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Don’t judge a book by its cover

Screen grab: Whaleoil

Why would an unbiased news organisation even ask this question? Surely the role of the media is to present unbiased reporting on all sides of an issue?  Well, okay, in some sort of an ideal world in a universe far, far, away.

‘Bishop’ Tamaki may not be the most palatable of people, but what if his Man-Up programme is actually making the difference they claim it is?

71% of people would rather not hear about policies that may break the cycle of dysfunctional families led or left by dysfunctional males.  Why?

Behind every breakdown in society is a broken family. Behind many broken families is a broken, dysfunctional man. Man Up has recognised that if we heal the man, we can heal our society, as “what walks in the fathers, runs in the children.”

Dysfunctional men are the root cause of many challenges we see in society today; whether it’s violence, anger, neglect or addiction to drugs, alcohol or pornography, men become unable to function well as partners, husbands and fathers because of these dysfunctions. Some dysfunctions were learnt from an early age, and others due to experiencing negative circumstances in life.

If a man is the problem, then a man is also the SOLUTION to restoring the family, and the community.
In Aotearoa, New Zealand, we record some of the highest statistics in crime, suicide, and prison inmates per capita amongst first world countries. Our prison population is increasing each year, requiring the government to spend more and more taxpayer money housing, incarcerating and rehabilitating dysfunctional men.

Our aim is to restore men to their true identity and become better fathers, husbands, spouses, business owners, employees and contributors to our society. Through Man Up, men make positive decisions to remain drug-free, alcohol-free, smoke-free, make a firm commitment to their partners and families, and become positive role-models by taking responsibility.


Surely it is worth reporting on and listening to the possibility?


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Public vs private innovation: the next time there is proposed legislation on the table to fund research and development, think twice about the history and the costs of state-funded innovation.

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