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Doctors Are Baffled by ‘Rare’ Condition

Photo by geralt. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

“Rare neurological condition leaves 17-year-old unable to walk”

We have noted yet another mainstream media article discussing a mystery illness in a young man that has doctors baffled and unable to figure out what is going on – maybe an elusive virus…

“The cause is thought to be a virus, however doctors in New Zealand have been unable to figure out which one. His virus progression was sent to Australia, and is now at Oxford University in the UK, in the search for a cause.”

The condition has been diagnosed as transverse myelitis or MOGAD (Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease). That is a fancy term meaning that the immune system has gone awry and is making antibodies against the very important fatty coating of the spinal cord. When the fatty coating is damaged, the messages don’t get through from the brain to the end tissues and sensation and movement can be compromised.

  • Myelin is a fat-rich material that surrounds nerve cells to insulate them and increase the rate at which electrical impulses pass along the nerve.
  • Oligodendrocytes are cells that provide support and insulation to nerves in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
  • Glycoprotein is a molecule with protein and sugar components.
  • Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is an essential component of the oligodendrocyte surface membranes and has a fundamental role in maintaining the integrity of myelin sheaths.
  • Antibody associated disease – means the immune system is involved and is attacking ‘self’.

We would like to suggest that the baffled health professionals consider the ‘elephant’ in their musings. If this young man has received one or more mRNA covid injections, (or possibly other vaccinations such as HPV which are known to cause autoimmune phenomena), then that needs to be on someone’s radar and investigated. Perhaps it should even be at the top of the differential diagnosis list of causative factors.

There are at least five pieces of information that back up a relationship between Covid vaccination and Transverse Myelitis.

  1. 22 Oct 2020: During vaccine development Transverse Myelitis was on the list of adverse events that authorities expected might be seen.
  2. 3 Feb 2021: NZ Medsafe’s original provisional consent with 58 conditions included condition five regarding possible future autoimmune disorders.
  3. 30 Apr 2021: Pfizer’s three month post-marketing document – Transverse Myelitis is listed as adverse effect of special interest (AESI) that had been noted post injection in the first three months of emergency use overseas.
  4. Ongoing: VAERS database. There are at least nine New Zealanders in 2021 alone who are listed in the VAERS database as having suffered Transverse Myelitis following Covid vaccination.
  5. Recent mention (April 2024) in the UK parliament of Transverse Myelitis as an adverse effect following Covid vaccination.

1) During Vaccine Development (slide 16)

Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

2) Original Provisional Consent – Concern re Autoimmune Disease (condition 5)

5. Provide data to further characterise the truncated and modified mRNA species present in the finished product. Data are expected to cover batches used in clinical trials (for which the characterisation data could be available earlier) and the PPQ [process performance qualification] batches. These data should address results from ion pairing RP-HPLC addressing 5’cap levels and presence of the poly(A) tail. These data should also address the potential for translation into truncated S1S2 proteins/peptides or other proteins/peptides. Relevant protein/peptide characterisation data for predominant species should be provided. Any homology between translated proteins (other than the intended spike protein) and human proteins that may, due to molecular mimicry, potentially cause an autoimmune process should be evaluated. Due date: July 2021. Interim report: March 2021.

3) Post Marketing Surveillance After Three Months Vaccine Use

P 35/38


Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

4) VAERS Database

Cases of Transverse Myelitis post Covid vaccine NZ in 2021 reported to VAERS (Note: there does not appear to be data regarding TM in VAERS for subsequent years)

Image captured for criticism/review and reporting current events under Fair Dealing – The Copyright Act 1994

5) Mention in UK Parliament

At 9.19 in this UK Parliament video, the MP Mr Neale Hanvey states: “Another antibody linked to the spike protein exerts an effect on myelin and is associated with Guillain Barre syndrome and transverse myelitis, which is a swelling around the spinal cord.”

If Covid mRNA vaccination is not considered, then therapeutic opportunities may be missed. Although we were repeatedly told by ‘experts’ that the vaccine stayed in the arm muscle and was gone from the body within a few days, this is far, far, from the truth, as we have covered exhaustively. For example:

  • the lipid nanoparticles are widely distributed throughout the body,
  • the genetic material has been shown to persist for at least six months,
  • it is not clear how much spike protein each individual produces or when production ceases,
  • it is not clear when or how the vaccine-induced spike protein is metabolised and excreted,
  • there is significant DNA contamination,
  • there is possible integration of the synthetic and/or contaminant genetic material into human cells.

There are a number of questions regarding what ongoing effects this technology may have that may be relevant for an autoimmune condition such as transverse myelitis. In the general sense, these are no longer questions and the answer is yes to each.

  • Is there is ongoing spike protein production, which will cause persistent inflammation (by design) and result potentially in a dysregulated immune system?
  • Have the lipid nanoparticles been metabolised and excreted or are they still present causing inflammation and/or immune activation?
  • Are there short pieces of mRNA coding for proteins that cross react with MOG as per condition 5 of the provisional consent (which did NOT cover the “Process 2” product subsequently delivered), causing the body to attack its own MOG?
  • Is there DNA contamination that has caused inflammation?
  • Has there been any integration of genetic material into the genome that is predisposing to autoimmunity?

We note he is being treated with immunoglobulin therapy and steroids and hope this is enabling improvement, but suggest consideration be given to mitigating any spike protein production and helping the body to eliminate other synthetic and contaminant genetic material, and the innately toxic lipid nanoparticles.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) calls urgently on our colleagues, Health New Zealand, Medsafe and Dr Diana Sarfati, the Director-General of Health, to immediately consider the Covid injections or other vaccines as contributing to the unusual cluster of rare conditions, sudden deaths and so-called “turbo” cancers (a new review article, easily understood, here) that have been occurring since their rollout. Surely the officers in these organisations are aware of the devastating effects of thalidomide and diethylstilbestrol. If they are not, they are unfit for their office. If they are aware of these past medical disasters and do not at least investigate the events of the last three years, they could be culpable for causing harm.

While we have been unable to prevent this tragedy, NZDSOS is fighting to prevent further “rare” medical events. We need everyone to speak about the elephant in the room and let our bureaucrats and politicians know that we are holding them responsible. Please write and speak to them.
