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karl marx

You’ve got to hand it to Newshub, they aren’t even hiding their ideological driver anymore. Yesterday they published a glowing piece about how influential Karl Mark and his death cult ideology continue to be, without even mentioning his self-loathing of Jews and his hatred of coloured folk, let alone the millions upon millions of people killed at the hands of followers of that same evil ideology.

Only stupid people idolise that fool.

If he were such a genius, how did he manage to die an obscure, forgotten, penniless wreck, leeching off others like the parasitic bastard he always was? Basically, he died penniless after running out of other people’s money.

Let’s look at what he should be remembered for:

  • Communist regimes produced the greatest ideological carnage in human history, killing more than a hundred million people in the last century. While some apologists claim it is unfair to Marx to blame him, the seeds of tyranny were there from the start.
  • Marxist regimes felt entitled to inflict unlimited delusions on their victims – for the good of the people, or at least the proletariat. East Germans were told the Berlin Wall existed to keep fascists out – even though all the killings by border guards involved East Germans heading West.
  • Marxism promised a utopia, and that unsecured pledge sufficed to treat subjects like serfs bound to endlessly submit and obey. Anyone who tried to escape was treated as if they were stealing government property.
  • Communism is still often portrayed as morally superior to capitalism because it banishes greedy corporations poisoning people for profit. But East Bloc regimes became a vast graveyard for Mother Nature. Pollution was pervasive largely due to the deification of economic plans. As long as the factories roared and steel output rose, it didn’t matter if people and everything else were perishing.

Karl Marx’s legacy is death:

Estimates may vary, but communism is responsible for the deaths of up to 100 million people, perhaps more. From Josef Stalin’s “Great Purge” and the Holodomor to Mao Zedong’s famines to Pol Pot’s killing fields, the legacy of Marx is one of death. The authors of The Black Book of Communism estimate the deaths by country or region are as follows:

– Soviet Union: 20 million deaths

– North Korea: 2 million deaths

– Cambodia: 2 million deaths

– Vietnam: 1 million deaths

– Africa: 1.7 million deaths

– Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths

– Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths

– Latin America: 150,000 deaths


This is the best summary too:

Marx never intended for his doctrines to spur perpetual dread in hundreds of millions of victims. But it was criminally naive to expect happy results from any system that bestowed boundless power on rulers. On Marx’s birthday, never forget that a philosophy that begins by idealizing government will end by idealizing subjugation.

James Bovard, USA Today

He was a little arsehole, who should be dug up and his bones scattered to the four corners of the globe.

We certainly don’t need idiots like Christopher Pollard waxing lyrical about the evil toad at Newshub.

Karl Marx’s legacy is death.

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