absolutes.

Even more extraordinary, certain websites, online ‘radio stations’ and others who like to (falsely?) pretend to be in opposition to left wingers, are fully on board with censoring virtuous people without hesitation. Even worse is whenever they’re called some nasty,  ridiculous name they nod their heads obediently and never question the new status quo. The scale of decline is breathtaking and without precedent in history.

What is particularly disturbing has been the coalition government fully embracing some poisonous viewpoints – they truly think their supporters are bad people, riddled with racism and lacking the intelligence to understand the error of their ways. Anyone stupid enough to think David Seymour is on their side is walking around blind: Seymour just likes to ‘prove’ lots of irrelevant nonsense instead of doing the right thing. It’s the same story in National and probably NZ First – nobody genuinely thinks Rawiri Waititi is actually wrong, such is the extent of their madness.

So, as I say, looking at the state of New Zealand in 2024 it is undeniable that Jacinda Ardern has been an outstanding success in demonstrating how easily and quickly you can destroy a first-world country and have everybody mainlining Marxism. It would be far easier for communist China to move in and take over New Zealand than, say, Taiwan – nobody would complain or attempt to stop them. In the same way the intention behind the rainbow agenda has always been the eventual abolition of the age of consent, the intention of Ardern and co was to create what we have today. I doubt anything was a surprise and doubt anything wasn’t planned long back in the University common room. If anything, Ardern and co are just astounded at how easy it was.
