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Queer Ideas. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

The great philosopher of science, Karl Popper, started his academic life in psychology (having first worked in road construction, then as a cabinet maker). It was during his studies of psychology that Popper noticed something: for all its pretensions to being a ‘science’, psychology too often resembled a pseudoscience: most especially whenever reality contradicted their theories and psychologists resorted to ever-more improbably circumlocutions to prove that they were right all along.

Turning to political philosophy, he noted the same tendency in Marxists. Marxist theory was never wrong, no matter what reality appeared to say. The increasing misery of the proletariat under capitalism, for instance, was a Marxist dogma. When the proletariat under capitalism thrived, what was a Marxist to do? Throw out the theory? Of course not! All that material comfort wasn’t assuaging the misery of the proletariat: it was all just ‘false consciousness’. They only thought they were better off.

Marxists, and leftists generally, haven’t changed their habits one bit since.

Nowhere is this more obvious than in their masochistic devotion to bloodthirsty Islamo-fascism. Leftists who claim to hate ‘theocracy’ fetishise a religion where literal theocracy is a fundamental tenet. Feminists submit themselves to a religion that explicitly deems a woman half as valuable as the men whose property she remains.

And most mind-boggling of all, the ‘queers’ proclaim their undying devotion to savages who’d murder them, in the most gruesome ways imaginable, in a heartbeat.

Tell them that, though, and they’ll call you a racist. And, believe it or not, ‘homophobic’.

That’s right: it’s ‘homophobia’ to warn gay people about people so resolutely homophobic that they turn executing gay people into a public sport.

A Rutgers University professor said it is “homophobic” to point out that LGBT-identifying people face persecution in the Gaza Strip.

At Rutgers University in New Jersey on March 20, Maya Mikdashi, an associate Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers joined University of Illinois professor Nadine Naber for a discussion titled “Palestine is a Feminist and Queer Anti-Imperialist Abolition Struggle,” according to the Daily Mail.

No, it isn’t. It’s literally the opposite. Just ask Hamas: they’re not even pretending to be diametrically opposed to both feminism and faggotry. They’ve proven it amply by making a public spectacle of both murdering gay people and mass-raping women – and proudly broadcasting both to the world.

La-la-la-la, say the loony left.

During the event, Mikdashi commented: “So I’ve been at protests where I’m then told ‘don’t you know what Hamas would do to you, if you were in Palestine’. … We have to start naming this as homophobic. You cannot rehearse violence to queer people. It’s violent,” wrote the Daily Mail.

Nowhere near as violent as practising violence to queer people – which Hamas does without fail, and with the full-throated approval of the 90 per cent of Palestinians who regard homosexuality as a heinous crime.

What’s a Marxist to do? What they always do: spout a load of gibberish buzz-words and hope that nobody notices they’re talking absolute bollocks.

Naber also claimed Israelis have been guilty of raping Palestinian women since the founding of the Jewish State: “[I]ndeed the practices of rape and sexual assault that have been well-documented during the founding of Israel and continued today are not an exception or a secondary impact of colonial violence… [They] are part of the settler, colonial white-supremacist logics and practices of Israel that conflate colonized women with the land and nature and assume that therefore to dominate the land necessitates dominating Palestinian women’s bodies and their reproductive capacities from 1948 until today,” reported the Daily Mail.

None of that makes a lick of sense. Nor is it founded on anything resembling reality.

That doesn’t matter, of course: all that matters is that the marching morons of the left baa along in ovine agreement.

And the demonstrable fact that Israel is as ‘queer-friendly’ as ‘Palestine’ is to throw gay men from rooftops? So much so that Palestinian queers regularly flee Palestine for the safety of Israel.

Don’t believe yer lyin’ eyes.

Naber has previously argued that Israel “pinkwashes” itself to improve its image, claiming in a 2021 Truthout op-ed: “Pinkwashing is a … strategy that Israel deploys to distract attention away from its oppression of Palestinians in the face of a growing international Palestinian solidarity movement. AlQaws activists, centering the experiences of queer Palestinians, describe pinkwashing as an international propaganda effort that aims to rebrand Israel as a liberated ‘modern’ and therefore ‘gay-friendly’ state compared with what it portrays as hyper-homophobic ‘Palestinian-Arab-Muslim culture.’”

Campus Reform

Just ignore all the murderous hyper-homophobia in Palestine and the rest of the Arab world. It doesn’t exist, because the theory says so.
