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Don’t Burn Bridges Before You Have Crossed Him

The BFD.

On the weekend Simon Bridges made a hilarious malaphor, an error in which two similar figures of speech are mashed together, on a Radio Station.

Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched + Don’t take people for granted = We don’t count our chickens for granted

The BFD. Count chickens for granted?…What? An example of Simglish

Here are some examples of malaphors:

We will cross that bridge when we get to it + Don’t burn your bridges = We will burn that bridge when we get to it

It isn’t rocket science + It’s not brain surgery = It’s not rocket surgery

Does a bear shit in the woods? + People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones + A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush = A bear in a glass house is worth two in the woods.

Does the Pope wear a funny hat? + Speak of the devil and he shall appear = Speak of the Pope and he shall appear.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones + We will cross that bridge when we get to it = People in glass bridges shouldn’t cross when they come to it.

Feel free to share your own malaphors in the comments below…
