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Doctors Not So Keen on Offing Patients

“It’s for your own good, you know.” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

“Paging Dr Death! Stat!”

Australia’s enthusiasts for state-sanctioned suicide have run into a bit of a problem: they just can’t rustle up enough doctors willing to kill people. It’s the biggest roadblock for governmental killing enthusiasts since before IG Faben came up with a handy little product called “Xyklon B”. Hyperbole? A little, but, then, one only need look at Canada, where government bureaucrats are openly coercing the disabled and elderly into “voluntary euthanasia”…

It’s been rather telling that, in the self-righteous palaver over medical suicide in Australia, one of the strongest groups opposing it has been doctors.

And, now that politicians and death-obsessed activists have got their way, doctors aren’t exactly signing up in droves to start offing their patients like so many unwanted kittens.

So, the death squad are going to rope them in, whether they want to or not.

Student doctors would receive training in voluntary assisted dying as part of their university degrees under plans to tackle a shortage of medicos participating in state VAD systems.

The proposal is being discussed in multiple jurisdictions amid concerns a shortage of VAD-trained doctors in some areas is preventing greater uptake of voluntary euthanasia, particularly in Tasmania and Victoria.

They just can’t kill us off fast enough. So, they’re just going to grease the skids into the ovens.

“The easier we can make it for doctors, in all the states, the better. An increase in the supply of doctors willing to participate will benefit every state. They’ll all have to look at it.”

Orders are orders, and must be obeyed, after all.

The architect of [Tasmania’s] VAD laws, upper house MP Mike Gaffney… said all medical students in Belgium completed VAD training.

When you’re trying to argue that doctor-assisted suicide isn’t a slippery slope, using Belgium as your poster boy probably isn’t the smartest idea.

Certainly the very people the death-enthusiasts want to do their killing for them, aren’t quite so keen.

Victorian emergency physician and former AMA national vice-president Stephen Parnis expressed “serious” concern about the “distressing” push.

“If the vast majority of the medical profession are unwilling to participate – which remains the case – then I think the zealots who push this like a craze need to think about why that might be, rather than think about involvement (of) people at the most junior stages of their careers,” Dr Parnis said.

“In the race to bring this to its availability, many people have I think suspended their ability to critically appraise this.”

The Australian

Like most people on a fashionable moral crusade, they’ve got their heads stuffed so far up their own arses with the conceit of their own moral irreproachability, it’s a wonder they don’t suffocate.

If only. We could call it voluntary death by self-asphyxiation.
